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Resent, Reject, Regret by Aqua Summers

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76 He Sold Her Off

A bucket of ice-cold water was poured all over her face. Deirdre jumped, her eyes. opening wide from


She realized she could not move. Her limbs were tied.

The woman who had woken her up scanned her. Disgust was dripping from her words. “Eew, what the

hell? It’s bad enough that she looks like a horror movie-she’s way too skinny and frail to even satisfy a

customer! I swear, Mr. Brighthall is unbelievable.”

Her subordinate was quick to appease her. “Well, it’s more about doing Mr. Brighthall a favor, right?

You know he’s gonna remember this and repay you with lots of goodies in the future, Madam Rouge!”

“Pfft. A favor. I’d love to do him a favor, but God! This b*tch can’t even attract a man in heat,” Madam

Rouge sneered. Pinching a cigarette between her fingers, she strutted toward Deirdre and frowned.

“Holy sh*t. Hell, no! This b*tch is blind!”

Deirdre felt a chill crawling up her spine. So Brendan… was the one behind this?

Had he finally grown sick of her, after all? He had grown weary of her-and yet that sadistic madman

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would not forgive himself if he ever let her go in peace, so he had. arranged one of the cruelest tortures

he could come up with and put her through it.

He had sold her off to a brothel, had he not?

Just how much did he hate her? How immense was his hatred? How much would a man have to hate a

woman to devise something so… inhumane?!

Deidre wept bitterly. She bit her lips so hard that she could taste blood.

Madam Rouge crouched, examining her even more closely. Then, suddenly, she began to grab her

clothing and yanked it away.

“W-What are you doing?!” Deirdre cried out, feeling alarmed. She writhed despite her bondage until

finally, she planted a foot on Madam Rouge’s body.

The woman yelped, but it was more out of shock than pain. It did not hurt, but the move stained her

dress-an act that infuriated Madam Rouge. She shot a glance at her subordinates

They lunged, each grabbing a bit of Deirdre’s hair before slapping her across the face Deirdre thought

she was going to faint from the pain alone.

Seeing her suffer due to her transgression relieved Madam Rouge of her initial rage.”

Enough, enough! Can’t go overboard and kill her ’cause you know the only value she has left when it

comes to this job is the fact that she’s still got a pulse,” she said, waving her hand dismissively.

“Though, I gotta admit, she’s got the right voice. I bet. our clients would love to hear her moan… Come

on, doll her up. Place a mask over her face, for the love of God. Those third-rate, poor-*ss idiots will

probably love her enough, so I guess I’ll take her.

“You better tell Mr. Brighthall that I accept his offer and I’m counting on him to return the favor in the


“Definitely, ma’am! Definitely.”

“Get her to change.”

Deirdre was drifting in and out of consciousness, and yet she managed to hear every word of their

exchange. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her sore cheeks, eliciting a sort of searing pain,

as though she was being whipped.

They did not just change her-they drugged her. Robbed her of any control over her own body, then left

her on a bed, limp and helpless.

Like food waiting to be devoured.

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A few moments passed before Deirdre heard the door opening. A man with a suffocating odor

staggered into the room, unable to take even a few steps without a couple of hiccups.

“Oh, little miss sunshine! You can’t wait to have fun, can you?” he cooed. “Just look at you, writhing like

sin incarnate! Don’t fret, help is on the way! Big, hard help!”

The man was restless. Deirdre trembled and bit her lips as hard as she could to salvage her steadily

slipping sense. “Get away from me!”

The drug had neutered her indignance. Her words were slurred, the force of her waned, and her defiant

cry came out as a purr.


The man’s lust erupted, and he felt his entire body swelling with blood. “F*ck, b*tch is playing hard to

get! I’m weak when it comes to that sh*t, little canary!”

He could not hold himself back any longer. The lingerie she was wearing was just too alluring…

Feeling the man’s hand on her body disgusted her, and yet the drug had effectively taken control of her

She dug her nails into her palms, using the pain to wrestle some control over herself, and slurred with

difficulty, “M-My m-m-mask…

The man looked at her groggily. He leaned closely, making Deirdre gag with his breath. “What was that,

little canary?”

Deirdre’s lips were bleeding from her own bite. “T-Take it off…”