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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67: A threat from the Boss

Grey stared at Caramel for a moment. “Your company is Digital world ? He asked, surprised

Caramel nodded briefly, with a wide smile on her face. It is.”

“Wow. Unbelievable! I guess we will see later then,” he announced

Caramel nodded ‘Though, we might have to change our clothes We could stop by any boutique on our

way to the cinema,” she offered.

That’s good!” Grey opened the door and got down “We will see later then. Till then Caramel nodded

once “Till then,” she confirmed

Grey watched Caramel drive off before he proceeded into SU world. His second phone rang suddenly

It was the number he gave Charles as Hercules

He didn’t want to get confused, so he used a different phone. So, whoever calls him on his iPhone,

means the person wanted to speak with Hercules while his other phone was for people that knew him

as Grey Fox

Grey knew who it was He was expecting Seth’s call anyways. He refused 10 pick it up and instead

proceeded to his office

Tina stood up on seeing him “Good morning sir, Lotion A company wants to book an appointment with

you I’m thinking of making it today since they want to see you as soon as possible,” she explained and

took Grey’s briefcase

Make it tomorrow. I have plans for today,” he responded and opened the door. His phone started

ringing again and it was Seth

“Ok, I will remind you of the appointment you have by 12,” she jibed

Grey looked up at her and nodded “Do that. How is the making going? Were they able to finish the

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surveillance cameras yesterday?”

Tina shook her head negatively

Not yet. It remains ten and they are currently on it.”

Grey took his seat and pulled the files on the table closer to him “Tew Maria to see me in the next two


Tina nodded and turned around to leave

The phone stopped ringing but it started ringing again, almost immediately Grey decided to pick it since

he was alone

“Hello, Hercules,” the voice sounded nervous Who wouldn’t be nervous speaking with Hercules? After

all, he was rated as the richest man in the city, and with his business, he’s expanding to the world

“Hello, Seth.”

There were a few minutes of silence. “How did you know sir?” Surprise showed in his tone

Grey nearly laughed but had to bit it back in Seth, who would never speak with him, was being

respectful on the phone How would he feel if he discovered that Grey was actually Hercules?

‘I was expecting your call Charles told me you requested my number. Though, I don’t understand why

you did that,’ Grey feigned ignorance

“Well,’ he stuttered I wanted us to talk about the 70% share that you want me to buy Can we see

anywhere and talk

Grey groaned You do know that I’m a busy man? And I have no time to be meeting you. You had better

say what you want or forget about ill’ He announced with a smirk

“Yes, I’m sorry for proposing that, ‘ his voice was still shaky When we signed the contract, you said you

would let me buy it back when I’m ready to,” he explained. And in fact, you gave me a fifteen years

extension This is just five years’

Grey went silent for a moment, as he thought of an answer “Seth, listen very attentively. I got the

shares from you and you should buy them back. If you can’t pay me in two weeks, be ready to let go of

the company Then, I will be generous to pay you the remaining 30% which I know wouldn’t benefit you

since Chris has 20% of the shares,” he acknowledged.

Seth swallowed harder “Are you playing me?”

Grey got up and moved to his window I’m a businessman, I don’t play around but well, I love playing

games,” he teased with a smile

Seth should pay for embarrassing him, a hard way

“I will be expecting my money before the stipulated time,” he finished up and hung up before Seth could

say anything

Seth was very angry at the outcome He knew that Hercules was a dangerous man but he thought he

was already getting acquainted with him

What was he supposed to do?

He got up and banged on the table angrily He didn’t know what he was supposed to do

The door opened suddenly and Seth felt the bullet in his head go off

“Who the fuck is that?” He yelled in anger, then looked up to discover it was Nora

He sighed and looked away, devastated and exasperated

Nora used to be Seth’s receptionist but she got promoted recently as the secretary after she lelt Grey

and got intimate with Seth

“Seth, your next appointment is in one hour I’m here to inform you earlier,” she explained

Seth’s head was bent, and his fists clenched even harder on the desk She noticed this and felt


was wrong

“Seth, is everything alright?”

‘Yes! I just need to settle some things Cancel all my appointments for today but let Smith inside the

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moment he arrives,” he ordered.

Nora nodded and moved closer to place a kiss on his forehead

Seth groaned and acted indifferently Nora shrugged it off, thinking it was work, and walked out

The door opened again and Seth looked up at Smith. He smiled. “Hi Smith, he moved closer and they

shook hands.

‘Is everything alright?” Smith noticed the worried look on his face

Nol Nothing is fine Hercules suddenly asked me to buy his 70% share,” he announced and took his

seat on the sofa

Smith sat as well Whal?” He was more surprised “I thought you said he would give you time for you to

be able to buy it again?

Seth nodded quickly. “Thal was our agreement but he suddenly proposed this. In fact, he’s threatening

me. I’m supposed to pay it back in two weeks.”

Smith’s eyes went wide with shock Hercules is the boss of one of the mafia groups in the city. You must

not annoy him He’s deadly He pointed out.

Seth nodded once ” That’s why I’ve called you. I need you to help me with any amount

Smith sighed. I’m sorry but I can’t help you. My uncle gave the company back to Avery,” he announced


Seth regarded him for a moment. “Wait, I thought you said Mr Lucy would give the company to you if

Avery married a useless man Is Grey not useless enough?”

He is!’ Smith confirmed ” That was why I had to plan it! That was why I had to carry Grey into the room

and let them have sex, knowing that Lucy would be so angry at Avery,” he explained, frustrated But he

changed overnight. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to get the company back if the company was

with me, I would have been able to pull out the company funds for you

Seth’s eyes widened with fear What am going to do now?”