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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 355
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Chapter 355 Demands 92%0 Finished "Look, yes, I burned down your auction house, but your men asked for it. Ryan's death isn't my fault. Maria torturedfor days. She's lucky I didn't kill her right away, and now you think you can just take her with you? Tosh." "What do you want, then?" Seated in his father's customary chair, Jim casually addressed Josh, who stood at the hall's center.

"When my thirst for vengeance is quenched, then we'll reassess my sentiments, he remarked nonchalantly.

Josh, maintaining a pleasant demeanor, proposed, "Why not set a condition, Mr. Carter? Your influence is considerable; you could make it reasonable for a young girl.” With a visible display of disdain, even disgust, Jim retorted, "I wouldn't take anything from your family. even for free. They're disgusting." Seeing Jim's firm stance, Josh appeared somewhat helpless as he suggested, "If you're set on revenge, I'm willing to offer myself in exchange for my sister." I only beg for mercy, Josh implored.

Observing Josh's sincerity, Jim commented, "Do you truly share a strong bond with your sister? She's never mentioned you." "If I go hempty handed, I die. Saving her is just saving my own skin. A bitter smile played on Josh's lips. Jim squinted, staring at Josh.

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Josh kept on, "When her father was told of your abduction, he told her to release you. He'd rather not make an enemy out of your family. Maria didn't know better. The one who went after you was Ryan's father, Grady. From what I know, Maria never gave you to him. She would never hurt you." Jim was still not convinced.

Josh thought this was a pickle.

But then, a servant crunning in. “Mr. Jim, the master has returned.” Upon receiving the instruction, Jim, maintaining his composure, briefly glanced at Josh before commanding his men, "Bring her here." Shortly thereafter, the fragile Maria was escorted in, her eyes ablaze with fury upon beholding Jim.

"Maria," Josh called out, seeking to garner her attention.

However, Maria showed no signs of joy upon seeing family or being rescued; she didn't even acknowledge him.

"Thank you, Mr. Carter, Josh pressed on, addressing Jim. “Let us depart, Maria." 1/3 Chapter 355 Demands.

icy gaze and authoritative demeanour, halting their exit. "A moment." Jim got up from his seat.

Isabelle and Melissa also made their grand entrance.

Spotting Isabelle, Josh greeted her with a smile, "Hey, Ms. Jenkins, good to see you again." Finished But Isabelle wasted no time, diving straight into the heart of the matter, "So, did you have a hand in Ryan's demise?" With those words, the attention of Mr. Carter, Jim, and Maria all pivoted towards Josh, leaving him in a rather tight spot.

Looking genuinely puzzled and harmless, Josh replied, "I'm not sure what you're getting at. Ryan was my cousin." Taking in the unfolding tension, Isabelle remarked coolly, "Why the hesitation? If Maria were to vanish, the Warners would never know." Melissa's heart quickened as she watched Isabelle closely. Is she subtly abetting murder?

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Dwelling in the lair of a gang leader, Melissa had initially sensed a kinship with Isabelle, as if they shared a common world. Yet now, she felt utterly displaced in this setting. "Hey, Ms. Jenkins, Josh began, "we've had our clashes, but remember Cluebia? I had your back there. Seems a bit harsh to throwunder the bus, doesn't it?" Interjecting, Lionel asserted, "No need for lengthy discussions. Since you're here, let's make your stay permanent.

Jim addressed his father, "Dad, lethandle this."

Lionel regarded his son, unwilling to embarrass him before the crowd, t thus conceding, "If they want want to take her, so be it, But she's caused you harm, Jim. There must be consequences. If we let her walk away unscathed, perhaps it's twe reconsider our line of work and disband the team altogether." So, Mr. Carter, Josh inquired, "what's the deal with that?" "We'll play by underworld rules, Josh, Lionel responded, "three cuts, six eyes." Melissa gently pulled at Isabelle's sleeve, whispering, "Do you know what that means, Isabelle?" With a nonchalant shrug. Isabelle replied, “You'll find out soon enough." Melissa was left speechless, bewildered by the cryptic response.

Jim subtly furrowed his brow, but remained silent.

Taking the dagger from his subordinate, Josh adopted a negotiating tone, "Can I take the hit for her?" But before Lionel could respond, Maria intervened, "No need for that.

With swift determination, she seized the dagger from Josh's grasp, lifted it high, and drove it into her own. slender white arm. The blade nierced through her flesh, unleashing a torrent of blood that streamed down