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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 487
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Colin rested his head on my shoulder and nibbled on my ears. His hot breath immobilized half of my body. Inside my mind, a voice kept tellingto give it to him.

But... I couldn't say it out loud.

Growing up, Mom taughtthat girls needed to protect themselves and that we shouldn't offer ourselves to anyone recklessly. She also toldthat even when in a relationship, we shouldn't lose ourselves.

As a result, I was particularly conservative about this kind of thing. Even though Colin and I had been living together for quite stime, we had only kissed and hugged each other-nothing more.

Since we were neighbors for more than 20 years, Colin knew about my family values. Therefore, he never forced himself upon me. He never coercedinto making a difficult situation. Instead, he held himself back tafter time.

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"Give it toplease, babe. I've been waiting for you. I want you." Colin was holding himself back as he asked for my consent.

Like always, he didn't want to putin a difficult situation. He putabove himself. His mind was driven mad by his urges, yet he still wanted to get my consent first.

Colin was such a sweetheart and a fool. Nevertheless, it only madelove him even more. I wanted to say yes and to lose myself in his love and embrace.

I told myself that I would only marry him this life, so why not give in? However, as someone inexperienced, I didn't know how to say it out loud even though I wanted to.

Inside the room, the atmosphere was intimate and steamy. I mustered all the strength inand somehow, a moan escaped.

I was planning to tell him to be more patient as he was still in his probation period. But his hands did their magic that a moan replaced the words I was about to utter.

It was a beautiful and innocent mistake.

Colin's body beceven hotter. It threatened to meltdespite the clothes between us.

His eyes brightened up. In one swift motion, he removed his shirt, putting his sweaty, shiny, and muscular body on full display. Flames were roaring in his eyes as if he were a demon about to burn the world.

The mood beceven steamier.

He stared at me, devouringwith his eyes. My face turned scarlet.

Who would have known that the gentle and civilized Colin would turn into a beast when it cto this kind of thing? Right when the mood reached a new height, my phone rang, to both our dismay.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I snapped back to reality almost immediately. I looked down. Phew. Other than my messy clothes, everything was still where it needed to be.

I stretched my arm to reach the phone. But Colin pinneddown suddenly and nibbled on my ear. "Whoever it is, ignore it."

Outside, people were shuffling about, and my phone continued to ring. A door was the only thing separating us and the three people resting outside. Given the thickness of the door, it wouldn't block out the noises. I calmed down, and my rationality returned. Gently, I pushed Colin away. "Colin, there are people outside."

He looked atwith his frenzied eyes. Finally accepting that the om moment was over, he lay on top of N was overandand rested his head on my shoulder in disappointment. His hair tickled my skin. I stretched my arm and barely reached my phone. Winston was calling me.

Did he have to callnow of all moments? Colin was going to be so jealous. "Yes, Winston?" The veins on Colin's forehead throbbed visibly when he heard the name.

Winston's voice appeared. "Oh, it's nothing. I heard that you were coming back tonight. Do you want to cto Crystal House later? And do you want to have dinner together? There's a new restaurant, and they make really good pasta."