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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 100
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100. Angel
His gaze is on my face. “So beautiful,” he rasps before plunging his tongue inside my pus s y. He growls at my taste.
I bite my bottom lip, not wanting to moon for him. He does not deserve to know how much his touch affects me. His tongue darts
in and out of me before he attacks my cli t and licks and sucks it brutally. It feels so good. More than good. Divine. His tongue
goes back inside me, and I grab the counter’s edge as I get closer and closer to cu m ming all over his face.
My eyes never leave his gaze as he devours my passy. When I come, I bite my bottom lip so hard I can feel the coppery taste of
my blood.
He kisses the inside of my thighs before standing. “Next time, I want to hear you moan for me,” he says. His chin is wet with my c
um, and he licks his lips before leaning in, his mouth claiming mine. I try to push him away, but he enly breaks the kiss when I
am gasping for air.
“There won’t be a next tine,” I deny. “Letting you go down on me was a mistake”
He unzips his na
pants. “You can deny it if you want, but you enjoyed it as much as I did. Maybe more.”
He guides his hard section between my legs, and I place my palms against his abdomen as 1 look at his c ock. “Where are your
Grabbing my wrists, he moves my hands to his chest. My fingers trace a scar, and be hisses, letting me know he doesn’t like it or
maybe it causes him pain-and I
the the
tip of his co ck along my folds and cl it, making me inhale sharply.
“I don’t deserve them.” he replies as he runs
“Says who?” I ask as he positions himself at my entrance,

He is about to enter me when we hear the front door open. “Is that food that I molling?”

Stefan swears under his breath and gets nie down from the counter before fixing his pants. Rin enters the kitchen just as I pull
my skirt down.
“F ucking co ck blocker,” Stefan mutters.
I thought Stefan was a voyeur
Rin’s gaze darts from Stefan to me. “Did I interrupt something?”
“No,” I say at the same time Stefan growls, “Yes.”
“I can return later,” Rin offers.
“No need,” I say quickly.
I grab the bowl of cereal, a spoon, and the coffee and run back to my room. When the door is locked behind me, my legs give in.
I was about to let Stefan f uck me There is something seriously wrong with me
My laptop is in the living room, and I only have my phone to kill time until Reyes or Alekos return. I don’t think I will survive
another encounter with Stefan.
Rim and Stefan speak in low voices, but the house is small, and I can hear part of their conversation. I listen as they talk about
random things while I eat and finish the coffer. After, I play on my phone until I get bored and take a nap.
I hide in my rooms until I am hungry again. The house is quiet and has been like this since I woke from my nap. Happy that Rin
and Stefan left me alone, I make my way into the kitchen. After 1 grab a snack, I go to the living room.
Stefan is there, sitting on the couch, and the moment our eyes lock, he grabs me and pulls me in his lap.
“I need another sip of your heavenly taste,” he groans and has me lie on my 1
y back on the couch.
I try to wiggle my way out of his hold. “You need to stop with the love bombing. It’s not working!” I hiss at him.
His eyes glow red. “You either
use that mouth to moan my name, or you choke on my rock. That way, you won’t say stup id things anymore.”

“You can have Emily suck your c ock,” want to say, but that would be a low blow even for me.

He yanks my skirt up to my waist and smirks when he sees I haven’t put another pair of panties on. “So wet you are dripping on
the couch. Have you been thinking about how I almost f ucked you?” he asks as his finger circles my cl it, and my hips
involuntarily buck. “If not for Rin interrupting us, I would have filled you with my
cu m.”

“Let’s not lie to each other,” I say, desperately wanting to find a way out, not wanting to be in the same room with him anymore
because I am risking forgiving him.
So f ucking pathetic I am that a kiss and an or gasm has me wanting more? “We don’t like each other. You hate me. 1 hate you.”
kisses me until I am squirming beneath him. “One day, I will make you fall for me. Remember what I told you in the kitchen?”
How could I ever forget?
“No,” I lie.
“I think you remember each and every word. I will fock you until you stop hating me,” he says before kissing me again
For a guy who hates kissing, he sure enjoys it a little too much. Or maybe he never hated it to begin with, and he didn’t want to
kiss me because I wasn’t Emily
I bite his lip so hard he pulls back. “Why did you do that?” he yelps and cleans the blood with the back of his hand.
I get off the couch. “I don’t want to be your f ucking second choice! If I am going to be with someone, it is because he always
chooses me, not because he finds out the woman he always wanted never loved him!” I yell before going to the bedroom and
slamming the door.
I don’t get to lock it as Stefan kicks it open. His eyes are pure fry, and I hack away from him. Is he going to hurt me? When the
back of my knees hit the bed, I fall on it..
Stefan unbuckles his pants. “You need a good f ucking to understand that you are the first choice, always.”
“I might be thirsty, but I don’t want to drink poison.”
“I am not poison but the antidote,” he says as he climbs on top of me.
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