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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74

The moment this tweet was posted, it was like tossing a bomb into at sérene lake, sparking immediate

reviews on the Internet.

[What the hell! Seriously? Ash? Is Ash the mysterious composer for Bryce?]


This for real? Don’t mess with me! Ash is Matthew’s mentor. How could he compose for Bryce?]

[Could it be a namesake?]

Upon discovering Bryce’s tweet, Matthew was left in a state of shock.

He exclaimed inwardly, ‘How could it be? How could Ash compose for Bryce? It must be another

person with the same name!’

Refusing to believe, Matthew posted another tweet with trembling hands..

Matthew: [Heh, it seems not only Ash’s style but even his name is mimicked. Pathetic!]

Matthew’s fans promptly rushed to defend their idol.

[I can’t believe this. It’s so disgusting! Copying Ash even in the name!]

[Everyone knows that Matthew is Ash’s only student. Ash doesn’t even have time to compose a song

for Matthew. How could he compose for someone else unrelated?]

Matthew’s panicked heart gradually calmed down. He thought, ‘Yes, Ash has been too busy lately to

spare me any attention. How could he have time to compose songs for someone else? It must be a

case of mistaken- identity.’

Matthew opened the chat with Ash, intending to report the incident: [Ash, someone is using a name

identical to yours, trying to ride on your popularity…]

He had just finished editing the message, and a notification popped up before he could send it: [Ash

posted a tweet.]

Matthew was stunned, wondering why Ash, who hadn’t updated his Twitter in a long time, suddenly

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He had followed and turned on notifications for Ash.


Chapter 74

He immediately clicked in.

On Ash’s certified account, which had been silent for half a year, there was a retweet of Bryce’s new

song with the comment: [A pleasant collaboration.]


Matthew’s face turned deadly pale. His hand shook, and the phone fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, on the Internet, Ash’s tweet was a bolt from the blue, once again causing a stir.

In an instant, netizens flooded Ash’s Twitter.

[Ash! You’ve finally released a new song! “Dark Faith” is so good!]

[Ash, why did you suddenly compose a song for Bryce?]

Some netizens even rushed to Bryce’s Twitter.

[Bryce, you’re the coolest! Please answer my question. Have you seen Ash’s true appearance? Ash is

so talented. He must be an experienced middle-aged person, right?]

Hashtags like “Ash released new songs”, “Ash’s pleasant collaboration with Bryce” and “Bryce’s

mysterious composer is Ash” immediately shot up to the top of the trending list.

The one “Ash’s pleasant collaboration with Bryce” trended directly to the first spot and hit the Internet.

Twitter servers were on the brink of collapse.

Discussions among netizens showed no sign of ceasing.

[Given Matthew’s reaction, it seems he didn’t know Ash composed songs for Bryce.]

[He definitely didn’t know. Matthew just posted a tweet accusing Bryce’s composer of imitating Ash. It’s

so awkward…]

[Ash used to really appreciate Matthew, taking him as a student at Matthew’s lowest and never giving

him up. Now, he’s writing songs for Bryce. Did Matthew do something to upset Ash?]

[It doesn’t matter. I’ll support Ash’s new songs and buy Bryce’s new EP!]


Chapter 74

[I’m Ash’s fan, so I bought 100 copies of Matthew’s new album solely because he is Ash’s student. But

there seems to be some mistake. Now I’m going to buy Bryce’s songs!]

For a moment, Ash’s formidable fanbase flooded into Bryce’s new song purchase links.

Bryce’s new song sales were growing even faster than before, reaching an unprecedented pace.

As time passed, around the evening, netizens who had been monitoring the sales noticed that Bryce’s

new EP had sold 3.35 million copies!

Meanwhile, Matthew had sold only one million.

Bryce’s new song sales revenue had surpassed Matthew’s!

And it continued climbing at a rapid pace, pulling away from Matthew more and more. It was only a

matter of time before the total sales surpassed 100 million!

[What the heck! Bryce actually surpassed Matthew! We are witnessing a historic moment!]

[He beats Matthew’s ten songs with just three. Unbelievable!]

[Ash’s influence is truly enormous. I estimate two-thirds of the people bought them just because of


[Without Ash, Matthew is nothing!]

At this moment, Matthew remained motionless on the couch in a dimly lit room, holding a posture of

curled-up despair.

He was in a state of shock. Ash composed songs for Bryce and not for him…

He had invited Ash to be his composer, but Ash hadn’t responded even

– once.

‘Did I really upset Ash?’ He thought.

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Thinking of this, Matthew was engulfed by immense panic. He picked up. his phone, fingers trembling,

and sent a message to Ash.

[Ash, did I upset you?]

[Ash, why did you compose for Bryce?

Chapter 74

[Ash, if I did something wrong, I can correct it. Can you please respond to me?]

However, several minutes later, there was still no reply from Ash.

Matthew was afraid Ash would no longer talk to him, afraid Ash would abandon him.

At the thought of this possibility, Matthew felt like the world was collapsing.

When Matthew was at his lowest, on the brink of suicide, it was Ash who” took him as a student, giving

him hope, a second chance at life, and honor.

But now, Ash was about to abandon him.

Matthew’s breath caught. A chill came creeping over one as he edited another message.

[Ash, can I meet you? The time and place are up to you.]

Matthew intently stared at the phone screen. Suddenly, with a ding, his eyes lit up. Ash finally replied!

Ash replied: [Okay.]

Matthew was so excited that he stood up in one leap.

If Ash was willing to meet him, there was still room for resolution.

He made up his mind that when he met Ash, he had to figure out where he went wrong and correct it!

Getting refreshed, Matthew no longer listened to the pirated versions. Instead, he clicked on the official

platform and bought Bryce’s three


He must support Ash’s compositions.

However, as Matthew saw Ashley’s tweet supporting Bryce, his face

instantly turned cold. He cursed inwardly, The two-faced woman makes me sick. Go to hell!’
