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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 78
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“Things seem just fine. Husband, why are you yelling at Emily so angrily?” May Conner walked down

the stairs before stopping at the final step and resting one hand on the railing while she looked at the


Thereafter, May glanced at Xyla Quest coldly before hurrying over to Jeremy Quest and leaning against

the couch’s armrest. “Are you unhappy because many people are requesting a refund for their rooms in

Imperial Prime, and it’s all because Xyla didn’t fulfill her responsibilities?” May asked.

However, Jeremy did not say a single word. He kept a solemn expression on his face while he stared

straight ahead angrily. If a person’s gaze could kill, Emily felt as if she would die on the spot.

When May saw Jeremy’s reaction, she subconsciously reassured herself that he could only be angry

for the very reason she thought.

However, even if Jeremy were angry, how could he vent his emotions on May’s daughter? Clearly, Xyla

was the one who had messed up.

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“Xyla… If you knew you were not capable of handling all this, why did you force yourself to take tip

such huge responsibilities? Your father told you clearly that you needed to deal with the matter on your

own, but you refused to listen,” May said.

“Do you think someone new to the industry like you would be capable of handling these things?

Someone with less than ten years of experience in this market could not possibly get the job done. Do

you really think of yourself as a superwoman? Also, Xyla, you are a married woman. Why do you still

live as if you were a single lady? Don’t you have a husband who is also a doctor? Why didn’t he come

back to help you when you were going through such a difficult time? What kind of man did you marry?

He’s probably not as good a person as you claimed,” May added.

Right then, May only wanted to make things worse for Xyla. She hoped Jeremy would teach Xyla a

huge lesson for being an ignorant brat.

However, Xyla remained silent and did not even bother to look at May when she spoke. Instead, Xyla

quietly sipped on her juice and pretended as if it was not related to her at all.

This made May very upset. “Xyla, why aren’t you saying anything? Hurry up and apologize to your

father. Being quiet won’t solve anything right now. Whatever was lost won’t be recovered just because

you keep your mouth shut,” May said.

May’s words caused Jeremy’s facial expression to turn increasingly gloomy. He was beginning to

clench his fists tightly.

Now, Mary was certain that her tactics were working. She started feeling secretly happy.

Meanwhile, Xyla remained silent while she ptit her glass down and started playing with her phone.

When she saw three unread messages popping up on her screen, she directly opened them.

All three messages were from Tom Sullivan, including the messages he had sent yesterday and earlier

today. The content involved him asking if she needed help and, if she did ask for his help, he would

help her out without a doubt.

‘He really is a jerk. I’m sure Emily must have told him about me being married, but he is still trying to

approach rne. Unbelievable.’ Xyla could not help but think to herself.

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Xyla decided to ignore Tom completely while she proceeded to delete his messages and block his

phone number.

Since May was now here, Emily became much braver.

“Dad, since Xyla made you angry, you should yell at her. Why did you speak to me like that when I was

just telling the truth? Did I say anything wrong?” Emily asked.

Emily was only telling the truth. Why did her father have to overreact? Could he still be on Xyla’s side

despite what happened?

Ding-dong… Ding-dong… Right then, the doorbell began ringing.

Emily immediately smiled when she heard it.

“I’ll get it.” Emily grabbed her phone and stood up.

This was because Emily knew it must be Brother Sullivan at the door. In the afternoon, she had called

him many times, but he had completely ignored her. During dinner, she had lied and told him that her

stomach was not feeling well. Only then did Tom say that he would take her to the doctor’s later in the

evening. Thereafter, since it was getting very late, Emily thought he would not be coming after all.