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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1792
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Chapter 1792 Justin hadn't exaggerated-in around fifteen minutes, he had hacked Stefan's account and gotten his IP address. "It seems he's at..." Justin pointed at the address on the lingering screen and his eyes widened in disbelief. "Your house?" "Yeah, that's my house!" Renee stared at the familiar address, not sure whether to laugh or cry. She had searched in so many places and met so many people, almost turning the whole city upside down to find him... but he had been at hall this time. It seems he still felt the responsibility to go home, but it was still unkind of him to not show himself when he knew Renee had been going mad trying to find him.

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"Is he out of his mind? He's not a kid anymore, so why is he playing hide-and-seek with you?" Justin asked helplessly. Justin was a straightforward person, and wasn't very romantic or flirtatious, but... how could Stefan hide in Everheart Manor and not contact Phoenix, knowing she had been searching so frantically for him? The man had to be crazy.

"You care so much about him, so I thought he was good, but now it seems that I was wrong. He's not better thanat all, so why are you so obsessed with him?" Justin scoffed.

"Yeah, I want to know why too." Renee smiled bitterly, wondering why she had stupidly done so much to find him. "He's still alive and keeping an eye on me, so that means he did savewhen I fell into the sea. I guess... he's nearby then." Renee sighed, then called out for Jeffrey.

Jeffrey had been waiting outside the ward, and had heard everything Justin and Renee had said. He had even seen Renee threaten to kill Justin, and his admiration for her grew when he discovered that his gentle goddess had a violent side to her. He quickly walked into the ward when he heard Renee call for him. "Renee... What can I do for you?" Jeffrey clenched his fists and asked Renee carefully.

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"I assyou overheard everything that happened earlier, and how Justin can find people online. So..." Renee paused, then continued firmly, "Be honest with me-who really savedfrom drowning? If you lie to me, I'll stop talking to you."

"I..." Jeffrey's hands trembled, and he thought hard about what to do. Finally, he obediently revealed the truth. "The person who saved you Wasla very handsman. By the twe got to the beach, he'd already dragged you to shore and given you CPR. You'd already started breathing normally,

then he cwith US when we rushed you to the nearest hospital..." e "I knew" X