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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1738
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Chapter 1738 "Of course, it's..." Briar wanted to tell her the truth, but changed her mind when she saw how much Renee cared about it. "Didn't you say you weren't interested in others" business? That was my intimate moment with Stefan, so why are you asking so much about it?" "Of course it's important to me! Now cut the crap, | don't have the time to listen to your nonsense!" Renee grabbed Briar's collar and demanded fiercely, "When did you take those photos?" "What's this? Do you want to hit me? Am | obligated to tell you what happened?" Briar wasn't afraid of Renee's threat, and scoffed, "This is Hunt Enterprise, and I'm a shareholder and a member of the board of directors here. How dare you come to my territory and try to rough me up? That's pretty arrogant of you." "Arrogant?" Renee sneered. "You haven't seen the worst of it." Then, she opened the lid on her cup of milk tea and poured the sticky liquid on Briar's head.

"Ah, you... What are you doing?!" Briar didn't expect Renee to behave like that, and shrieked agitatedly. The milk tea had ruined Briar's meticulously styled hair and dirtied the elegant outfit she was wearing. There were even some tapioca pearls stuck to her face. She looked very miserable.

Renee grabbed Briar's hair. "Can you tell me now when you took those photos?" "Renee, you're out of your mind! Let go of me..." Briar was a difficult person, and refused to yield when she saw how much Renee cared about the pictures. She screamed, "Security, come and take this crazy woman away! Help me call the cops. | want to see her in jail!" However, the security guards standing at the door just looked at each other in dismay. They had been about to help Briar, but an order had come from their walkie-talkies saying not to. Hence, no one dared to help her regardless of how much she screamed.

"You're not going to tell, are you?" Renee fished out her phone and aimed the camera at Briar's face. "I'l start a live show and expose all of your nasty deeds. After all, both of US aren't afraid of death, so we can die together!" Briar held her head in fear when Renee said that, and collapsed to the ground. "Fine... I'l tell you!"

Renee turned off the camera and said coldly, "You should have agreed earlier.She put away her phone and handed a tissue to Briar.

Briar accepted it, gritting her teeth as she wiped her face and hair. "You're so curious... Don't you want to know if Stefan is still alive?" Briar wiped the liquid on her face and stared at Renee coldly. "If | were you, | would have given up on him ages agao.After all he didn't take you seriously after what he'd done to you." 1 "Whether | give up or not is none of your business. You just need to tell me when you took those photos." "l took those photos a month ago. | remembered that you guys looked lovey-dovey, but the relationship was unhealthy. You couldn't satisfy Stefan, so he came to me instead." Briar purposely twisted the facts because she knew it would hurt Renee. She could always hurt Renee with Stefan regardless of how strong Renee was.