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Returning From The Magic World

Chapter 456 IPO
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Chapter 456 IPO

With no one around and people in different areas focused on staring ahead, Rebecca instantly moved to Arthur's side, took his hand, and almost leaned against him.

Her eyes gazed at his face while her lips curved charmingly.

"Honey, don't you miss me?" she asked.

Her popularity among men obviously made her so confident that she dared to ask Arthur that despite their relationship being master and subordinate.

Perhaps she considered that if other women could gain Arthur's affection, there was no way she couldn't since she was at the peak of beauty and background.

"If I really miss you, it must come from my passion," Arthur replied, trying to mentally beat her, telling her that she was only attractive to his passion.

Unfortunately, Rebecca's mentality had indeed reached a point where she could not be mentally attacked.

She laughed softly as she replied, "Desire and heart are never separate. If there's a sense of longing from your desire, I'm sure your heart has a sense of longing for me."

Her fingers moved to caress his hand while her head became closer to his so that he could smell the fragrant scent of her hair.

"Aren't you embarrassed to be acting like this with a young man?" asked Arthur. He was feeling quite giddy with her nature.

"What can I say? Love makes the mind uncontrollable," Rebecca replied.

"Who will believe that you have love?"

"I really have love for you. Don't judge a person by their nature, the good don't necessarily have love, and the evil don't necessarily have no love. I may be evil as a human, but my heart still considers you everything. This concept cannot be lost as long as my life is still sustained by the heart."

"Fine, say whatever you want!" Arthur finally chose to give up talking to her.

"Come on..." Rebecca spoke again. "I really just want us to spend a night of love together for tonight."

"Didn't Amanda say that we were going home early?"

"What's the problem? She can go home alone and you go home tomorrow. Don't worry about the ride, I'll book the biggest plane for you. Honey, please..." The woman ended her words pleadingly, even her expression showed it.

So many men of high status expected interest from her but could not get anything.

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It was unfortunate that she had to plead with Arthur.

And Arthur couldn't help but admit that she had an attraction that could disturb his mind.

Seeing Arthur's expression even though he didn't answer, Rebecca still smiled, as if she was already convinced that his mind had changed.

"It's indeed strange," she continued, "but there's no need to continue thinking we're in different generations. A thousand years from now, we are the same generation. Born in the same era with no one older than the other."

After saying that, she let go of Arthur's hand as someone suddenly came towards them.

He was the Mayor of New York.

"Mrs. Rebecca!" He greeted Rebecca as he arrived in front of them, glancing at Arthur but saying nothing.

However, he seemed to make a brief observation of the two, as if he was wondering why they seemed so close.

"What's wrong?" Rebecca responded to the man in a tone that sounded indifferent.

Her true self appeared when she interacted with others.

That was how she really was, seemingly indifferent because she was the type of woman who was always serious.

The mayor didn't mind, he calmly replied, "I'm having a birthday party tonight for my son, I just hope you'll come, give some blessings with your wonderful figure."

"I'm busy, no time for a little boy's party," Rebecca replied, more indifferent than ever as if she was annoyed by the insignificant invitation.

The mayor could only smile wryly as he saw her response, something he had actually expected.

This was simply a gamble. If he managed to invite her, it would mean his reputation would level up.

"Sorry," he said in a low voice.

He slowly stepped back. After a considerable distance, only then did he turn around.

"You're finally showing your fierce side, no wonder Suzune doesn't like you either," Arthur said.

Hearing his voice, Rebecca smiled slightly.

"Humans are lowly creatures, they fight for piles of paper printed on my orders, no need to be nice to them," she said.

"Of course, for the man I love, I can be the most gracious of women," she added, holding Arthur's hand again.

At this moment, the IPO countdown finally began, it was counted from the number 100.

"Are you ready for a ridiculous increase in wealth, dear?" Rebecca said to Arthur, trying to keep talking to him.

"No matter how much wealth I get, it can't make me live a hundred years longer, I can't get overexcited when I have the power that can make me live hundreds of years," Arthur replied.

His words this time were immediately approved by Rebecca.

"You're right," she said. "The thrill of having magic is indeed far above the thrill of having unlimited money. However, to be honest, the thrill of having a relationship with you outweighs the thrill of having magic."


Meanwhile, people started counting down following the numbers on the screen. Their voices became louder with time, impatient to see the increase in the value of their investment.

When it finally reached the number one, Amanda pressed the IPO button in front of her.


The sound echoed loudly on the screen before a graph of the coffee company's shares appeared along with the trading volume which showed a very surprising result due to the large queue of purchases.

From 50 dollars, the price per share immediately rose to 55 dollars and then to 60 dollars, making the people inside the building scream with joy.

The price increased even faster as every single one that was sold was immediately bought. In the end, it ran out of shares being sold, leaving bids that became higher and higher.

100 dollars!

200 dollars!

300 dollars!

Some investors started selling their shares again when the price reached 300 dollars, but the purchases remained much higher so the price continued to rise.

Before long, it reached 500 dollars, already ten times more expensive than its IPO price.

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"This is such a trend, its market capitalization could exceed the total value of the entire coffee industry in the world," Rebecca said, then looked at Arthur in awe.

"Honey, can you make another product of such quality?" she asked Arthur.

To this question, Arthur chose not to answer. He didn't want to be bothered with anything new for now.

Rebecca became sullen for a moment as there was no response from Arthur.

However, as the people in front began to calm down, she finally let go of Arthur's hand, taking a step to the side to keep her distance as some people began to look back.

Amanda also returned to the place where Arthur was, getting party invitations along the way, but she declined all of them.

"Dear, sorry to keep you waiting," she said when she arrived in front of Arthur and glanced at Rebecca for a moment.

"Do you want to do something? Or do you want to go back to Europe now?" she asked afterwards.

When she heard that question, Rebecca couldn't help but stare at Arthur because she wanted to know his response.

Would he follow Amanda or stay here to spend a night full of love with her?

"How about waiting one more day?" Arthur replied, asking her to delay, an answer that made Rebecca's eyes shine brightly while Amanda's eyes showed an annoyed light for a moment.

However, she had a promise not to be jealous, so she could only take a deep breath to calm down.

"No problem, I think you really need to have some fun before coming back," she said, shaking her hair.

"You're a good woman, Amanda. Know how to make a man happy." Rebecca suddenly complimented Amanda, which of course sounded like a provocation to Amanda.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes, but had to restrain herself from looking angry.

After that, Rebecca suddenly took out something from the bag she was carrying.

It was some kind of electronic card with a certain symbol, but it was unknown what it was.

She then handed it to Amanda.

"What is this?" Amanda didn't seem to know what it was either.

"Open the site written on the back of the card and then let your camera take a picture of it. That way, you can find out all the business and government secrets in the United States kept by the CIA," Rebecca replied, "just think of it as a gift for you."

Amanda couldn't help but be surprised at her words, but then she quickly realized what Rebecca's intention was.

She wanted her to focus on that so that she could not disturb her. After all, as a woman who lived in the business world, there was no way she would not be interested in things like this. She would probably spend the whole night just to see him.