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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 Mr Harris Slept on the Sofa "Adults can consalcohol. Miss Jenkins, feel free to drink as much as you like, just remember to drink in moderation for the sake of your health," said George.

He was such a gentleman, and it made her feel a bit self-conscious, Rumours had it that Mr. Harris never engaged in the company of women. Is he a man of integrity, or is he just too selective? Or perhaps... he has sundisclosed condition? With this thought, Isabelle's eyes roamed over his body, lingering particularly on his handsface.

If he did have a condition, it would be such a waste.

George noticed her gaze. Seeing the look of pity in her eyes, he felt a bit puzzled.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. I'm going to take a shower." Isabelle walked to the sofa, picked up her clothes, and said, "Thank you for the clothes, Mr. Harris." Then she went into the bedroom.

The top floor of the hotel was calm.

But the lower floors were in turmoil.

A large number of people were infiltrating the hotel.

Fortunately, Dylan had brought enough people to tightly guard the top floor. The reinforcements had also arrived outside the hotel, effectively controlling the entire building.

The people in the shadows were ready to make a move, but at this moment, the scout noticed something amiss. "Don't act rashly." Sure enough, soon after, the comrades outside the hotel sent a message: The people from God's Armament have arrived. Tell the others not to act rashly.

"God's Armament? How did their people get here?" After spending half a day in the desert, Isabelle felt refreshed after taking a shower. However, her good I didn't last for a minute. After getting dressed, she looked down at her chest and was speechless.

The clothes fit perfectly-even better than the ones she bought herself. When she had suggested buying clothes, George had subtly measured her, which hadn't escaped Isabelle's notice.

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His eyes are sharp! Isabelle gritted her teeth in annoyance.

Coming out of the bathroom/she saw the man sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, dressed in a bathrobe, looking every bit the gentleman. His long legs were crossed, and he was looking at his phone.

"Miss Jenkins, do you like the clothes? Do they fit well? George looked up and asked.

1/5 Chapter 56 Mr Harris Slept on the Sofa "They fit well, and I like them!" Isabelle replied.

George seemed to sense a chill in her tone, and he looked at her clothes in confusion.

He wondered, Does she not like them? Seeing Isabelle's indifferent expression, George thought for a moment, then understood. He had sunderstanding of Isabelle's character-once her goal was achieved, she would immediately drop the act.

It seemed this twould be no different.

He couldn't help but smile. "That's good." "Good night, Mr. Harris." Isabelle, drying her long hair, walked out.

"Wait a moment." George stopped her.

"Is there anything else?" Isabelle turned around, drying her hair as she looked at him.

"Miss Jenkins, are you planning to sleep on the sofa outside?" Isabelle glanced at the sofa he was sitting on and thought, I'm not sleeping outside, does that mean I'm sleeping inside? "I'm not picky. If it weren't for you, Mr. Harris, I might be sleeping on the streets tonight, not knowing if I'd be alive tomorrow." That wasn't sincere.

George said, "Miss Jenkins, you should sleep in the bed." In bed? Isabelle looked at the luxurious and soft bed, her delicate eyebrows slowly raising.

"Although this bed is big enough for five or six people, it's already scandalous for a man and a woman to share a room. If we sleep together... As an ordinary person, I don't care, but Mr. Harris, you have a big family and many subordinates. If this gets out George smiled and explained, "If you sleep in the bed, I will sleep on the sofa." sleeping on the sofa? That doesn't seem right." Hearing Isabelle's words, George knew that she was up to something again. He was genuinely being polite, but Isabelle might not be.

This girl is really interesting.

"I'm a man, and I'm sturdy. I should sleep on the sofa." George put down his phone, stood stood up, and crouched down in front of the TV cabinet.

Isabelle watched his back, seeing him open one cabafter another, not knowing what he was looking for.

ust as she was about to ask she saw that he seemed have found it.

2/5 14 Jun Chapter 56 Mr Harris Slept on the Sofa Then she saw him close the caband stand up.

"The temperature difference between day and night here is quite significant. Miss Jenkins, you should dry your hair before going to bed, or you might catch a cold.” Isabelle looked down at the hair dryer he had handed her.

Then she looked back up at him, silent for two seconds, and then smiled. "Mr. Harris, you're good at taking care of people. After saying that, she took the hair dryer and went into the bathroom to dry her hair.

When she cout with her hair dry, she saw that there was a blanket on the sofa where George was sitting. "Miss Jenkins, you should go to bed." "Well, I won't be polite then." George smiled and nodded.

Isabelle lay down on the bed, feeling so comfortable that she wanted to stretch.

In this second life, it was the first tshe had slept in such a comfortable bed.

"Mr. Harris, you're so gentlemanly and considerate. I'm sure many girls like you." Lying on the soft bed, Isabelle conscientiously didn't forget to compliment him.

You flatter me." Isabelle turned to her side, propping her head up with one hand, looking at the man on the sofa. "Do you have many women?" "Cough." George was taken aback by her sudden, bold question and looked at her. "What?" Isabelle raised an eyebrow. "Such a big reaction. Have you been single all this time?" "You're making fun of me, Miss Jenkins." "Do all you wealthy people talk like this?" "Hmm?" His voice rose at the end, indescribably lazy and charming.

nind. I was complimenting you." George blinked. Was that a compliment? White Owl sent her a message asking her where she was and if she was safe.

White Owl told Isabelle that they had learned from speople at the duel tournament arena that the Hurricane Mercenary Corps way planning to attack them.

He was worried about Isabelle/afraid that the people from the Hurricane would harm her.

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Isabelle calmly composed a message: "They are downstairs." White Owl was startled and was about to wather ewi ne to find Tabelle when he received another 3/5 11:03 Tue, 4 JunƑ• Chapter 56 Mr Harris Slept on the Sofa message from her: 'No need. I have backup"

To the Hurricane Mercenary Corps, wanted White Owl and the others were not a threat. The one they wanted to m eliminate was/Isabelle, who had a high chance of helping the Blackwater Mercenary Corps regain their former glory. Therefore, Isabelle was not concerned about White Owl and the others. "Miss Jenkins. I'm turning off the lights." Isabelle didn't glance at George, but she responded.

With a "click." the room was enveloped in darkness,

George lay on the sofa, a thin blanket covering his waist and abdomen. He stared at the ceiling and asked, "Miss Jenkins, are you always this fearless? You're travelling alone to Melfrey.

Aren't your family worried?" Tm just here for a vacation, but Mr. Harris is here for business. It should be more dangerous for you than for an ordinary person like me. Is your family worried, Mr. Harris?" It's not easy to extract information from her.

George took a cue from her and replied vaguely. "The business world is like a battlefield. Danger lurks everywhere.

"I'm a light sleeper, Mr. Harris. Do you snore?" The topic changed abruptly, leaving George at a loss. "No, I don't grind my teeth, talk in my sleep, or sleepwalk.

Miss Jenkins, you can sleep peacefully."

"Really? I can't make the sguarantee. If I disturb you, pleasen don't blme it was clear that she was dissatisfied with George's attempt to pry information from her. George chuckled silently. "It's fine." After that, the room fell into silence.

Isabelle, a former assassin, was always a loner. She wouldn't feel safe even if there was a cat next to her when she was sleeping, let alone a person.

Only corpses posed no threat.

Especially when the person sleeping beside her this twas the legendary George Harris.

Idn't be completely calm.

Isabelle tossed and turned, listening attentively. There was no movement from the sofa, only the faint sound of breathing- In the middle of the night.

Soft footsteps brushed past the sofa.

A figure slipped out of the bedroom, and then the door was gently closed.

The man on the sofa silently opened his eyes.

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