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See You Never, Mr. Lamont by Coral

Chatper 251
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Chapter 251 Meeting Up

He had served as a butler for the Fleming family for decades, deeply understanding the importance of the man in

front of him.

Although Magnus was an illegitimate child, the entire Fleming family was his in the future.

Magnus looked at the tall hotel building, squinted slightly, and fell into deep thought.

He had never thought that he would see Tristen again in his lifetime.


Claudia returned to the Johnson family and saw Horace.

He was having a great conversation with the Johnson family, especially Dalton, who seemed quite pleased with him.

Meanwhile, Arianna and Sienna sat nearby, listening intently.

From a distance, Claudia watched Horace speak eloquently, and as she thought about what Magnus had said, the

questions in her heart gradually magnified.

“Seraphina!” Horace stood up, walking over quickly with a smile.

Chapter 251 Meeting Up

“You finally came back. If you didn’t, Mr. Ferguson might have been so anxious that he’d call the police,” Arianna

joked, covering her mouth.

Claudia looked at Horace, with his innocent, harmless, and refined demeanor, thinking about his help to Tristen, her

expression somewhat indifferent.

Horace asked softly, “Tomorrow is a friend’s birthday, and he specifically asked for you to come to his party with

me. If you’re free, could you…”

The words that followed were not dared to be asked.

Although everyone had assumed his relationship with Seraphina, he knew that the person in front of him had never

acknowledged this relationship from beginning to end.

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Claudia didn’t speak.

Horace forced a smile, “If you’re busy, you don’t have to go.”

Claudia nodded in agreement with his words, “Okay.”

Horace had helped Tristen, and she couldn’t help but care.

Edmond was her ex-husband, and more importantly, the father of her child. Even though she and Edmond had

parted ways, she didn’t want anyone to slander him.

Feeling her aloofness, a hint of embarrassment seeped through Horace’s narrow charming eyes. He sighed softly,

“Seraphina, do you have any misunderstandings about me?”

Claudia paused slightly, her head lowered, thinking about his relationship with Tristen. She took a deep breath and

asked, “Do you know Tristen?”

Vencumfield Hotel.

Having seen off Claudia, Tristen sat down smugly to enjoy a delicious breakfast.

He dared to say those words because Edmond was already dead, with no one to refute him. Unless Edmond came

back to life to expose him, he could blame anything on Edmond.

Thinking of the little brother who had always played behind him since childhood, Tristen’s eyes and brows turned


“Brother, you must understand me from beneath the nine springs.”

If he hadn’t done so, he wouldn’t have been able to regain his identity, let alone explain his resurrection.

Only by pinning the crime on Edmond could he legitimately reclaim

his identity as the young master of the Lamont family. Just at that moment, the sound of knocking on the door rang

out. Tristen looked up in confusion. Claudia had already left, could she have come back again? He walked to the

door, looked outside through the peephole, but only. saw pitch black. Outside the door, the butler of the Fleming

family covered the peephole, while Magnus next to him took off his mask and casually lit a cigarette. “Who is it?”

Tristen asked. The butler said with a smile, “Someone ordered takeout for you.” Takeout? Tristen opened the door,

the light from the hallway streamed in, stinging his eyes.

The man outside the door was handsome, with eyes as deep as the sea, a high and chiseled nose, and a long coat

as black as ink, highlighting his extraordinary nobility.

Upon seeing him, Tristen’s pupils dilated sharply. “Edmond?!” Terror swept over his entire body, Tristen’s heartbeat

accelerated, his lips turned pale. He instinctively wanted to flee, but his feet felt as if they were nailed down, unable

to move. “Long time no see,” Edmond’s tone was indifferent, “Tristen, so you’re still alive.” Tristen gritted his teeth,

shuddering all over. He tried hard to suppress the terror in his heart, his face full of disbelief: “Why… weren’t you

dead? How are you still alive!” Terror and anger gnawed at his every cell like insects. A little devil in the heart was

roaring in anger. How could it be, how could Edmond possibly still be alive! “You’re not dead yet, how dare I leave

first.” Edmond’s voice was sc attered, yet it carried a magnetic and deep deterrent power. With a loud rumble, a

buzzing sound echoed in Tristen’s head, as if countless mosquitoes were circling around his ears.

Thinking of what he had said at the press conference, Tristen’s heart pounded wildly, his face hot and flushed, he

stammered in explanation, “At the press conference… L…” His throat felt as if it was being choked, at that moment,

he didn’t know how to explain. He thought Edmond was dead, beyond any doubt, and his word was law. But he

never, ever expected that his dear brother was actually not dead! “Tristen.” Edmond lowered his voice, his eyes

cold and clear, “You risked your life to save me back then, and I was very grateful. I’ve been atoning all these years.

You’re clearly alive, why didn’t you come to find me?” After Tristen had died, Rosalie suddenly produced a will,

claiming it was written by Tristen.

The writing above was indeed Tristen’s, complete with a handprint. He had no doubt about it. All these years, he

had indulged Rosalie everywhere, all to fulfill his brother’s last wish.

But he could never have imagined that his brother was actually still alive…

“That suicide note was written by you afterwards, wasn’t it?”

Tristen turned around and took out a bottle of wine, slowly pouring it into a glass and handing it to him, his gaze

intense: “Sit down and

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“That fire, it was arson…” Tristen paused as he said this.

Thinking of the hard times over the years, Tristen’s eyes instantly turned bloodshot with anger: “Edmond, I risked

my life to save you, you owe me a life.”

“I don’t want you to repay this life, but I want you to promise me one thing.”

Edmond’s face fell, his voice h oa rse. “What’s the matter?”

“I want to be the one in charge of the Lamont Group.” Tristen’s gaze was soft yet dark, his tone full of arrogance.

“You’ve been the president of the Lamont Group for so many years, it’s time to give me back what’s mine.”

Tristen’s cold words, like a sharp blade, tore off the masks of the two.

“My words have already been spoken at the press conference, consider it as a repayment for the favor I did you

back then. Don’t ask about the specific reasons anymore.” He looked at Edmond indifferently, “You’ve already killed

me once, surely you don’t want to do it again?”

“Since you’re already dead, don’t live anymore.”

Tristen’s voice was low, each word like an icy dagger.

A few simple words had struck a chord in Edmond’s heart.

The brother he admired the most, the brother he respected the most, had completely changed.

“If I didn’t choose to die on my own, would you have tried every possible way to kill me?”

Tristen’s face stiffened, quickly denying, “No.”

Edmond had his eyes lowered, not exposing his lie.

“Edmond wouldn’t come back to life.”

He gave Tristen a satisfactory answer.

Tristen quietly exhaled.

Edmond said again. “But don’t think about taking control of the Lamont Group. Don’t forget how our father died.”

Upon hearing this, Tristen shuddered, his face turning deathly pale.