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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 322
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3/3 Resurrecting the Genius Within Chapter 322 He Preferred Men Finished Calvin finally got it. He looked at Isabelle again and couldn't help but swallow. "Y-You're not joking with me, right?" Danny sneered. "Half of the capital knows about it.' Calvin sat back down dejectedly, took a long tto digest this information, and then asked in confusion, "I remember you saying before that Mr. George preferred men.” Danny denied it. “I study law, don't slander me." Calvin was speechless. He sneaked a glance at Isabelle and thought to himself. That was close.

The door to the private room opened, and the waiter cin carrying drinks.

The lighting in the private room was a bit dim. Danny was sitting on the sofa talking with his friends. When he glanced up, he saw the face of the waiter across from him.

Danny asked, "Hey, what are you doing here?" Joshua didn't respond, busy with his work.

"Who is it, Danny? You know him? How cwe've never seen him before?" Several people nearby turned to look at Joshua.

Danny replied, “He's a freshman in our university Hearing that he was a student at Taragon University, Melissa quickly covered her face and hid behind. Isabelle. Although this was a legitimate place, as a teacher, it wouldn't be good for her reputation to be seen by a student.

"Boss," Danny called out to Isabelle.

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Isabelle looked at Joshua in his work uniform but didn't say anything.

Danny asked, "It's my birthday today. Why don't you join us for a bit?" Joshua didn't respond and walked out after putting down the items.

A few of the rich kids were a bit annoyed. "Who is this guy? So rude, not even giving you face, Danny." Danny said, "Stop talking so much and just drink." As Joshua stepped out of the private room, Isabelle followed right after him.

Joshua quickly entered another private room, carrying drinks.

The private room was filled with over twenty men and women. The men were dressed to impress, smoking cigars, with sexy women or cute young men in their arms.

One pot-bellied man in a suit, with the air of a nouveau riche, was getting cosy with the young man in his arms. Suddenly, he noticed that Joshua, who was serving the drinks, was exceptionally good-looking- 1/3 Chapter 322 He Preferred Men comparison.

The fat man eyed Joshua lecherously and reached out to touch his hand.

69% Finished Joshua pulled his hand back in disgust and stood up to leave, but the fat man's bodyguard blocked his way. Forced to turn around, Joshua looked at the fat man.

The fat man slapped a stack of cash on the table, looking confident.

When Joshua didn't react, the fat man added another stack of cash.

After putting down over fifteen thousand dollars and still seeing no response from Joshua, the fat man lost his patience. Just nyour price." Joshua replied quietly. I'm just a waiter." The fat man remarked, "Young man, you're quite ambitious, but you've got what it takes. All right, enough of this, just nyour price.

Ignoring him, Joshua tried to leave again, only to be blocked by the bodyguard.

Joshua demanded. "Step aside." Isabelle stood outside the room, peering in through the glass door.

Joshua was brought forcefully before the fat man by two burly bodyguards, his arms held tightly behind his back. He was forced to bend down and get close to the fat man.

As he saw the fat man's hand reaching out, Joshua turned his face away in disgust and struggled hard. "Letgo!" "Kid, don't be ignorant. Do you know how many people would kill for the chance to be in my bed? It's your lucky day that I've taken an interest in you.

"Do you want to keep your job? Believe me, with just a word from me, you won't be able to work here anymore," the fat man threatened menacingly.

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Seeing Joshua quiet down, the fat man smirked in satisfaction. "It would've been nice if you had been this obedient from the start." Isabelle stood silently outside the door, observing the situation inside the private room.

In the dim light, Joshua's profile and demeanour were nearly identical to a figure carved from the smould as Storm Shadow.

The fat man blew a smoke ring towards Joshua's face, imagining how he would enjoy himself with that cool and handsface.

He was lost in his fantasies.


Unable to take it anymore, Joshua exploded in anger, smashing his om head fiercely into the fat man's nose, NOV instantly breaking it. Then, he followed un with a kick to the fat man's chest. 2/3 08:38 Mon, Chapter 322 He Preferred Men Finished At eighteen or nineteen, full of fiery spirit, he acted without thinking about the consequences. Joshua wanted to finish him off right then and there! With just those two inoves, the fat man almost passed out on the spot.

Joshua was held down by the two bodyguards, unable to move. He struggled hard, veins bulging on his forehead and neck.

The partygoers in the room stopped and hurried over, worried about the XMP.

fat man's condition. Mr. Anderson, ake you okay? Get stissue-quick!" The fat man's nose bleeding heavily. Winced in pain, his eyes rolling back.

"Son of a b*tch!" One guy stepped forward and brutally kicked Joshua to the ground twice. "You dare to lay a hand on Mr. Anderson, you punk!"

Then, he grabbed Joshua's hair, forcing him to raise his head, before slapping him across the face. "You're getting on my nerves." He spat at Joshua's face. "Hold-him down. We'll deal with him later." 1.8K