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Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 80
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80 Day two of Tournament


I lay amid beautiful flowers, and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue and purple. I knew I was in

dreamland. I wore a

flowing white dress, and I was pleased.

I was in a lavender and jasmine flower field, and I wasn’t alone. I looked ahead, and Sylvester was

sitting on the green grass with his back to me.

I went to where he was and hugged him from behind, but then the clouds became dark, and the plants

died. Heavy rain

began to fall, and suddenly he was over a cliff, and I was holding his hand, trying to pull me up.

“Don’t let me go,” he said with fear in his eyes, and they went dark.

“I can’t,” I said and woke up panting.

I looked at the window. The sun was yet

to come up, but it was four in the


Sylvester was sleeping peacefully beside me, and I realised I had had a bad dream.

Vivid dreams were part of the listed pregnancy symptoms, so I rubbed my belly and smiled.

Sylvester and I had crossed the biggest hurdle that could pull us apart, and we had survived. I knew

nothing could come. between us. My mind was just replaying

an old fear.

I kissed his cheek, and a strong need to

sink my teeth into his sweet spot came

over me as his Cedar scent engulfed me. I felt an overwhelming need to strengthen

the bond between us. I felt the cord

joining us, and it felt stronger than it did yesterday.

Sylvester pulled me close, and I let him. I

drifted back to sleep in his arms.

He woke me up in the morning.

I opened my eyes, and Sylvester was leaning over me with a broad smile.

“Good morning, darling,” He said and kissed the tip of my nose.

I pulled him close until he was resting on


He moved down and placed his head on my bosom while I stroked his hair gently.

He touched my lower belly and rubbed gently. His hand felt so good against my skin that I moaned.

Then he reached between my legs with his hand, and I gave him access. I felt his index finger rub my

clit gently, and he rested on me while he did it.

It felt good. I stroked his head hair while he pleasured my clit.

He licked his finger and placed it back on my clit, building the pleasure. This was the best way to wake

anyone up.

I moaned, and I heard him growl.

“Sylvester… Ahhhhahhha,” I moaned gently, and he was pleased.

I felt the pleasure building until I came.

He slid his finger down my slit into my pussy, but there was no way it would fill me up the way I wanted.

“Sylvester, I need you to fill me up,” I moaned, feeling like I was out of this


“You have to be a little more specific, Tamia,” He told me, and I moaned as he caressed my entrance

with his thumb.

I had no shame at this point as his cedar scent filled me taking control of my

senses. All I wanted to do was mate with


“Fill me up with your cock,” I said, and he growled with approval.

He leaned over me, placed his hard length into me, and began pumping. Kaira took over from me, and

he pumped sweetly.

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I felt the pleasure building up in me when I looked at him and said

“Mate”, climaxing along with the word.

I felt an out-of-body experience while. my teeth elongated, wanting to claim my man. His eyes were

dark too, and his teeth were out. A serious turn-on for me, and he fucked me through my orgasm.

I came twice before he spilt into me with Knight saying Kaira’s exact words.


He fell on me and kissed me.

“I do not know why but I have been

feeling the need to claim you since the night I rejected Susan,” He confessed, and the feeling was the


“I have battled it, but I know I will lose

the battle soon because it is

overwhelming,” he said as I stroked his


“Should we try it?” I asked, and he rolled off me and looked at me from the side.

“It will be an ugly scar if we do not do it on the blue moon,” he said, and I was quiet, not wanting to


“Come on, let us shower. Your game is by eleven this morning. I noticed you are

pairing up with Katya while Avery is

pairing up with Linda,” he said, and I nodded.

We did not want to play one-on-one, so we chose to play the double team. I just

hope we would score fourteen points and win. I would not want to try another sport.

Sylvester led me to the bathroom, and after we brushed our teeth, we went into the shower.

He kissed the side of my neck while standing behind me, gently squeezed my upper arm on both sides

and breathed me


“I swear your pussy feels so damn good, Tamia. Thinking of it just made me want to bury myself in you.

I am addicted to you.” He confessed, and his words gave me tingles.

I did not know he was serious until he hoisted me against the bathroom wall and took me again. When

we finished, we exited the shower to get dressed for the day.

“Your game against The Eastern Beasts is this evening; how do Theo and Marcel

feel about it?” I asked him as we dressed


“Excited, but they hope they beat them quickly so they would have no choice but to play Rugby next

week and then get to pounce on them and beat them some more.” He said, and I laughed.

“How will you do the rugby team? It wasn’t part of your preparations,” I asked, wondering how they

would come up with a last-minute team, and he laughed.

“Who said we would do that? Theo already spoke to the Northern Bulls, so we will just replace three

members in the actual game; they know our intentions, and they plan to humour us,” he said, and I

laughed, amazed at how

determined they were to have fun with Kyle and Max.

“Before I forget, do you know much about

Ramsey Richford?” He asked, and I hated that name because he was the one who forced his daughter

into our home.

“Other than the fact that he was the douchebag alpha that threatened to go to war with Leo if he did not

accept Amanda, I know nothing serious,” I said, and he nodded.

