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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 148
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“Xyla, you b*tch! I won’t be defeated by you this easily. Just you wait!” Emily murmured coldly to

herself. The bright crystal lights above her made her eyes glare with hatred.

At the moment, Emily could not help but think about how Xyla and her husband had stolen the limelight

during her wedding today. Emily’s heart ached at the thought.

For as much as Emily suffered today, it was in equal proportion to which Xyla enjoyed herself. In fact,

Xyla was probably the highlight of the wedding.

Up until now, Emily still did not understand why Xyla would choose to hide her husband if he was this

handsome and was so good in the medical field.

If things were exactly as Xyla mentioned, was Xyla only afraid that their father would be upset at her for

making the decision to get married on her own?

Was that why she intended to slowly reveal the truth to their father?

Or was there something else Xyla was hiding?

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Emily felt that something was amiss.

Was the handsome medical professional really Stanley Batton?

Could it be that this man was not Stanley Batton?

Was he a substitute Xyla had found for the occasion?

Previously, Emily had not been able to find out a lot of information about Stanley Batton. In fact, she

was not even able to get her hands on a picture of him. If Xyla merely asked someone to pretend to be

Stanley, Emily naturally would not know the truth.

Although Emily felt that this was all ridiculous to think about, her instincts were telling her that it was not

entirely impossible. She still needed to investigate further to find out if this was the true Stanley Batton.

Knock, knock, knock…

Right then, someone knocked on the door. Emily immediately set her thoughts aside and quickly

opened the door.

Outside, one of the family’s maids and two police officers stood in wait. Since Emily had suffered a lot

in prison, she would tremble at the sight of police officers, just as she did now.

What was going on?

Were the police here to take her back to prison?

“You must be Tom Sullivan’s wife, Miss Quest. Your husband was involved in a case where he hired

people to attack another person. We need to bring him in for further investigation. May I know where

Tom Sullivan is?” one of the police officers asked.

“He… He’s gone out… He’s not home,” Emily said.

Right then, the door to the study beside the room was opened. Tom Sullivan walked out of the study.

When Emily saw Tom, she felt herself going mad. Why did he come out right now? He could have done

it a moment before or after she said those words.

The two police officers glared at Emily coldly before walking directly over to Tom. Before Tom could

react, his hands were bound by cuffs.

“Mr. Tom Sullivan, we suspect that you have hired people to attack someone. We will need you to come

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with us to the police station for further investigation,” one of the police officers declared.

Tom immediately felt his heart clenching.

“What do you mean by hiring people to attack someone else? I didn’t do it,” Tom subconsciously


However, the two police officers ignored him before looking at each other and forcing Tom to move


Emily was in so much shock that she could not even speak. Her eyes were wide with surprise.

Wasn’t what she had to go through on her wedding night enough? Did she have to see her husband

being sent to prison too?

What did Tom do? Who did he hire? Who was the person those people attacked?

At this point, if the Sullivan family found out about what happened, Tom would be done for. However, it

was probably impossible to hide such a thing from the rest of the family.