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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

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This news left Sabrina stunned, and she found it difficult to believe.

What happened? It seemed unfathomable.

Subconsciously, she clicked on one of the news articles, but it only provided a simple description of the events, lacking further details.

Despite the limited information, this shocking news had beca trending topic on Twitter.

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Sabrina found herself grappling with disbelief.

It wasn’t a matter of lingering emotions for Tyrone. Instead, she was astounded at the revelation of his incarceration for economic crimes.

The questions echoed in her mind. How did this happen? Did Tyrone truly succumb to committing a financial crime? Why would he do that? “Hello, you're here to take the photographer's test, right? Are you Sabrina? Please follow me.” Sabrina was in deep contemplation when she heard an unexpected voice that startled her.

Her thoughts were in disarray. But for now, she had to set them aside and focus on the test at hand.

Sabrina was required to capture a total of sixteen photos.

To begin with, Sabrina carefully reviewed the product introduction, allowing her to devise a tailored shooting plan based on the product's key selling points. Subsequently, she instructed the assistant to arrange props to complement the photography.

The shooting lasted over four hours, during which Sabrina meticulously executed her plan.

Following the shoot, Sabrina transferred the photos to the computer and performed basic Photoshop touch-ups.

She then presented the final photos to the director, explgng her shooting method and creative vision.

After an additional hour, the test concluded, and Sabrina left the company feeling relieved.

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Sabrina took a deep breath and retrieved her phone, dialing the number for the Blakely family.

Given that Tyrone was now the chairman of the Blakely Group, any adversity that befalls Tyrone would have significant repercussions for the entire Blakely family.

Even the slightest misstep could lead to the downfall of the Blakely family.

Tyrone had made it abundantly clear that he no longer considered Sabrina a member of the Blakely family and would not provide her with any support. He emphasized that even if the Blakely family suffered a downfall, it would have no bearing on her.

Despite this, Sabrina had stayed with the Blakely family for ten years, and it was due to Tyrone’s grandpa’s hard work and dedication that the company was a success. It would be a great shif all of that effort were to go to waste.

Sabrina was concerned about the potential impact on Wanda and Jennie.

It was the housemaid who answered the call. She informed Sabrina that Wanda and Jennie were away on a trip, and she was unsure when they would return.

Sabrina hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Tyrone had anticipated the potential disaster and spared them by sending Wanda and Jennie away in advance.