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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1762
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Chapter 1762 "If you're Renee, you're the one I'm looking for. Come with me!" The man said coldly.

Renee turned around and saw a large man with a ferocious scar on his face.

He looked like a powerful gangster with influence, and she didn't know what he wanted with her. "Why should I listen to you? Do I look that obedient?" Renee held an umbrella and stood there stubbornly, looking like a young woman who was difficult to handle. €® The man got closer, fished out a flick knife, and held it out. "Will you be obedient if I use this?" "A weapon? What a fierce person...

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Unfortunately, you bumped into

someone like me, who's good at punishing fierce people!" After that, Renee tossed her umbrella aside and faced the man confidently. "I can go with you, but first, you need to tell me who you are, where you're taking me, and why you're doing this." "You'll know once we get there..." The man became impatient, and waved the sharp knife at Renee. "If you don't cooperate, I'm going to hurt you." "You're going to hurt me?" Renee sneered. "Show me what you're capable of then." She was once a part of the underworld, and though she had left that life behind long ago, she had never been a weak woman who was at others' mercy. If he didn't understand that, she would have to make him.

"How could you..." The man gaped at

Renee. He had been a gangster for many years, but he had never met someone like Renee. Helpless,he stomped his feet furiously. "I'm not messing around! Don't force me to make a move—I'll do it!" He twirled the knife exaggeratedly, but seemed to be too timid to actually hurt Renee.

"T know that you're under orders to do this. You don't really hold a grudge against me, right?" Renee crossed her arms and watched the man calmly.

The man was stunned. "How... How did you know?" t's obvious that you're just waving that knife around for show to scare me.

No person would do sucha thing out of boredom... Am I right?" Renee slowly approached the man and asked. "Why don't we make a deal? You tell me who

asked you to do this, and I'll keep up the act and cooperate with you. How's that?" "Are... you telling the truth?" The man hesitated, but then shook his head quickly. "No, I'm not under anyone's orders. I just want to... rob you." "Mm, it looks like your boss is very powerful. You're too frightened to expose him..." Renee's curiosity grew.

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She sighed, then held her hands out.

"You might as well tie me up then." It seemed like cooperating was the only way to make the man's boss appear.

"It's your wish, lady, I'm going to tie you up now." The man put away his knife and fished out a rope from his bag, then asked politely, "Will this rope do? Is it too thick?"

"It's okay. Kidnappers usually use ropes of this quality," Renee glanced at it and answered calmly.

"You know what? Do it on your own then. Or, do you need me to do it?" "You do it. After all, I'll be able to free myself no matter how you tie me up n