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Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields-Novel2

Chapter 3569: 【3569】more volume
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  Chapter 3569 [3569] more volume

  In the rescue room of the emergency department of the hospital, especially where heart patients are involved, the most common classic picture is nothing more than heart compression.

  When the three of them went to the emergency room to find Mr. Zhang, they glanced into the emergency room and saw someone sweating profusely with their hands on the patient's chest.

   If this continues, it is not known whether the patient will be able to be revived. The doctor doing the compressions may be paralyzed.

   "Con, con, change people."

  This voice, if it’s not Zhang Yanluo, who might it be?

  The young man withdrew from the patient, his legs were as soft as noodles. Another little young man on top.

  The three of Xie Wanying and the others stood at the door, took a second look carefully, and now they finally understood why Zhang Yanluo was so excited.

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   It turned out that there were no real patients being rescued, but a mannequin was made to test a group of medical students during the period when the rescue was not happening.

   "You are here." As if seeing the three of them just now, when Zhang Huayao turned his head to face the three of them, there was a look of surprise in his small gray eyes.

   "Director Zhang." The three called the boss.

   "Why don't you callwhen you're here?" Zhang Huayao said.

  Why call? They all cto the emergency room to find someone directly. A question mark appeared in the minds of the three of them.

  The logic in the mind of the boss is unpredictable.

   "I can treat you to breakfast." Zhang Huayao said to the three of them, as if saying that the three of them are idiots, but they don't know that they can take the opportunity to grab the leader's free meal.

   Could it be a good thing to be invited to breakfast by Zhang Yanluo? The three of them shook their heads violently in their hearts, Mr. Zhang, you don't have to be polite.

   "You will cto work with us on the first day, how do you feel?" Zhang Huayao formally asked the three of them.

Work? Aren't you here to study?

"With the qualification certificate, you are a serious doctor. How can you let you sway in the clinic. There is a shortage of people everywhere in the clinic." Zhang Huayao spoke earnestly to the three newcomers, telling the pain in Zhang Dabao's heart as a leader. It takes the three of them to soothe.

do not!

  Lin Hao's complexion turned pale, and he could already foresee what would happen next. No wonder the nurse saw them and called the doctor directly.

  Dr. Pan Shihua tried his best to maintain his composure.

  Sweeping the faces of these two people, Zhang Huayao's eyes with slippery gray eyes fixed on Xie Wanying: "Doctor Xie, tellyour thoughts first."

   "I don't know how Director Zhang plans to arrange shifts for us." Xie Wanying said.

it is good. Zhang Huayao gave a thumbs up.

  Leaders like this kind of employees who do what they want to do because they are afraid that they will not have a job.

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  The other two suddenly realized that the scariest person might not be Zhang Yanluo but classmate Xie who had beca formal doctor.

  This volume, I am afraid it will beceven more volafter classmate Xie becomes a doctor.

  Lin Hao turned his head and looked at Guozhi's emergency room with a pair of frightened eyes, afraid that a tornado would blow here at any time.

   "Are you full?" Zhang Huayao asked the three of them again.

  The three nodded together.

   Those who dare not eat to work at Mr. Zhang’s place, Mr. Zhang probably hit them with a whip first.

   "Let's get started, go take over the shift." Zhang Huayao said to the three of them.

What's the meaning? The three of them were stunned.

  The emergency surgery doctor who was on night shift last night cover. It was a doctor surnamed Lu.

other people? No.

  No teacher took them three.

  Zhang Yanluo asked the three of them to go to work independently.

  (end of this chapter)