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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 136
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Resurrecting the Genius Within Chapter 136 A Gift "What's this?" George inquired, presenting the item.

"The watch I promised you, Isabelle confirmed.

Yves had delivered it just the day before.

With anticipation, George unwrapped it, revealing a style that complemented him flawlessly. Grinning, he cradled the watch in his hand.

The craftsmanship was impeccable, boasting intricate details on the dial, and the signature of a revered artisan delicately etched below.

This timepiece hailed from a country renowned for its horological expertise, a testament to its exclusivity and quality.

This watch did not cat a budget price, nor could it be purchased locally.

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Clearly, Isabelle had given it considerable consideration.

"Thank you, this will be the best gift I receive for my birthday this year, George expressed with gratitude as he fastened the watch around his wrist.

Isabelle glanced at him curiously. "Birthday? When's the big day?" George chuckled. "Still a ways off." Teasingly, Isabelle prodded, "Turning thirty?" A brief pause ensued as George hesitated in adjusting the watch.

Isabelle hurriedly interjected, "Just kidding, no need to read into it." Meanwhile, Isabelle retrieved her phone, and George, finishing with the watch, slipped the box into his suit pocket. His attention shifted to Isabelle who was engrossed in a racing gon her device.

"New phone?" he inquired casually.

Isabelle's phone boasted a generous screen size, indicating it wasn't an inexpensive model. Typically, those who owned such a phone used it primarily for gaming-a departure from Isabelle's usual preferences.

Without lifting her gaze, Isabelle responded, "Danny's." Once again, Danny was involved.

In a feigned nonchalant manner, George inquired, “How did you end up with his phone?" Isabelle elaborated, "He got stuck on a glevel.

George was momentarily at a loss for words.

In the private confines of the restaurant's chamber, Sam arrived ahead of schedule, meticulously inspecting the room to ensure its comfort and cleanliness. Detecting an unpleasant odour, he promptly 1/3 Chapter 136 A Gift meeting twas imminent.

Sam pondered over what to say upon meeting her. Despite being raised abroad by his third uncle, he hadn't acquired the open-minded approach to interacting with girls that was common overseas. As a graduate of Taragon University, he had astutely researched Isabelle on the university forum, discovering her exceptional college entrance exam scores, commendable performance in military training, and her prowess in mathematics. Yet, he harboured reservations about their conversation potentially running dry due to his lack of interest in mathematics.

Lost in contemplation, he remained oblivious to the commotion surrounding him. When he finally snapped out of his reverie, the waiter had already escorted the guests in. Sam instinctively glanced up. startled to find his uncle among them. His astonishment deepened upon spotting Isabelle and Dylan trailing behind him, prompting him to rise from his seat almost reflexively.

"U-Uncle George?" Coolly, George answered, "Yes, it's me. have a seat." In a heartbeat, the elder's commanding aura filled the room. Sam gazed at Isabelle and Dylan, trailing behind George, feeling somewhat bewildered. Dylan greeted respectfully, "Mr. Sam. Ethan acknowledged him with a nod before George motioned for him to take a seat beside him at the head of the table.

"Sit, George directed Sam, who was still standing.

Regaining his composure, Sam nodded before settling into his assigned seat, positioned four seats away from George, reminiscent of their seating arrangement during family dinners at home. Isabelle took her place on George's left side.

"Are the dishes ready?" George inquired.

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"Not yet," Sam responded swiftly, his gaze darting towards Isabelle. He intended to let her decide on the order.

However, before he could act, George took charge-reaching for the menu from the waiter, he opened it and presented it to Isabelle.

In a tone that caught Sam off guard, George encouraged, "Have a look and pick what appeals to you." It was just a routine inquiry that lacked any particular warmth, yet it was something Sam hadn't experienced before.

In the workplace, George was his superior; at home, he was his elder. In both roles, George seldom exhibited much warmth.

Even in private, George's demeanour remained indifferent.

Considering his demeanour and status, Isabelle casually remarked, “You go ahead and order, I'm good with anything Having shared a residence in Melfrey for a significant period, George was well aware of Isabelle's culinary preferences.

Observing Sam's tense demeanour, Isabelle commented, "He seems rather intimidated by you." While the world outside might tremble at the mention of George, Isabelle never imagined that within the 9/3 09:12 Fri, 7 Jun Y.

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Harris family, there would also be a palpable fear of him. Despite then generational gap, their ages were only separated by a few years. How had this fear permeated to such an extent?

As George's gaze fell upon Sam, a shiver coursed down the latter's spine. George clarified Dhad intended to invite MS. Jenkins to dinner, but our schedules clashed, so she extended the invitation toinstead.

I trust you're okay with that?"

George was typically empathetic and encouraging towards the youngen generation, seldom resorting to criticism or scolding. Instead, he would mete out penalties directly. Send Gifts 382 X