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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1489
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Regaining her composure, Sabrina clarified, “I don’t know who you're talking about, and | certainly didn’t send anyone.” With that, Sabrina continued upstairs, deciding to leave the neighbor to his assumptions.

However, she planned to reach out to Collen about what her neighbor claimed.

If it was indeed Collen, she would express her gratitude properly.

But Collen denied any involvement.

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Sabrina beceven more perplexed.

She wondered who else could've done this. Blayze, perhaps? She messaged Blayze, but he denied any involvement and mentioned his plans to leave Philadelphia.

Sabrina was flummoxed. Who could be that hero who did good deeds without leaving a note? After the Daily Company's business shooting, two videos were completed and reviewed by the director, Galen, and the team.

With this project wrapped up, Sabrina had a business case to showcase to her next client. Although it was just one case, it was a start.

Sabrina had previously sought job opportunities. However, once people learned she had only participated in ad shoots but hadn't led any herself, they were quick to turn her down.

While searching for her next project, Sabrina received promising news from an editor-in-chief. It was a recommendation from Liliana.

Angela’s Library A photographer for an entertainment magazine's inner ls x = was needed.

Their usual photographer was unexpectedly unavailable. The actor, busy with a film, had only a two-day window.

He was eager for the magazine exposure.

Struggling to find a suitable replacement, the editor-in-chief thought of Sabrina and offered her the opportunity.

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Impressed with Sabrina’s work and wanting to give Sabrina an opportunity due to Liliana’s recommendation, the editor reached out.

Confident in her photography skills, Sabrina eagerly accepted after getting the details.

On the scheduled day, Sabrina set out for the magazine's office.

The moment Sabrina stepped out of her apartment, she recognized a familiar face.

Quickly turning around, she found no one.

Puzzled, Sabrina wondered if it had been just her imagination.

Sabrina felt a little confused, but almost immediately, she put the matter out of her mind and went to the magazine company.

In addition to the photos of the actor, there would also be a text of the interview as well as a short description inside the magazine.

The photos would accompany the written content and should capture the actor’s charisma.