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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 58
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58. Angel
A cruel grin spreads across his face, letting me know he enjoys teasing me. His mouth returns to my pus sy, his fingers to my as
s, and he pushes one inside me. Slick as it is with my juices, this time, it does not hurt. My pus sy feels empty, but not for long,
as he stops torturing my nipple to use both his hands where I most need thre
I am already on the edge, and when he expertly uses his tongue and mouth on me, his fingers in my as s and pus sy, I cu m all
over his face.
“Oh, my G od!” I grab fists of his hair, my hips jerk up, and he keeps licking me while I rub my pus sy over his mouth until my org
asm passes, and I let go of him
How many times did he do this to women to become so good at
He lifts his face and licks his lips. A phantom mask, like a dark shadow, appears across his face. Something beneath his skin
causes the angles of his face to be sharper, more pronounced. I should be scared, but I don’t have the energy to care. Whatever
Reyes in, he can have me. Maybe then the pain will go away. Maybe then I won’t feel so broken and hollow Maybe.

The mattress dip behind my head, and a pair of hands pull me against a cold, naked body.
monly from his touch.
It is strange that I recognize him
Alekos cups my breasts, and Reyes cats me out again. Not that I complain. It distracts me from my pain while it feels good.
“Do you see what you are doing to him?” Alekos says into my ear as he bugs and tweaks my very sensitive nipples, What am I
doing? “His demon came to the surface. It is the first time this has happened.” Does Reyes really have a demon irade him?
I want to, I can’t look away from Reyes. There is something mesmerizing about him. But...also scary. I should put an end to
whatever is happening, but being between these two mm feels... natural. Yet something is missing. But what? It didn’t feel like
that when Alekos had f ucked me.
What am I even thinking? There is something very, very wrong with me.
Aletos nibbles on my earlobe as his hands fondle my t its.

Am I really going to let Alekas and Reyes f uck me after what they did to me?
into my as s as he sucks my cl it. The tingles of a new org asm rise inside me. They can f uck me, alright, if they can make me
feel so good.
Reyes slips another finger into my

“Cu m for us again, Angel,” Alekos orders me.
y want with
Reyes f ucks my pus sy and as s with his fingers while he sucks my cl it hard. The pleasure is so intense I can’t think beyond it.
They can do whatever they me, and i would probably thank them once they were done with me.
F uck, f uck, f uck,” I swear as I come a second time.
Reyes lifts his head, his chin glistening with my release. “Absolutely delicious,” he says, before licking his fingers.
Liar! I want to call him out on his lie, but...I don’t care.
“Let me have a taste h o,” Alekos says
Reyes changes plates with Alekos. Both of them seem to have that strange phantom mask and their faces, and their eyes keep
flashing red. They are so alluring
“I don’t think I can take this anymore,” I whimper when Alekos kisses my pus sy.
My feet rest on his shoulders, and when I try to push him away, Alekos slaps the inside of my thighs. “Remember that bad girls
are purushed when misbehaving.” Alekos warns me.
Of course, he would like nothing more than to see me at his feet, crying out in pain, while he tortures me.
58. Angel
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