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See You Never, Mr. Lamont by Coral

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 Who Is She?

“Hey, wait!” Claudia called out to them hurriedly, “When did I ever kidnap him?”

She pointed at Abel, aggressively saying, “Come on, little brat, speak for yourself.”

Abel pouted his lips and turned his head to the side.

Claudia: ”

The middle-aged woman impatiently blocked Abel’s way and said,

Abel is young and kind-hearted. He never tells lies. So, why do you still want to force him to defend you?”

“Kindness?” Claudia sneered.

Many children are naturally innocent, but Abel is not kind.

Even though I helped him, now he refuses to say a word for her.

She shouldn’t have been kind-hearted!

“If I had known, I wouldn’t have helped you,” she glanced coldly at Abel.

Abel kept his head down, afraid to look up at her.

Claudia looked at the several people who surrounded her and stood still.

Just at the moment when these people reached out to grab her, a dozen or so black-clad bodyguards suddenly

appeared out of nowhere.

“Miss, are you okay?”

As Claudia looked at these black-clad individuals blocking her way, her expression remained unchanged, but her

heart was fiercely startled.

She looked at the watch on her wrist, slightly lost in thought.

After returning to the Friedan family last time, Ervin gave her this watch, saying that when encountering tricky

troubles, especially when she needed help, she just needed to press the button on top.

Actually, it wasn’t difficult to defeat these few men. She just wanted to try this watch, but she didn’t expect that

pressing it would suddenly bring out so many people.

Did these people always follow her?

Claudia’s mouth twitched.

No wonder he is the richest person, even his bodyguards are so rough.

Seeing so many people appearing, Abel widened his eyes, and the middle-aged woman took a few steps back in

astonishment, “You…”

Claudia took a deep breath and said lightly, “If you arrest me and take me to the police station, you will be the ones

who shoot yourselves in the foot.”

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She calmly pointed to the surveillance camera on the nearby street lamp, “He was bullied by other children before,

and I saved him. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the police station and investigate the surveillance footage


Abel glanced at the camera and dejectedly lowered his eyelids.

“I don’t know why at such a young age, your thoughts are so bad. If everyone treated the people who helped them

like you do, would they

still have friends?” She still didn’t regret helping him.

When she was a child and was bullied all over her body, she also hoped that someone would help her. However, in

her era, campus bullying was already common, and no one would help her. Those who helped her would also be

isolated together.

Today she helped him, firstly out of kindness, and secondly to help herself.

“Miss, do you want to go to the police station?” one of the bodyguards asked.

Claudia glanced at Abel and saw him timidly hiding behind Cindy, she smiled wistfully.

“Never mind, let’s go.”

Seeing him like this, she lost her mood to care.

When I really went to the police station, the police couldn’t do anything about such a young child.

Not being her own child, she had no obligation to educate him, and could only wait for the harshness of society to

slowly teach him.

Claudia no longer looked at him, she turned around with her hands in her pockets, expressionless.

She was wrapped in a black jacket, which made her look even more glamorous and cold. Below her waist, she wore

a leather skirt with knee-high boots, showcasing her long and slender legs. With her cold gaze and icy expression,

she exuded an elegant demeanor, resembling a mafia princess.

Those bodyguards followed behind her, like knights surrounding and protecting her.

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Watching her walking away, Abel’s eyes turned red and his leg twitched.

Cindy realized his thoughts and hugged him tightly.

“Master, let’s go back.”

Abel lowered his eyes, looking at the toy in his hand, and bit his lower lip hard:

“Let’s go.”


By the time Claudia reached the Friedan Edifice, the bodyguard behind her had already left.

She glanced at the watch on her hand. This watch was obviously custom-made and looked inconspicuous, but she

didn’t expect it to have such a function.

She smiled with relief.

Ervin treated her fairly well.

She entered the entrance of the Friedan Edifice, and the security.guard stopped her.

“Miss, please present your access card.”

Access card?

The Friedan Group was heavily guarded and inaccessible to outsiders. Claudia looked at the flickering access control

scanner, feeling a bit lost.

She thought for a moment, placed the watch on top, and the door

immediately opened.

She walked in confidently, under the perplexed gaze of the security guard.

Not long after she went in, a Mercedes G-Class parked in front of the Friedan Group. The door opened, and Rosalie

gracefully stepped out.

Rosalie looked at the twin towers with great envy.

Buildings also represent the strength of a company. The Friedan family was the top-ranked family enterprise in

Wellfort, and even in Vencumfield and the entire Adron, they could hold their own.

Looking back at the Clayton family, apart from their previous criminal background, they had no other strengths.

Nowadays, whenever they are mentioned, people are more afraid of them rather than admiring them.

Only enterprises like the Friedan family, with rich heritage and strength, can make people envy and flatter.

“Ms. Clayton, let’s go inside,” said her father’s secretary, who was sent by her father specifically to accompany her

in signing the contract.

When Dempsey found out that this matter was settled, he immediately praised her and said that he would give her

60% of the Clayton family’s shares in the future.

As for the remaining 40% of the shares… they were definitely given to people outside of him.

Rosalie sneered.

As long as she managed this cooperation and married Edmond, she was confident that she would firmly control the

Clayton family in her hands. At that time, she wouldn’t give anyone even a single percent, let


Chapter 69 Who Is She?

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alone forty percent.

“Ms. Clayton, you are amazing. You resolved this matter as soon as you took action,” Dempsey’s secretary said with

a tone full of admiration.

I don’t know what method Rosalie used to make Thomas change his mind and agree to continue working with the

Clayton family.

He had prepared to resign as the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, but he did not expect Rosalie’s sister to

come to the rescue with her exceptional abilities.

“No big deal,” Rosalie couldn’t hide her pride on her face either.

Claudia and Waldron combined are still not as good as one Elva, although the future risks are high, at least for now

she is victorious.

“Let’s go,” she hugged the contract and walked in with a smiling face.

On the other side, Claudia had already entered the elevator.

When she pressed the floor where Thoma s’s office was located, she found that it couldn’t be pressed no matter

how hard she tried.

“The others couldn’t go up to Mr. Friedan’s floor,” the girl standing next to them reminded.

Thoma s’s office is on a separate floor, and the elevator does not go directly to it. A key card is required to access


Other people glanced at Claudia, seeing her stylish attire, beautiful appearance, and eyes filled with gossip.

Who is this person? He actually wants to enter Mr. Friedan’s office.

Claudia tried to swipe the watch on top of it, and the floor of Thoma s’s

Chapter 69 Who is She?

office lit up.

Seeing her effortlessly swipe open Thoma s’s floor, the people in the elevator were astonished.

Apart from Mr. Friedan himself and his children, hardly anyone could access this floor.

Who was she after all?

Under the gaze of the other people in the elevator, Claudia walked out.

Claudia opening the floor matter quickly caused a stir in the company.

Everyone was guessing who this person was.

Claudia quickened her pace and soon arrived at the door of Thoma s’s office.

Raise your hand and knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Thomas was writing something on the paper when he saw her. A hint of surprise appeared on his face as he asked,

“Why did you come?”