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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1487
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“Yes, it was all an act,” Eddie revealed.

Sabrina scoffed. “Do you takefor a fool? Explain why they would do that.” “Tyrone was trying to keep you out of the mess. He foresaw the situation and prepared accordingly,” Eddie explained.

In all honesty, Eddie was surprised when he found out the truth.

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ninja Tyrone’s deep love for Sabrina was evident in his foresight and protective measures. He faced the danger all on his own, intending to shield Sabrina from it.

However, Eddie couldn't stand to see Sabrina misunderstand Tyrone's intentions. He felt compelled to reveal the truth. He believed Sabrina would be touched by Tyrone’s affection for her.

But to his surprise, Sabrina just laughed it off.

“Why are you laughing?” Eddie asked, puzzled by her reaction.

“I'm laughing at your poor attempt at storytelling. Do you really expectto believe such a fabricated excuse?” Sabrina asked.

She found it hard to believe that Tyrone had orchestrated this elaborate schjust to protect her. Did he really do all of it just to shield her from harm? If that were the case, then why did he go through all that trouble? If Tyrone truly wanted to keep her out of harm’s way, he could have been straightforward. He could have sent her abroad, like he did with Wanda and Jennie, instead of leaving her alone.

Sabrina’s situation was different, even though she was abroad.

“I'm telling you the truth. Why can’t you believe me? EF cares about you so much...” Eddie countered earnestly.

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“He did it to protect me, and | am safe now. He's achieved his goal.

You can relax,” Sabrina said, cutting him off. “If there's nothing else, | should go.” Eddie was left speechless. By the the regained his composure, Sabrina was already walking away. He called out, “Sabrina, please think it over. I have no reason to lie to you.” Even as Sabrina got into a taxi, she still found Eddie's story hard to believe.

Though she was doubtful, she pondered on his words. He didn’t seem to have any reason to lie. Was it possible that he was telling the truth? Tyrone’s sudden change in behavior lingered in her mind.

Tyrone had rescued her from Folette and stayed with her through the night. However, the very next day, he vanished.

Maybe he had foreseen the danger then, or perhaps even earlier than that.

Yet, if that was the case, they should have faced the trouble together. He shouldn't have pushed her away without her consent, leaving her oblivious to the situation while he faced difficulties.

Sabrina questioned why he had made decisions on her behalf.

If Eddie’s words held truth, Tyrone must have anticipated trouble and prepared accordingly. He wouldn't just await his fate passively. But was this really the case? Could it be that Eddie hadn't lied to her?