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Serve No One This Life

Chapter 297
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Chapter 297 Stop Pretending

“What do you mean? You need to cto the hospital today! Otherwise, I'll cause a scene at your school and

expose you as being a heartless person who wouldn't even save her own mother!” George was in trouble with

the police, so he was willing to go to extremes if he thought that it would benefit him.

“It's been a while since we last spoke, and it seems like you've beceven more shameless.” After Angela

finished speaking, she abruptly ended the call.

George hadn't expected Angela to have the audacity to hang up on him. He was on the verge of exploding in

rage! He tried calling Angela a few more times, but each time, she ended his call. Later on, he couldn't even

hear the dial tone on his end. It was as if he had been blocked!

“The audacity! How dare that brat block me!” George was fuming. He left the hospital in a rush and headed to

Angela’s residence. He knew Angela's address in Springgate Estates, but upon his arrival, Oliver intercepted him

at the gate.

With a stern expression, Oliver set down his meal and questioned George. “What's the matter?”

“I need to see Angela!” George was still seething, and his demeanor turned even more hostile after being

stopped by Oliver. “Mrs. Lawson does not wish to see you.” After Oliver spoke, he resumed his meal at the table

in the yard.

George was taken aback by the other man’s words. “I am Angela’s father! How dare she refuse to see me? Let

George was both frantic and irate, and he began to shout.

He didn’t seem to care about the potential ridicule or embarrassment he would face then. He simply demanded

to see Angela immediately.

“Shush!” Oliver eventually stood up and opened the gate. Just as George was about to enter the gate

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triumphantly, Oliver lifted him up and tossed him several meters away from the gate. “You can continue shouting

now.” George's face paled as he attempted to rise and grab Oliver. Yet, Oliver effortlessly threw him over his

shoulder and onto the ground.

“Ouch! Ouch! It hurts!” George lay on the ground, howling without any concern for his dignity. With no one else

around, he howled even louder. “Stop pretending. Why are you clutching your stomach? You fell on your

bottom!” Oliver found it rather amusing to watch the man howling on the ground.

George ceased holding his stomach. His bottom was indeed a bit sore, but he was too


embarrassed to clutch it. The fact that he was lying down on the ground and howling showed how desperate he

was-the police had practically cornered him into this. Since he was unable to swallow his pride and nurse his

bottom, George began to threaten Oliver once more. “You better bring Angela out! Otherwise, I'll make sure you

pay for today! Do you | won't call the police!?”


“Go ahead and call the police. 1 acted in self-defense, and there's surveillance here. Feel free to call the police.”

Oliver gestured to the surveillance camera on the roadside and then retreated into the yard. George's expression

darkened. He walked to the gate and started shouting once more.

“No one is going to ceven if you

Oliver couldn't be bothered at the shouting. The house has good soundproofing

point. He simply resumed his meal.

“You-!" George had no choice but to call James. James was surprised that George had personally gone to

Springgate Estates to look for Angela, and he didn’t understand why he had to call Angela to inform her. Despite

his confusion, he was too busy to delve into the reasons behind it. He only had tto give Angela a short call.

However, when James called Angela, the call went unanswered. His assistant alerted him of a meeting that he

had. He didn’t hesitate to proceed directly to the conference room, as he figured that Angela would return his

call after seeing his missed call.

Meanwhile, George continued shouting outside Springgate Estates even after telling James to give Angela a call.

After Oliver's harsh treatment, George made sure to keep sdistance. However, he continued to call out for

Angela and even started to curse.

Oliver told him that the house had good soundproofing, but he thought that someone would still hear him in the

end. But to his surprise, no one cdown to get him even after an hour. Didn't James notify Angela? He called

James again, and James, who had just finished a meeting, responded in a weary tone. “What how?”

James felt like no one in the family was reliable at that moment. George, in particular, was unreliable not only

because he abandoned the company, but also because he kept involving himself in embarrassing incidents in

public. “I asked you to call Angela. Did you tell her I'm downstairs?” George yelled at James in anger.

“I just finished a meeting, and | forgot to call her. Givea moment.” After saying that, James hung up and

called Angela.

Meanwhile, in Springgate Estates, Angela closed her book after reading for a while. She was feeling anxious over

the banquet that was happening the next day. Although she had only met Cassandra a few times, she couldn't

help but worry that she wouldn't measure up to someone as outstanding as Cassandra and that she wouldn't be

good enough for Jonathan



In an attempt to clear her mind, Angela decided to practice her acupuncture techniques. She had learned

medicine from her grandmother since she was young, and over the past decade, she had perfected her skill in

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the art of acupuncture. She diligently practiced day after day to achieve such skills.

Often, practicing needlework allowed her to calm her mind and focus solely on the tiny needles. It helped her to

block out distractions coming from the outside world. After half an hour of practice, Angela felt a thin layer of

sweat on her forehead. Immersed in her favorite and focused activity, her sense of frustration began to


After a quick wash-up. Angela noticed several missed calls on her phone. All the missed calls were from James,

so Angela returned the call. “Is everything okay?” Angela’s tone was not warm-she was just concerned that

there might be an issue with Zacharias. That was what prompted her to call back.

“Dad is looking for you. He's downstairs. Also, you should unblock his number.” George only cto bother

James because he couldn’t reach Angela on the phone. This was giving James a headache, and he wanted to find

ways to resolve things. During the hour when he couldn't reach Angela, George had called him seven or eight

times to urge him.

But what could he do? Angela seemed to have disappeared, and she wasn’t answering his calls. If Angela hadn't

called him back, he would have thought she had blocked him, too.

“What's with the attitude? Mr. Kins, are you orderingaround?” she snapped. As soon as ames heard Angela's

words, he knew something was wrong. He quickly tried to remedy the situation. “Please, for Jonathan's sake,

don’t argue with our dad. Just unblock his number.”


your dad, not mine.” Angela replied. She had drawn clear boundaries after leaving the Kins Family. She could still

recall vivid memories of how they had looked at and treated her. How can James choose to conveniently forget

such things? How can he say that George is ‘our dad?

Alright, he’s downstairs now. Just go meet him. He wants you to go to the hospital to see mom. | promise he

won't cause any trouble!” James uttered.

Tell him to wait, Angela said. George was downstairs, and he seemed to have waited for a while. She didn’t want

to be too cruel, so she reluctantly agreed. After receiving Angela's response, James immediately called George.