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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1777
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Chapter 1777 "Mom, don't say that..." Jeffrey frowned and looked embarrassed. "You make it sound like I'm an idiot. I'm not that weak. | choose to stay here to take care of you both and help you. If | go out to make a living, I'm sure | can adapt to it." Jeffrey didn't want Renee to regard him as a useless idiot, so he quickly tried to defend himself.

"Well, have you been away from the village or to the city? Do you know how to fly on a plane, ride a train, or use the subway? What can you do other than fishing?" Ava didn't realize Jeffrey was trying to impress Renee, and was upset that her obedient son was opposing her.

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"I... I don't, but | can learn. You both didn't allowto go out of the village because you didn't wantto meet bad people. You both are the ones who didn't givea chance to see the world!" Jeffrey protested stubbornly, rebelling against his parents for the first time.

Renee hurriedly tried to mediate the situation when she noticed that they were about to get into a fight. "Calm down. Mrs. Joyner, you're worried that people will bully Jeffrey out there, and Jeffrey, you want to go out and prove yourself. It's very easy to resolve..." Renee looked at Ava and suggested, "Mrs. Joyner, why don't you let Jeffrey leave the village and make a living out there? He's still young, and there are many opportunities for him.

If he goes out and sees the world, he might beca better person." Ava pursed her lips and sighed. "My son is uncultured. He's just a bit handsome. What could he possibly do out there? If he goes to the city, he can only lay bricks or carry trays. He'd better stay hto fish. The sea is where he belongs." "You can't say that." Renee looked at Jeffrey's nice figure and added, "I think he can try the entertainment circle given his good looks and temperament. Do you know Diego Jensen? He's a kid from Janeria, and he's doing very well now." Renee felt that Jeffrey's simplicity resembled Diego's, but he was more handsthan him. If a reliable company worked hard to dress Jeffrey up, he would have a bright future.

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"Ren, you're being too nice..." Ava waved her hand dismissively. "He can't join the entertainment field. We don't have any connections, so if he goes there, he'll be preyed on. Plus, he's naive. I'm afraid he's not suited for the field ."I'll be his connection!" Renee admired Jeffrey sincerely. She asked him," Jeffrey, what do you think?" "I..." Jeffrey clenched his fists.

"| love the sea, but... if it's possible, | want to see a world other than the sea. | don't want to be filthy rich, I just want to see the world.” He was uninterested in being a star, but he felt that he might get closer to Renee if he chose that path and she supported him. He would leave the sea he knew and loved as long as he could be closer to her.

"It's a deal. I'll take you out of the village and let you see the world , Renee promised quickly .. "I'll find a good way out for you."