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Returning From The Magic World

Chapter 368 To Villa
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After meeting Carla and Bella, Arthur decided to do nothing today.

He would execute his plan tomorrow, with their help to make things easier.

As such, he ended up returning to the exhibition area, waiting for it to be over or rather waiting for Suzune.

Around 5 PM, the exhibition was finally over.

No one knew how many transactions had taken place, but the employees of the arms company seemed to be constantly smiling broadly, showing their excellent mood.

Perhaps they had received a lot of bonuses.

Suzune, as one of the executives left later.

Arthur waited until the sky was dark before she came out.

She also looked exhausted. Her hair was loose while her body looked sweaty.

Seeing Arthur waiting outside, she couldn't help but show a surprised expression. Then laughed as she approached him.

"I thought you had left, does this mean you still feel inadequate with me?" she asked.

She paused before showing a sardonic expression, a strange change. "Oh, I see, you were waiting for me so that I could take you to see Rebecca, am I right?"

"Are you jealous?" Arthur asked back.

Of course, he knew that he and Rebecca were being watched by that woman. He knew there were cameras and his strong instinct told him that Suzune was watching their actions.

"Jealous?" Huh!" Suzune snorted in response.

"I don't care what you two do, but you should always remember what's in my stomach. If you're really a responsible man, stay away from other women while I'm around," she said in a tone that seemed to rise with time.

This was not about jealousy, but a desire for attention.

Although their relationship had started strangely, but since the short relationship had resulted in a child, Suzune did not want to continue suppressing her heart.

Arthur smiled and responded by taking her hand.

"You worry too much," he said. "I'll just keep you company tonight. Let's find a hotel around here."

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They should have gone to Rebecca's villa since Suzune was also staying there.

There, Arthur could still accompany Suzune, but since she was too worried, he decided to find another place instead.

Suzune was a little surprised by Arthur's words so she looked into his eyes.

However, she suddenly shook her head.

"No need to go to a hotel, I'd rather stay at my own place, let's just go to the villa," she said.

She took a step, pulling Arthur's hand.

Since she wanted it that way, Arthur didn't mind either.

Quickly, they arrived at the parking lot, boarding Suzune's car before driving away from the place, heading towards a certain area of the city.

It was an elite housing estate that contained villas with two to three floors.

They did not have a large yard, but needless to say about the price, it was probably two or three times more expensive than the same place in Vera.

Suzune stopped her car at one of the villas there, which had three floors, in the center of the area.

A Black Mercedez was parked in front of the villa, but what made the villa interesting was the middle-aged woman sitting on the terrace.

She was wearing a purple nightgown that was quite short, only reaching the middle of her thighs.

She was sitting with her legs crossed, playing with her cell phone while occasionally looking at the road.

Passersby couldn't help but stare at her in awe, wondering who the lucky man was that woman's husband.

She was too classy and beautiful even from afar.

When she saw Suzune's car, she immediately stood up, and Suzune who saw her became rather sullen.

As Suzune stopped the car in front of the terrace, the woman, Rebecca immediately said to Arthur, "You've finally come, I've cooked for you. I'm sure you're very hungry now, so let's have dinner right away."

Since her gaze was only on Arthur, anyone who saw her could tell that she was ignoring the existence of Suzune who was her own daughter.

"Hmph!" Suzune snorted coldly and said, "Since when do you know how to cook? I lived with you for so many years and I don't remember ever seeing you cook. Rebecca, are you sure you won't make strange food for my husband?"

It seemed that Suzune didn't want to be constantly pressured by her mother either, so she tried to scold her, questioned her abilities, and referred to Arthur as her husband.

Rebecca's eyebrows shot up as she heard Suzune's words.

She was clearly unhappy that Suzune seemed to be calling her a liar despite the fact that she really wasn't lying.

"I haven't cooked in a long time, but when I was young, this was one of my hobbies where I took it very seriously," she replied.

"Of course, I'm not saying my cooking is the best, but it's definitely more decent compared to you who can't cook at all. When you can't cook, you shouldn't talk about having a husband."

"You?" When Rebecca also insinuated, Suzune could not help but open her mouth in annoyance.

"Can you guys behave like normal mothers and daughters?" Arthur finally spoke.

He had to admit that these two had very bad personalities. Even worse, for the sake of their ambition, they even went as far as to team up and plan something for him.

When they heard his words, both of them fell silent, as if at a loss as to how to respond.

Arthur shook his head and got out of the car before walking to the driver's door, waiting for Suzune to get off.

The latter did not linger, she immediately got out of her car as she did not want to make him wait for her.

"By the way, Suzune is pregnant with my child, I hope you take good care of her later," Arthur said to Rebecca.

He thought he needed to tell her that now.

Suzune was surprised that Arthur said it, but Rebecca froze because of it.

"H-how is that possible?" she asked with an incredulous expression.

She was astonished and confused as to how Suzune was suddenly pregnant when she had only met Arthur today.

"My methods are infinite, no need to be confused," Arthur replied, not explaining more.

Rebecca who was still showing an expression of disbelief looked at Suzune and asked, "are you really pregnant now?"

Surprisingly, the woman's voice was soft and low, quite different from the way she spoke to Suzune in general.

Suzune who had never gotten any tenderness from her mother even seemed like she felt strange.

"Yes!" She nodded in response, trying to remain calm.

"Oh my god, this is really a blessing for me!" And suddenly, Rebecca showed an excited expression after she heard the confirmation from Suzune.

Even then she hugged her, put a hand behind her head, and pressed it against her shoulder.

"Suzune, congratulations, I was always worried that you couldn't have children, but fortunately you met a great guy. And I can finally have grandchildren too."

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She released Suzune's head, and then caressed her face, looking like a loving mother.

Plus, her actions actually looked very natural. Someone who just saw her would probably think that that was how she usually was.

Of course, for Arthur and Suzune, they were shown again how hypocritical this woman was.

She seems to have been born to be a very troublesome villain.

Who knows how many people have fallen for her evil schemes.

She'd be practically unstoppable if it wasn't for her meeting an overly op opponent like Arthur.

"Right, let's go in, it's very cold now, it's not good to stay here," Rebecca said, pulling Suzune into the villa.

Suzune actually kept silent, there was no sign that she was going to insinuate Rebecca and such.

This was probably because she was enjoying her mother's gentle treatment.

No matter who it was, no one disliked that no matter how much they disliked their mother.

Arthur followed the two women into the villa.

The villa hall could not be said to be very eye-catching, probably because it was rarely lived in, it only had ordinary things. There were also no servants at all.

Right behind the hall, there was a dining room.

It was adjacent to a small garden, separated by a glass wall so it created quite a nice view.

A dining table was not far from the glass wall, and it was already filled with many dishes.

From hot soup to roast duck.

There were also cups filled with green tea, still puffing smoke.

They seem to have been prepared for only a few minutes.

Rebecca still held Suzune's hand until they got there. She even helped her sit down, then took some nutritious food and put it on her plate.

"Come on, you have to eat more so that the child in your stomach is born very healthy," she said, which made Suzune even more helpless with her tenderness.

After that, she looked at Arthur, and prepared another chair for him.

"Arthur, please sit down," she said in a soft voice.

She seemed to think of him as her son-in-law.

Arthur sat down without saying anything, pretending that there was nothing strange here because talking about it was also pointless.

As before, Rebecca also helped prepare food for him.

Only after that, did she sit down, on the seat opposite to them.