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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 551
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Due to my past with Matthew, the biases from both their families toward me, and to ensure that Matthew and Helen had a perfect engagement banquet, I decided not to attend it. This was also to save myself from any trouble and to let Helen be a happy and carefree bride-to-be.

However, I would still send them a wonderful engagement gift to celebrate their day.

I smiled and shook my head. "I have quite a lot of urgent matters on my plate lately. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. But I sincerely wish you both the best." Helen's face showed sdisappointment, but she didn't refute me—perhaps out of regret or selfishness.

Matthew thankedand left. I watched his slightly hunched tall figure, which seemed lonely as he walked away. I waved at him and bade him farewell in my heart, "Goodbye, fatty. Be happy." Then, I turned and continued my way to the restroom.

As I passed the men's restroom, a gentle breeze blew into my eyes, causingto raise my hand to rub my eyes. I didn't expect anyone to cout from the restroom, so I accidentally bumped into a person head-on.

Suddenly, the refreshing scent of pine and cypress enveloped me.

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The person reacted quickly and took a step back. But he quickly cforward again to grasp my shoulders with both hands while calling out toin a surprised tone.

I was startled and wanted to break free, but the familiar scent madewant to sigh. Thus, my motion in shaking him off abruptly stopped.

"Lulu? What are you doing here?" Colin's familiar voice could be heard. It was mixed with a hint of surprise and perhaps a bit of... panic? I couldn't be sure.

Why would he panic? Was he afraid that I would cheat on him? How paranoid could he be? I, Luna Lawson, was not that kind of person.

I tilted my head up to meet his deep gaze.

Seeing him here was truly a pleasant surprise.

Cto think of it, why wouldn't the professor bring Colin, his favorite student, to such an event? The professor was becoming more and more interesting. He didn't tellthat Colin was here, and he didn't bring Colin along. I really wondered what he was thinking.

| Actually, having Colin here reassured me. With him around, I didn't have to face those unfamiliar faces alone and didn't have to worry about being approached by strangers.

No matter what happened, he would always stand in front of me, shieldinglike an indestructible wall.

"Professor King broughthere.

What about you? Aren't you busy with the project? Why do you look so ne flustered? Did you do something that would upset me?" I teased him. playfully and poked his sharp jawline with the tip of my right index finger. I was also squinting my eyes as if threatening him.

Colin chuckled and held my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it lightly. Then, he leaned in close to my ear and said softly, "I can't even handle you alone. How would have the energy to do something to upset you?" Colin rarely acted so affectionately.

swnow UMS He nibbled on my ear, makingblush uncontrollably.

Was this a new way of flirting? It was quite bold and enticing.

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As I thought about saying something, I realized that he had done something behind my back. Although it wasn't something that betrayed me, it was definite that he was hiding it from me. Content belongs to Find

"Colin, I'm done now. Can you help me?" A soft and gentle woman's voice with a hint of coquettishness could be heard coming from behind him. My heart sank involuntarily. It was a familiar voice, yet annoying to the point of makingwant to plug my ears.

The smile on my face froze. I couldn't keep it any longer.

I had no clue.

My heart felt like it had been rammed hard with a truck. It was so painful.

How many things was Colin keeping from me? Why did he bring Jasmine here and not tell me? How far had their friendship developed behind my back? What I thought was just what any woman would have thought about in such a situation.

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