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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 296
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Resurrecting the Genius Within, Chapter 296 First Meeting Finished Her eyes often seemed indifferent, and George wasn't sure what others felt when they looked into them. but he found it very comforting. He didn't perceive it as coldness. Instead, he found it relaxed and casual.

George felt unusually unrestrained as he gazed directly at her for the first time.

He couldn't help reaching out, wanting to touch her thin eyelids, but Isabelle spoke up and asked, “What do you see?" George withdrew his hand, shaking his head slightly. Remembering that Isabelle couldn't see, he quickly. said, "I don't see any signs of poisoning." Dylan placed the large bundle of medicinal herbs on the table.

"Miss Jenkins, these herbs were personally selected by Mr. Garth. Please look to see if they are correct," Dylan said as he opened each bag individually.

In his heart, Dylan thought: I hope nothing happens. What would it be like if my idol lost her sight? Losing a top hacker's eyesight was as significant as a soldier losing his gun, a kitchen losing its pots, or SpongeBob SquarePants losing Patrick.

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If X went blind, it would not only drive him crazy but also the entire hacker community mad.

"I'll hand them to you," George said, taking each portion of the divided medicinal herbs and placing them into Isabelle's palm.

Isabelle carefully sniffed each herb under her nose.

After confirming everything was correct, Isabelle asked, "What about my needle?" George replied, "It's in my pocket. Do you need it now?" Isabelle stroked the cat in her arms absentmindedly, momentarily not responding.

"Is there anything else missing?" George asked anxiously.

"Yeah, I still need someone to helptry the needle and medicine. Many of these medicines are toxic, so I need to find someone with exceptionally good physical condition, or they might not be able to handle it when I try to move them." Dylan was startled. "Using a live person for experimentation? And it sounds very dangerous." It sounded terrifying! George didn't hesitate at all. "I'll do it." Dylan said, "Mr. Harris." Dylan becanxious and hurriedly asked Isabelle, “Miss Jenkins, what if there's a mistake? What will happen?" Isabelle replied, "At best, you'll lose an eye. At worst, your life. The process of this experiment will also be quite unpleasant, so I need someone who can endure pain." 1/3 Chapter 296 First Meeting Finished Dylan beceven more anxious. “Mr. Harris, you can't do this. If something happens to you, it'll be over. Letfind someone for Miss Jenkins.” Isabelle replied, "Not just anyone can do this. This experiment is inhumane, and if possible, I don't want to harm innocent people." Dylan said, "Givestime. I'll definitely find someone who satisfies you, Miss Jenkins." Isabelle said, "I think you're suitable." Whatt Dylan stammered, "Me?" Dylan was dumbfounded. "Didn't you say you didn't want to harm innocent people?" Isabelle replied, I'll do my best to protect your life. But if you're really unlucky... You and I are acquaintances. Killing acquaintances is less guilty than killing strangers, so I won't feel as bad." Dylan thought: Are you speaking human language? "Miss Jenkins, I'm afraid I'm not suitable for this. Don't let my appearance deceive you. I'm not in good physical condition. I lack exercise, and my fitness level is below average. I might not last through two needles, and the experiment won't yield any results, Dylan resisted, feeling apprehensive.

But George suddenly turned his head and glanced at him coldly.

With that glance, Dylan felt his fate was no longer in his own hands. He suppressed the pain of wanting to live and not die.

He said, "Miss Jenkins, choose me." Whether she agreed or not, it was a matter of life and death either way.

Furthermore, I can't really let Mr. Harris go, can I? George said, "If you're disabled, the Harrises will take care of you for the rest of your life. If, heaven forbid, you lose your life, I will provide compensation to your family." Isabelle concluded, "I will remember you." With a word from his idol, Dylan's blood boiled instantly. He was willing to give his all, not just for the experiment, but to the point of risking his life.

Dylan generously volunteered, saying, “Miss Jenkins, you are the hope and future of the hacker world. This sacrifice of mine is nothing.

Isabelle said to George, "Make sure the compensation is generous.

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George nodded.

She then asked Dylan, "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?" Dylan remained silent.

213 Chapter 296 First Meeting Finished

Dylan cleared his throat nervously. "Miss Jenkins, according to what you just said, is there a chance I might be able to pull through? Even though I've always been quite unlucky." Isabelle replied, "Then I wish you good luck." Dylan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, Liam returned at this moment. Otherwise, poor Dylan might have been even more ore scared by: the two of them.

Jack the dog immediately ran to greet his owner.

Liam walked into the living room and asked, "Has your friend arrived?"

George looked towards the person, his gaze subtly assessing them. He assessing stood up and extended his hand. Tm George Harris, he introduced himself.

He knew the man in front of him was the one who spoke on the phone with Isabelle yesterday, the "Mr. Carter Isabelle referred to. Liam shook hands with him and openly assessed him. “I knew Miss Jenkins' friend wouldn't be ordinary." George replied, "Your nis well-known toas well.' Liam smiled and walked around George, bending down to grab the cat in Isabelle's arms.

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