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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80: The party Avery didn’t talk to Grey that morning, despite how much he tried. He didn’t

bother having breakfast with the family and he didn’t know if they discussed Protos Pubblicita or not.

Well, he had already told Jane to give him feedback. So, if she hadn’t called, it only means grandpa

Lucy didn’t talk about it at the breakfast table. “Don’t be late and get Grandpa a nice gift,” Avery

muttered before she eventually took off.

Grey found an old box at the maid quarter. He kept the wristwatch in it as he didn’t want it to attract any

attention. He was only going to drop it at the gift area. Some ladies were chatting when Grey pulled up

in front of the hall. Avery said Lucy was going to invite friends and families but it looked like it was the

opposite or perhaps, they had a very large family. “Who’s that getting down from that less fancy car?

He’s handsome” One of the ladies complimented, her gaze at Grey. “Avery’s husband, of course,”

Smith said suddenly, almost startling the ladies.” He’s a live-in son-in-law and the worst of all men,” he

stressed. “Seriously? He must be so poor!” One of them opined.

“How did Avery get a man like him? He only got the look. What a shame!” She remarked. Smith

shrugged, enjoying the insults they were hurling at Avery. Everyone finally settled down. Avery had the

Pure Rina’s diamond around her neck and everyone couldn’t stop staring at it. Actually, without an

introduction from Avery, Smith had gone around telling everyone how useless and poor Grey was.

Everyone had started to see Avery in a different image. They wondered how she could have gotten

married to a poor man when there were a lot of rich and influential men. But the moment they saw the

diamond, they got even more confused. They didn’t recognize it in the first place, because the design

was rare. But they knew it was something expensive, though they had no clue of the exact amount.

Diana walked closer to Avery, a distant cousin from her mother’s side. She was very sassy but

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“I heard your husband is so useless that he doesn’t even contribute in the house, “she remarked and

looked over at Grey, whose seat was just close by. “He didn’t even give you a ring,” she stared down at

Avery’s fingers.

Avery let out a sigh. “What do you what, Diana?”

Diana giggled. “Nothing really. I just wanted to ask how you are coping without the company and a rich

man,” “I’m now the CEO of L.N material company,” Avery said through her teeth. She was trying her

best not to get angry.

Diana smiled. “You may not notice now but grandpa is going to push you aside. He had always made

you the favorite but that will change soon,” she articulated.

Avery looked over at Lucy and released a sigh. Somehow, it was starting to look like Lucy was already

pushing her aside. Diana hesitated and stared much longer at the diamond that rested on Avery’s

chest. “What’s that?”

“That’s Pure Rina’s diamond!” Chloe boomed from behind Diana.

Everyone gasped at this. The blue diamond was not only rare but very expensive. Diana stretched

towards it, with eyes gone wide and dark. “What! Rina’s diamond?” “Seriously?” Another lady

interjected, moving nearer to inspect. “How much was that?” Another lady inquired, with a hint of

jealousy. Diana turned toward the lady. “Rina diamond is said to be fifty million dollars,” she said with a

hint of proudness. Well, Diana has always been proud. At the mention of the price, everyone started

talking about the ring. Each time, their gazes would flip between Grey and Avery. Diana turned towards

Avery again.” I’ve always wanted to get this. How were you able to get it? I have the money, obviously

but I lack the right connection,” Diana boasted.

Avery took the diamond from her. “Then get married to a man with the connection!” she snapped.

Diana felt pained by the remark and so, she dragged her feet to her seat.

Chloe took her seat beside Avery.

“Happy birthday once again, Mr. Lucy!” Someone boomed suddenly. “I think it’s time for gifts.”

Smith Robinson stepped forward, a bright smile on his face. He held a neatly wrapped box that could

pass for a hundred dollars. “Happy birthday, May you live much longer than this,” he unraveled the box

and brought forth a big painting of Lucy Robinson.


The lines, the shades, and all others were on point and there was a golden stamp at the bottom which

showed how expensive it must have been. It looked so much like Lucy that one could have wondered if

it was a photo.

It was something Smith had been planning for a long time. It was because of this that he didn’t have

any money to loan Seth. And Seth couldn’t come to the party because he didn’t have any gifts to

present, as he was still facing his financial crisis.

Lucy smiled so widely. “This is beautiful, I love it!” More people came forward to present their gifts. It

was at this point that Grey decided to stay back. He didn’t plan on unraveling his gift in front of the

crowd. Head wiped towards the entrance suddenly and murmuring filled the air, as Chris stepped

inside. Grey looked at him and scoffed. With all his grace, who would have thought that he could

present an imitation to a lady? He still wondered how Avery would handle it if she discovered the truth.

“I didn’t know Chris would be showing up today,” Lucy felt a bit surprised. “Yes, father. I invited him,”

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Emma responded quickly.

Smith actually had a thing with Chris. Chris was being very nice to him and even gave him some

money whenever he asked for it. So, Smith had been putting a good name for him in front of Lucy. Lucy

smiled brightly. “Thank you for coming.” Chris took a short bow.” Happy birthday, Mr. Lucy. I brought

you something,” he revealed a Patex Philippe Ref 1527.

Everyone gasped at the gift. Even Avery was impressed. It was vividly clear to her now that Chris was

trying his best to win her over and he was already succeeding.

“Oh my!” Emma yelled excitedly, “That’s a watch worth six million dollars. Grey scoffed. ‘Who knows? It

might also be an imitation,’ he said underneath his breath but Avery heard.

Avery turned to look at him, furious. “What did you just say?”

“Grey is next!” Smith yelled before Grey could respond to Avery.

Grey looked up at Smith smiling sheepishly. He was always doing that whenever he was up to no good.

Avery hit her head in embarrassment. She knew more than anything that she would be disgraced by

everyone. She only told Grey to prepare a nice gift but she knew that he wouldn’t be able to do it. Grey

took an advance from his work at Alfred’s place and would still be paying back. And besides, he just

resumed work at SU world. So, there would be no salary for him.

“I’m sure I saw him with an old box. I think it’s a gift!” Diana opined and some people laughed.


Grey shook his head quickly.” I would rather drop it at the gift area.”

Lucy regarded Grey for a moment. “Show me the gift now. I would like to see it or you can forget about
