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Remarriage His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 255
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Chapter 255

If Justin hadn’t been in the hospitai but the Thomas villa, he would have lauglied out loud at what Oscar said.

Though Justin lele lis desire to laurliouit, lic put on a mocking expression.

“Young man, it is good to have confidence, but overconfidence is stupidity.” Justin had a better attitude toward

Oscar than toward the Cheek sisters. But that didn’t make any difference.

“Mr. Thomas, I know you value Lucas’ability, but to be honest, isn’t Lucas the cause of this crisis?”

Oscar was not angry. Instead, he smiled. He continued, “Besides, if Lucas is really that capable, why is the stock

price of the Thomas Group still low these days?”

Wal Oscar said was a blow to Justin. Justin, who valled the Thomas Group more than anything

clse, suddenly became gloomy.

As Louis’ illegitimate son, Oscar had lived in the shadows since he was a child. Just like his mother, Amanda, he had

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been very good at perceiving people’s thinking since he was a child.

Louis preferred Oscar to Lucas, who always looked cold.

When Oscar saw the expression on Justin’s face, he knew that he had hit Justin’s sore spot.

Oscar continued, “Mr. Thomas, if I can appear as another heir of the Thomas family, I should give new hope to the

shareholders and the market. After all, Lucus didn’t just make a mistake at his wedding. He was literally played by

the future heir of the Hall family. For outsiders, il Lucas is the heir of the Thomas Group, doesn’t that mean the

Thomas Group is bound to lose the connection of the Hall Group?”

Justin’s face darkened. Oscar wanted to say more, but Justin raised his arm.

“What identity do you have to appear in the Thomas Group? Louis’ illegitimate child?” Justin’s cold voice inade

Oscar freeze.

A hint of embarrassment (lashed across Oscar’s face again.

“Mr. Thomas, if you are willing to give me a chance you can let my father get a divorce first, and thien…”

Before Oscar could finishi, Justin interrupted him again.

“Do you think that Louis’ wife is like your mother? Do you think she is a woman who can only rely on men?” Justin

sneered and said, “Do you really think you are good enough to be a real Thomas?”

Justin was very straightforward. What he said was far from pleasant to the ears.

Even though Oscar was mentally prepared before he came, he still sound Justin too mean. Oscar

Seven had the desire to smash everything in the rooin.

Looking at Oscar’s face, Justin continued, “I lold you that running a company is not playing a game. What do you

know? What you know is nothing more than what you heard from iny good-for-nothing son. If Louis is promising, I

won’t count on Lucas now.”

“Mr. Thomas…” Oscar still wanted to say more, but Justin no longer wanted to listen.

“Dwayne, I’m tired. Please see this gentleman out. Justin immediately ordered.

Dwayzie stood up and Icd Oscar to leave. Then he turned back to Justin and said, “Mr. Thomas, are you alright?”

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“I’m fine.” Justin leaned against the bed, a little tired

“In fact, you said before that you would consider others. Why do you say that to him?” asked Dwayne.

“I was just warning Lucas. I will not hand the Thomas family over to an incompetent person, and I know you can tell

how much that kid hated the Thomas family. I won’t let him get what he wants unless I’m dead.” Justin coughed


Dwayne quickly patted Justin on the back.

After Justin selt a little more comfortable, he waved his hand.

“Mr. Thomas, I’ll call a doctor for you,” Dwayne said worriedly.

“You don’t have to. Tell the doctor tomorrow to adjust my treatment plan. I want to leave the

hospital as soon as possible.” Justin sounded tired.

“But you have not recovered yet,” Dwayne said in surprise.

“Lucas has no clue what to do now. He is too soft-hearted towards Jessica. I can’t watch the Thomas Group fall just

like that!” Justin said firmly.

Dwayne did not dare to continue. He was indeed worried about Justin’s health.