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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chatper 123
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123 - Bought


You toldit’s all my fault.

Evil is sounding from my old sound system, the lyrics that | know so well preventfrom remembering the

past-at least during the day, as memories, like phantoms, creep into dreams through the night. | sleep only if |

am so exhausted | can barely keep my eyes open. Sometimes, the pain cripplesand | can barely get out of

bed and the only things that helpgo through daily motions are music, and drugs.

Today was one of those days when | wanted to stay in bed and watch the snow fall from the sky. Winter has

always been my favorite season, it remindsof other times, happier times, and of a pair of kind, turquoise


| even tried to tell Jason that | wasn’t feeling well, hoping he would leavealone, at least today, but a fist in

my stomach was a reminder that it is best to keep my mouth closed and do as my brother tells me.

After he left my room, | sat at my vanity desk, staring at my reflection for a few moments, remembering how

much |

hate myself.

My hand trembles and | take a steady breath before | apply the red lipstick. Ever since that awful night-when |

killed my best friend-I hate the color red, as the sight of it makesremember, but Jason forcesto use it

every day, claiming it is the color of whores-as he kindly remindsthat | am every single day-without a care

for the anxiety

it produces me.

Jason, five minutes older than me, has always treatedlike garbage. | don’t remember a day when he showed

wanted an only child-a son-andbeing a woman made him resenteven more. He is the epitof the

misogynistic male, his photo should be put in the dictionary next to the definition of the word. The only reason

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my mother is with my father is because she is just as cold-hearted as he is. Luckily, | don’t have to see them as

Jason hasliving in his apartment. Not that he is better than them, but at least he givesdrugs and alcohol.

I don’t know what deal he made with Carlos, but | am happy | am not at the Celestial Heaven anymore and

having to fuck men for hours daily. Not all of them were Dukes, as Carlos allowed normal men to use the porai in

the Celestial Heaven in exchange for their loyalty. At least with Jason | only have to take care of his friends. They

don’t hurt me-Bont that badly.


| look at my reflection in the mirror and try to conceal the dark circles under my eyes and add scolor to my

cheeks, but no matter how hard I try, anything | do isn’t good enough for Jason. He always dislikes what clothes |

wear at his ‘parties’ or the eyeshadow | use or how | walk or something | say and refuses to givedrugs until |

beg him in front of everyone, makingdo...things before | am even high.

The last t| upset him, he keptfocked in my room for two days, not caring that | was suffering from

withdrawal and vomiting even the water | drank./

The song starts for the fourth tand | rush to finish getting ready. Jason usually comes afterafter the song

been played five or six times. If | dare to make him wait, he will have his friends hurtmore than usual.


The day Jason gotfrom the Celestial Heaven was when Angelica escaped Carlos’ clutches. Carlos thought |


123 - Bought

something since she ran away minutes after Jason and 1 left. He cto Jason's apartment and for several

hours he torturedfor information, but | knew nothing. Even if | did, | wouldn't have told Carlos where

Angelica was. Not because we are friends, but she was one of the few people to comfortafter Camila...after

I...screwed up big time. She held my hand when | needed it most. Wherever Angelica is, | hope she is safe.

When Carlos finally gave up and left, | was covered in blood and bruises from head to toe. Even now, months

later, | still have bruises on my body, swere made by Jason, others by his friends, but the rest are from


When Jason enters my room, | am prepared for whatever he has in store for me.

Jason studies the short dress | put on. My gaze is on the floor, as he doesn’t like it when I look him in the eyes.

Not his or those of any other men. My only purpose is to please men not talk to them or gain their pity.

“Not bad. Maybe you are not as stupid as you look.” He grabs my left arm and looks at the marks made by the

needles | use to inject the drug into my system. “I would let you have your dose now but | am afraid Malaky

prefers it when

the women are alert.”


I know that name.

Malaky Jensen.

Just like my father, the great Senator Deymar, Malaky’s dad is also a senator, but in another state. From what |

heard, while | was on my knees, sucking cocks, Malaky just moved to Veross City. If what Jason's friends said is

true, then Malaky is just as cruel as Carlos.

Not wanting to service Malaky, | say, “I thought | only had to take care of your friends.”

| keep my tone low and calm, not wanting to anger Jason, but something triggers him as he grabs my braid and

forces.to look at him. | am lucky he doesn’t slapacross my eyes, as he usually does when | look at his

face. “What is your only purpose in life?” he sneers.

Averting his gaze, not wanting to anger him even more, | say, “To do as you tell me.”

“So why are you questioning me?” he demands to know.

Why did | have to open my mouth? Jason is right-I am stupid.

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“I am sorry,” my voice is barely a whisper.

“Do you wantto send you to jail for killing Camile?”




Despite knowing better, my gaze rushes to his face. His brown eyes-just a few shades darker than my whiskey

ones- are full of anger. “No,” | let him know.

“Do you know what they do to whores like you there?” He toldmany times, but even so, | shake my head.

“They beceveryone's bitch. So, unless you want to eat pussy for the rest of your life, don’t question me


Pussy eating might not be the worst thing in prison, but gangs of women are.

123 - Bought

Jason is the only reason | wasn’t arrested six years ago when Camila died because of me. He ‘savedfrom a


worse than death, only to sellas a pornal-a sex slave-to the Celestial Heaven, the place where the Dukes

gather every Sunday.

“I am not questioning you,” | say. “At least lethave my dose now. | need it.”

“You can have it when Malaky is done with you.”

Author's note:

This book will be darker than Shackled