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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

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26. Jasper

Rueben’s eyes have a permanent red glow to them now, telling us he is close to being consumed by his demon. |

have been a Lord all my life but | never encountered one to lose the battle at only twenty-five. The death of his

sister hit him so hard, that he doesn’t care if he is giving in to the dark whisper. The only reason he is still holding

on is because he wants to destroy Camila’s killer before he lets his demon conshim. There are so many

scars on his soul, I don’t think he will ever heal.

1 take Miss Teapot to her basket, arrange her blanket, and make sure she has food before | wash my hands and

join the others.

“This kimchi is amazing. Tyson moans as he puts more kimchi on his plate. “Can | have swhile | finish

editing my latest book?”

“More porn for your fans?” Rueben mocks Tyson.

Tyson points with his chopsticks at Rueben. “It may be porn, but it’s fairy porn and chicks love it, especially when

guys get frisky as well.”

Rueben furrows his brow. He is not one to read and doesn’t get why chicks, as he and Tyson usually refer to

women, love books.

“So, what's the plan for today?” | ask as | put food on my plate. | am not a big fan of spicy things, but Mose puts

so much spice in everything, my tongue is numb by now.

“Ansel and | have a quick gig we have to do. After we return we will have our traditional Christmas Eve dinner,”

Rueben says.

Christmas Eve. | didn’t even realize we were on the 24th already. My eyes go to the sixth seat at the table, the

one that is destined for our Lady, but | do doubt we will let her sit in it as it is custom for the Lords to cater to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

their bonded needs. Our Lady, whoever she is, she will be treated like a princess by us.

The house I initially built was too small for a large family, as we want at least three kids, so we built a second

one- with a big Lair-with more than enough rooms for everyone and kept the small one as a guest house.

Rueben is still hesitant when it comes to finding a Lady, so the Lair remains empty, as we use the ground floor.



“I will have to do sshopping, stop by the restaurant before I finish preparations for tonight,” Mose lets us


Tyson puts

more kimchi on his plate. “I will be in my office until dinner is ready.”


One by one, the guys leave to do their thing and | clean up after everyone. Once that is done, | check on the

animals, and let them outside for a few hours. | even try to convince Speckles to go out in the paddock but she

refuses to go out of her stall.

At noon | make lunch for Tyson and I, who is so engrossed in his editing he doesn’t even noticetaking his

empty mugs of coffee and restocking his supply of kimchi. Sometlater he comes out of his office, and he

joinson the couch. Taking the beer from my hand, he says, “What did you get Rueben this year?” before

taking a sip from the bottle. He is still not wearing a shirt, and his muscles flex as he moves.


26. Jasper

My love language is giving people gifts. Despitenot working, | have scash in a bank account, from when

| was working as a mercenary with Samir and lago. | turn off the TV and grab my phone from the coffee table.

Opening an| am not supposed to have, | reply, “A night he won't forget anytsoon.”

| give Tyson my phone and wait patiently while he reads the information. His eyebrows raise more and more, and

event the Rock will be envious of him.

“You are in contact with Malaky?” he finally asks. | shrug. | met many people when | was still active and made

many connections. “He is a Duke.”

| pet Miss Teacup who is curled up in my lap. “I know. Tonight is not aboutand my thirst for revenge for what

had happened to Samir and lago,” and the family we almost had together, as we were planning on courting

someone, but | don’t say it out loud, “but about Rueben.” | furrow my brow. “My demon is concerned for him. If

he keeps up like this,

we will lose him.”

“So, this is your answer to Rueben giving in and allowing his demon to conshim? Hunting women at night

and fucking them?”

“Did | mention there is a possibility to keep the one we chose for us?”

Tyson glanced back at my phone. “Rueben will never agree to this madness.”

“Rueben goes to the Blood Lodge every day to fuck that new pornai, whatever her face is. You think he won't like

the thrill of chasing a woman and fuck her on the cold snow?”

“This...is not acceptable by the Elders,” Tyson tries to makesee reason but | have been thinking about it for a

long time. It is just the type of thing Rueben will like. Even if it is not right, if it means saving him, | won't mind

destroying an innocent woman in the process, even if the ultimate goal is to make her our Lady.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Do you think we are the only Lords taking part in the hunt? There are many blood-brothers who have yet to find

a Lady, and this is their last hope to find someone to anchor their souls to.”

“What will happen when the Elders find out?”

“They won't know. No one will know we will take part in the hunt. The women from tonight have been specially

selected by Malaky. Shave been born in Dukes or Lords’ homes but are estranged from their families.”




Tyson rubs his chin. “Let’s say we see someone we like, how do we get to keep her?”

| knew he would caround to my crazy idea. “Apart from the entry fee | already paid, we have to deposit five

grand in Malaky’s account.”

“Only five grand?” Tyson wonders.

“His dad is a senator, it is obvious he is not doing it for the cash.”

“Then why?” Tyson doesn’t get it.

| tap my temple with my finger! “Because he is sick in the head and will also take part in the hunt, armed with a

knife. Not all women will make it alive tonight.”


I don’t really give a shit about the women, only about the one that will pique Rueben’s interest.