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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1756
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Chapter 1756 After thinking about it for a long time, Renee decided to meet Timothy. She heard that he was ill and had wanted to visit him, but hadn't because of her messy situation. However, the information she had gotten from Justin might be related to Stefan, so she had to go. All she cared about at that moment was Stefan-she wanted to know where he was, and most importantly, if he was still alive.

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"Justin, I'm sorry for troubling you. | mistook you for Stefan and made a scene... I'll compensate you for whatever | destroyed here, and | really hope the casino does well." Renee apologized to Justin with her hands together, then got up to leave. 1 "Where are you going?" Justin stood up and asked worriedly.

"I'm going to look for him!" Renee smiled sadly. "Honestly, | feel like a kid looking for her mother. | don't have a plan but I'll try to get information from whoever | can meet." She had already gone to Briar, Jovan, and Justin to find Stefan; Next on her list was Timothy. Eventually, she had to find Stefan.

"You don't look well, and it's still raining. Letgive you a ride." Justin felt sorry for Renee, but also felt that she had changed a lot. She was no longer as strong and aggressive as before, and had somehow becanxious and timid. It inevitably made him want to protect her.

Renee looked out of the window and realized that it was raining heavily, so she agreed. "Okay." Justin was from the Baldwin family, so Timothy might be willing to tell her the truth if Justin was there.

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After they made up their mind, they went to the underground garage together. Justin drove to Hunt Manor in the heavy rain.

"Ah, the young miss-" When the butler saw Renee, he was very surprised.

He stopped, then quickly corrected himself. "Ms. Everheart, what a great honor! Cin. The weather is quite bad today." The butler held an umbrella and welcomed Renee and Justin into the manor. 3 "Mr. West, I'm here to see Old Mr. Hunt. Is he okay?" Renee asked politely.

"He's okay because his illness is more controlled now, but he's been asking for you a lot lately," Asher West answered honestly.

"Then, can you taketo him?" "Sure. Old Mr. Hunt will be very glad to see you." Asher wanted to lead Renee to Timothy's bedroom, but Renee realized that Justin had remained where he was.

"Aren't you coming with me, Justin?" Justin shrugged. "I'll wait for you here. I'm afraid of him seeing me, the grandson of his enemy. It might make him feel bad." "Okay." Renee nodded. She also felt that they shouldn't rile up Timothy since his health wasn't good and the relationship between him and the Baldwins was still unknown. Taking a deep breath, she followed Asher to Timothy's bedroom.