“Why did you ask?” I asked him, and he sighed.

“He was linked to the attack that caused

me to attack the east,” he said, and I gasped.

“That bastard,” I said in anger.

“We are investigating him. Does he have

any other daughter or a sister?” He

asked, and I frowned.

“None, He has a niece that lives with him,

but Amanda is the only princess in his castle,” I said, and he nodded.

“I want you to be a part of this

investigation, and it also means you will interact with Leo. Do you think you can do that?” He asked me,

and I searched his

eyes to see if he was serious or if it was a


“I trust you, Tamia. Leo can’t take you

from me. You are mine,” he said confidently, and his wolf flashed. I nodded, accepting the task, and he

thanked me.

I wore white pants and a black polo t-

shirt with Sylvester’s family name and

crest on the back and Northern Beasts on

the front. Same as Sylvester’s polo team.

The back read Volkov instead of Albert or

Riverstorm because I already saw myself

as a Volkov.

I packed my hair in a ponytail and wore a

black face cap with the Volkov family

crest. Then I hooked my gloves to my

pants. I would use it to hold the croquet mallet when the time comes. I hoped they gave us mallets with

square ends and not

round ends. I wore white sneakers to

finish the look.

Sylvester dressed the same way; only he

wore white-fitted trousers. He wore

sneakers. He would wear his boots when

the time came for the game. We looked good together, and we went downstairs to

have breakfast and go.

Avery looked exquisite. Her shirt had Sidorov on the back with their family

crest, while Linda had Orlov on the back with the family crest. We were given

Royal bands the previous day, so we wore

them on our wrists.

We ate quickly and left in a hurry.

We arrived there and took the cart to the

croquet garden.

Katya was already there in her uniform,

and she looked good. She rushed to hug me when she saw me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

Lily was there, too. I wasn’t bothered because she was serving

a purpose.

I did not look at her, but Linda interacted with her to avert suspicion, if any.

It was time for the game to start.

“This morning, The Northern Beasts team, consisting of Lady Tamia Volkov and her teammate Katya

Nowak will be starting the game, playing against Western Butterflies Luna Ashley McCain and Luna

Alexandria Russel, first to make fourteen points win. 1

The northern Beasts control the Blue and

black balls, while The Western Butterflies have the Red and Yellow Balls. The Northern Beasts would

go first,” The commentator said, and people cheered.

I looked at the booth where Sylvester was

sitting, Stephanie and Dominic were there, and they all waved at me. 1

The game was easy as Katya and I could pass the balls through the six hoops in the right order and hit

the central peg, and we won.

Two matches were played before Linda and Avery’s team. They won too, and we were excited.

We went to join Sylvester, and I asked the very reluctant Katya to join me. Sylvester hugged me when I

joined him, and Katya greeted everyone politely.

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“Where are you from, young Lady?” Stephanie asked her, and she was shy.

“She is in Marcel’s Harem,” I said, and

Stephanie looked at me. (1

“How come I have never seen her?”

Dominic said, and I laughed.

“She is a bookworm, and she is in her room most of the time except the few

times we socialise in the garden,” I said

and smiled at her.

There was a look of approval in

Stephanie’s eyes, and she was made to sit

with us.

I wondered where Glenda was, but I did

not ask. I believed her absence was for the


We sat to watch the other games. Sylvester’s polo match would not start

until the evening, so we had a lot of time

on our hands.

There was a comfortable booth reserved

for us at every sports section, and looking

at the contents of the booth that we were

in, Sylvester made sure it was equipped

with food.

“Luna, someone just made contact with

me,” I heard Lily’s voice in my head, and

I was alert, a

“Do you know who the person is?” I

asked, and she wasted a bit before.

answering me.

“Luna Gezel of Grizlo,” She said, and I

wondered who the fuck that was.

“What does she want?” I asked her.

“The usual stamps, and she wants me to place a tracker on Lord Volkov’s phone. She said something

about us moving quickly so we could rescue Sofia Malek. I think they are planning an attack,” She

said, and I did not know what to say.

“Continue what you are doing. We will discuss extensively after.” I linked her,

and she was silent.

I linked Sylvester with what Lily told me;

he was a little worried.

I did not know why and could not wait until we got home, so I asked him to link me with the reason.

“Luna Gezel is a Sidorov,” he said, and I knew the implication of the Sidorov

family being tied to treason. It would be bad for Marcel. We needed to deal with it quietly if it was true.

“I am sure it is a set-up,” I linked Sylvester, and he rubbed my back.

“We will deal with it when we get home. We have to act normal and not tell our friends yet. I want to

speak to Marcel

about it before we proceed,” he said. I obeyed and remained silent.

We spent the day watching sports, eating and having fun. I did not see anyone I

knew. Not Devin, Not Leo or the men that

Theo and Marcel were planning on

dealing with. Yet I knew they were

around. I knew I would see them when

the time of the game came. I brushed off what I had learned about Gezel and

focused on the match that was to come.

Soon it was time for the Northern Beasts

to face the Eastern Beasts. It was a match

to watch.