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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 544
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I quickly pushed the matter to the back of my mind after locking my phone and putting it away.

If Colin was not trustworthy, then who could I trust? Felix? That was just nonsense.

Even if there ca day when Colin was no longer worthy of my trust, I would use my own heart to understand the situation and decide. I would not let an unrelated person make such random comments to makewater.

I still couldn't figure out why Felix would want to frhis own brother like that.

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Had he beca fool? At noon, after class, I unexpectedly ran into Helen.

Cto think of it, we hadn't met for almost three months. We had only stayed in touch through calls and texts and greeted each other from a distance on campus, but our communication had been much less frequent than before.

We had talked about getting together several times, but it had always been delayed by this and that, so we hadn't really been able to meet up. As people said, chance encounters were better than planned meetings. It had to be fate for us to meet unexpectedly on such a large campus. We happily hugged and spun around a few times like lunatics. I even gave her a firm pat on her bouncy butt.

Sure enough, her bounciness was still so enchanting.

We chatted away for a while and were about to go out for lunch together when we suddenly noticed someone leaning against a car, watching us.

It had been a while, and Matthew seemed to have gained a little weight, but he was still thin compared to when we first met. But his features looked even more defined, and he was exceptionally handsnow.

He walked over with a smile and reached out to touch Helen's hair. Then, he turned towardand deepened his smile, a gleam of light shining in his eyes.

Was it because of Helen? "Hi, Mr. Loxley, long tno see. You're looking even more handsnow." I broke the silence with a casual remark.

I had previously secretly sworn to help him get over his feelings forsooner, to help Helen achieve the happiness she desired, and to never meet him again. Even if we met, I would treat him like an ordinary classmate and just move on.

I had thought about the possibility of seeing Matthew again and what I would say when we met. But when it actually happened, I found that everything was not as difficult as I had imagined. I didn't need any of the prepared words. Content belongs to FindS

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He was also much calmer now, and there was a bottomless darkness in his eyes. It was as it he was slowly letting go of sthings. This would be the best. Matthew smiled happily. "Indeed, it's been a long time. Would I have the honor to accompany you ladies for lunch?"

His demeanor remindedof the chubby teenager who used to run behindin high school, always smiling so warmly.

Since he showed up, Helen's mouth had been sealed shut. She didn't say a single word. Even her smile held a hint of skyness, and she kept her ΕΠ head down. She kicked the sand on the ground with the tip of her shoe.

She was looking awkwardly to the side. Find Could it be that this silly woman still cared about that thing between Matthew and me? She was really clueless.

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