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Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields-Novel2

Chapter 6: 【6】Do not give her the entrance exam
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  Chapter 6 [6] Don't give her the entrance exam

   "What is an eight-year undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree program with ten students per class?" Sun Rongfang must have heard her daughter say this for the first time.

   Zhou Ruomei and Ding Yuhai's faces were blue and white.

   Zhou Ruomei got angry and waved to her cousin: "Stop making tea, you all go back."

   What a rude child, the elders said a lot, and couldn't hear a word, what was there to say.

  Sun Rongfang was stunned, not understanding how her daughter's words offended her cousin and her husband, even though her daughter didn't speak ill of others.

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  Is the people in my cousin's house really stupid or stupid. Zhou Ruomei was suspicious. Said that he would definitely be admitted to the National Association of Medical College for undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs, didn't he put his family in the son of Zhongshan Medical College, the son of a doctor's family would ride on his head and step on it? Stepping on like this in front of her and her husband will make her and her husband not angry?

   If Zhongshan Medical College is the No. 1 medical school in the province, then the National Association of Medical Sciences is the No. 1 medical school in the country. The undergraduate, master, and doctoral classes there are the first in the country's medical schools.

   "Go back and think about what my husband and I said." Zhou Ruomei said to her cousin earnestly.

   Cousin sincerely sent a guest, so Sun Rongfang had to get up and take her daughter back. Before leaving, she kept Sunkist Orange, but Zhou Ruomei refused.

"Take it back and eat it yourself. I know the economic conditions of your family. I also want to make it clear to you that it is very hard to be a doctor in the early stage, and you don't have much money. If you go to a small county health center, the salary is lower than the average person. Do you think Well, let Yingying not get into medical school."

   Cousin's remarks were really shocking, and made Sun Rongfang completely back off about her daughter's admission to medical school.

  If you go to a health center in a small county, don’t take the test, it’s pointless. Sun Rongfang thought.

   Leaving her aunt's house, Xie Wanying acted very calm all the way.

   "What do you think about yourself?" Sun Rongfang turned back and asked her daughter, "I heard what she said made sense to your cousin, otherwise, let's not get into any medical school."

   "Mom, it won't be too late to wait for the results of the college entrance examination." Xie Wanying knew that it was useless to say anything now, so she could just use the results to express her position.

   "Your cousin said you couldn't pass the exam." Sun Rongfang shook her head, apparently having been brainwashed by her cousin.

  Xie Wanying thought, if her mother went back to the carbine at this time to listen to Zhou Ruomei's thoughts, she would be surprised.

   Zhou Ruomei has always looked down on Sun Rongfang, the cousin of a freight driver married with a low education. Intellectuals always feel superior to others in their hearts.

  After the cousin's house left, Zhou Ruomei and her husband Ding Yuhai chatted: "It's a pity, what kind of doctor, I think Yingying looks good. It's better to learn to sing as a doctor."

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  Ding Yuhai heard his wife's words, and he had to admire his daughter-in-law's vicious heart. Isn't it asking people to sell her in disguise?

   Zhou Ruomei thought, if her cousin's daughter really depends on her appearance in the future, she doesn't need to worry about someone else's child riding on her child's head for a long time.

  The daughter of the truck driver, if she becomes a doctor and wins the son and daughter of the doctor's family, she will be heartbroken.

   The phone rang, and Ding Yuhai picked up the phone nearby.

   "Old Ding, there's a big emergency tonight."

"How to say?"

   "A young man in the emergency department was initially diagnosed with a rare aortic aneurysm rupture by naked eyes!"

   (end of this chapter)
