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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 60
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However, instead of responding to her question, he went to the TV cabinet in the living room, where he

rummaged for a large set of Lego blocks and began to play with them on his own.

Sasha was stupefied by his actions.

It’s like he’s telling me that he doesn’t want to go back. Now what? Do I… just leave him here?

It should be fine if Ian did not want to return. This place seemed to be fully equipped with everything the

boy needed, as though it was exclusively prepared for him. Furthermore, when she brought him here the

last time she came over to deliver medicine, hadn’t he stayed with that man the whole afternoon?

Hence, Sasha chose to let him be for now. She planned to head downstairs and inform Luke before

going back.

However, what irked her was that when she came down, not only was Luke not in the president’s office,

but the man she loathed the most was also nowhere to be seen.

Where did they go?

She was getting agitated as she could not find Luke and did not know where he had gone to. What now?

Should I go look for him again?

Sasha’s frustration was building up.

Right then, the phone on Sebastian’s desk rang.

Ring, ring…

Sasha paused in her tracks for a moment, then turned to leave.

It was impossible for her to be bothered with phone calls right now, especially when she did not even

want to meet the owner of the office she was currently in or spare the man a glance. So why would she

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even care about his affairs?

All of a sudden, a small figure appeared across from her, “Answer the phone!”


Sasha whipped her head around, surprised to see her son, who seemed to have followed her without her


Ian looked up at her. “Daddy’s phone calls are very important. We can go home after you answer it!”

Still holding onto the Lego blocks, the boy stepped into the office.

Sasha deliberated with herself.

Fine, I’ll see who’s calling so that I can take him home after this.

Sasha picked up the phone and greeted, “Hello.”


Surprisingly, after the call got through, the caller on the other end spoke in Jetroinian.

Arching her eyebrows, Sasha replied in fluent Jetroinian, “Good day, how can I help you?”

When the other party heard that Sasha could also speak Jetroinian, they were quite pleased. Meanwhile,

the little boy playing with Lego blocks in the room also turned to look at her.

Wow, silly Mommy is so awesome!

“Good day, Mr. Hayes. I am Matsushima Oka, chairman of Nikkawa-Gen. I would like to inform you that I

have received the acquisition contract issued by your company and that I agree to sell Nikkawa-Gen to

the Hayes Corporation! “

The speaker was fluent in Jetroinian too. From the sound of it, he must be a native Jetroinian.

When Sasha heard that, she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen to take notes. “Yes, sir. However, I am

not Mr. Hayes. He has stepped out at the moment. Would you like me to leave a message for him?”

Her patience was running thin.

And so, Matsushima Oka started, “Alright, thank you, miss. Please deliver this message to him. I have a

little request which I hope Mr. Hayes can agree to. You see, Nikkawa-Gen is a family business passed

down from generation to generation in the Matsushima family, so I don’t want this family legacy to end

like that. After Mr. Hayes’ acquisition, I’d like to use all the funds to buy some of the shares and become

one of the new shareholders. Is that possible?”

The scribbling stopped right then.

Are all businessmen nowadays so shameless? It’s like someone asking to occupy a room of the house

they’ve sold and share part of its ownership.

Sasha sneered, “Mr. Matsushima, you have crossed the line with that request. Since you have decided

to sell your company to the Hayes Corporation, there is no reason for us to make you one of the

shareholders, no matter how we look at it. What’s the difference between this approach and looking to

the Hayes Corporation for financing needs?”

“What did you say?”

The Jetroinian man did not expect that the request he made would be summed up by a regular employee

so bluntly and accurately. In a split second, he got somewhat irritated.

Is the Hayes Corporation that great? So much so that even a regular employee knows so much about


“Did I say something wrong? You’re selling the company, and yet you intend to become one of the

shareholders yourself. What is this if not financing? Let me tell you, if you really want to raise funds, you

don’t need to seek out the Hayes Corporation. Sebastian Hayes is not an idiot. He won’t be fooled by

you. You should take your GDP to Wall Street for a spin. Maybe get an analyst who’s willing to help you

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gain more bang for the buck. Do you hear me?”

Sasha explained herself clearly, then hung up the phone!

Ian was rendered speechless.

Is Mommy scolding someone else? Has Mommy just ruined Daddy’s business? I guess it doesn’t matter

since he bullied her first. Let this be his punishment then.

The little boy withdrew his gaze from his mother and went on to play with the Lego blocks.

Ten minutes later, Sasha left the company and returned home with Ian.

About three o’clock in the afternoon, Sebastian finally returned to the company after ending a meeting

with one of his clients.

“Mr. Hayes, we have a problem. The chairman of the Jetroinian machinery company that we intended to

acquire has promptly decided not to sell the firm to us. What should we do now?”

Sebastian had just returned to the office when the company’s vice president, who was in charge of

marketing, came looking for him while uttering cries of anguish. According to the vice president, the

acquisition project that they had been working on for so many months was suddenly disrupted.

Sebastian frowned. “Why’s that?”

The vice president was aggrieved. “I don’t really know. According to the staff at the Marketing

Department, someone by the name of Matsushima personally called up our company. He originally

proposed the possibility of becoming a shareholder after the acquisition. However, the person who

answered the phone gave him a scolding and told him to take his GDP to a financial analyst on Wall

Street. That way, he could perhaps gain more bang for the buck!”

Sebastian sank into his thoughts.

As he stood there, Sebastian pondered over the statement while he wiggled out of his suit jacket, his

eyes twitching uncontrollably.

Take their GDP to Wall Street? This is interesting…