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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1742
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Chapter 1742 Jovan took Renee to a nearby restaurant selling Jamerian food. "This restaurant's food isn't too oily or spicy, which is better for you since your wounds are recovering." While talking, he awkwardly arranged the silverware, and tentatively handed the restaurant's signature dessert to Renee.

After such a long day, Renee was starving. She picked up the dessert with her bare hands and started devouring it. "Hey, it tastes pretty good." She generally disliked Jamerian food, especially raw meat. She felt like her brain would get infested by parasites if she ate that kind of food, but sometimes when people were really hungry, it was easy to overlook such things.

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Jovan smiled as he watched her enjoy the meal, and took out his phone to record the moment. "You must really be starving." "Why are you taking photos?" Renee wiped her hands clean and tried to grab Jovan's phone. They behaved childishly, but looked like a couple being playful and sweet.

Unexpectedly, a waiter there snapped a photo of them. "Hello, everyone! Today's the anniversary of our restaurant, so we'll randomly pick a couple as the lucky winners to enjoy free food from our restaurant for a year." The waiter walked over and enthusiastically handed Jovan and Renee the Polaroid he had just taken. "This photo is for the both of you. You both make a lovely couple!" "What? We're not-" Renee started anxiously but Jovan quickly covered her mouth.

"Thank you for this gift. | hope your restaurant gets a lot of business in the future.” Jovan let go of Renee's mouth once the waiter had left.

"Jovan, don't push your luck! We're not a couple. Technically speaking, I'm your sister-in-law. Don't you have any boundaries?" Renee snapped at Jovan.

However, Jovan cherished that Polaroid, putting it in his phone case carefully. He smiled and said, "Didn't you hear that we'll get free food for a year? Only fools wouldn't accept such a great deal. You're too stubborn. Just eat if you're hungry, you don't have to like the food." Renee was no fool-she understood the underlying meaning in his words. She quietly sat down and wiped her mouth with tissue.

"I'm afraid I'll get diarrhea if | eat food I hate." "How do you know that you'd get diarrhea if you haven't even tried it?" "I feel like I'm going to get it. My belly’s started acting funny." Renee stood up. "I'm full anyways. Thank you for your invitation, but I think it's best we not see each other again. I... hate changing my taste." Jovan raised a brow and laughed bitterly. "Great. You're turning me down again.” But he was used to it by now, and even felt it made their relationship interesting.

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Renee made no reply and burped.

Then, she pulled her chair out and.

wanted to levave.

Slowly, Jovan ate the raw meat and said weal My subordinate got some news about Stefan."

Renee froze for a moment, then [1 turned around and demanded, "Are you keeping me hanging on purpose ? My subordinate said he's been seen in an underground casino.

How disappointing... He didn't inherit 9 a q q f his family's large business and didn't come back when he knew that his wife was waiting for him. Why is he : f I gambling instead?" Jovan teased, f 3 and Renee couldn't tell if he was joking or not.