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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 208
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198-Between Her Legs

Author's POV:

Two Days Ago:

The entire pack suffered after hearing about Helel and his betrayal. Where some of them considered

Helel's death as justice being served, many thought he should have been fed to the same weredragon

to learn a lesson.

Things were finally back to normal after a month had passed. However, for some, things have taken an

even darker turn.

'Spread your legs wide; Mykel told Reign as he got between her legs with an iron rod in his hand.

'Are you sure we are not making a mistake?- she asked hesitantly. Once he does this to her, there will

be no turning away from it.

‘Reign!’ Mykel sighed and got up from between her legs and put the rod aside, if you are not one

hundred percent certain, we shouldn't do it." He shook his head at the idea.

T mean, I want to do this, but branding me seems a little too far," Reign clung her legs together and

pouted at him, expecting him to understand.

‘Okay!" he understood. "You are not ready for it then,' he said and made her jump up from the seat,

pulling her shorts up and approaching him in haste.

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’No! That's not what I meant. It is just the pain the branding will cause." She didn't want to upset him,

as it seemed like he was the only one who had given her hope until now.

‘Reign! I don't want to force you into anything. If you are not ready, you should go." He said as he

started putting the stuff into his bag.

'You know what? brand me!" she gave up, smiling and approaching the chair again.

'Reign! It is not about just branding you. It is about a mission. If you cannot be ready for this, then I

don't think you are ready for anything else. Just please go home and try to find other ways to entertain

yourself." He sounded annoyed when responding to her.

He had spent months preparing her to be someone like him. but the fact that she got scared of

branding made it clear she wasn't ready at all.

’It is just a brand mark on my inner thigh, right? Just do it." She was still not ready to be branded with a

weird-looking symbol, but she was doing it for him.

He had one too. She had seen it many times.

’I am telling you, you are not ready," he sighed exhaustedly, getting annoyed with her constant


'We will help you with your abilities, okay?" he said as he grabbed his stuff to leave. 'Come on, I will

drop you home," he said, pausing when he noticed she wasn't following him. The two were staying at a

cabin in the woods when all this took place.

‘I will go home by myself. I want to shift and run around for a while," she excused, feeling like a failure

for not living up to his expectations.

'Are you sure? I heard they found a dead body in the fields from across the woods." Mykel refused to

leave her behind, but Reign wanted this time for herself.

‘I will be fine. I will not go that far." She forced a smile onto her lips to reassure him that she would be


'Okay! Give me a call when you transition back into human form." He reluctantly got into the car and

started driving away.

'What is she doing? I don't know why I am leaving her behind and not dragging her home safely," he

grunted to himself, but the idea of forcing her into anything wasn't something he was ready for. He

wanted her to make her own decisions.

Reign, however, never planned to transition. She had a white wolf, the kind that would catch everyone's

eye. So she started walking around aimlessly and even left the woods to find solace elsewhere. While

reaching the fields, she stood there for a second.

‘I heard they shunned Beatrice, and she lives here now,’ she spoke to herself, remembering how she

and Beatrice connected at their first meeting.

'I hope she is doing fme,‘ Reign uttered, and the moment she turned around, she felt a hand reach for

her and pull her into the field.

’Arhhh!" Her scream couldn't go outside the field. The monster turned her around and forced herdown

onto the ground.

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'What the fuck are y—" Reign panicked at the long teeth and claws of the scaly monster. He was a

wolf, but most of his fur was replaced with scales. He clawed her in the back and ripped her clothes

open. The pain was so great that Reign could barely look around and find a way to escape.

He was so scary that she couldn't focus on fighting back. He pinned her down, wrapped his rough,

scaly fingers around her neck, and started choking her.

'N—," she said, struggling to fight until she closed her eyes and let her wolf take over. The instant her

eyes opened, the monster gasped and loosened his fingers around her neck.

'Let me go!' Her eyes shone white, and in those few seconds, he stepped back and listened to her.

Reign crawled away, but her powers could only hold him back for a few seconds. He lunged back at

her, but she was already out of the field.

He ran his hand out and held her foot, dragging her inside when she clung to the tree on the side and

started screaming at the top of her lungs.

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed loudly, and before her nails turned into claws, she scratched

the monster into letting her go. Once she was set free, she stormed in the opposite direction, reaching

for the road and coming directly in the way of a fast-driving vehicle.

The driver hit the brakes before he could hit her and rushed out of the car to yell at whoever wished to

be run over by his car.

'Don—," Maddox stopped when he realized it was not a stranger or a rogue, but Reign. Once she saw

him, she knew she had been saved.