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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71
Jaxon’s mood was instantly sore, The Silver pack has been independent and never joined any of the treaties but that was not
problem for Jaxon. He always used opportunities like this to make them join the treaties but at this point, he could not endanger
Rowena’s life.
Levi was just a day old so how could they travel with him or leave him behind to travel for hours to another pack? Jason could
not allow it and did not know how to handle it without sounding cruel.
All attention was on him and Rowena. Everyone knew how soft-hearted Rowena was, which made it even more difficult to
decide. Levi was soundly sleeping in Rowena’s arms and for the first time was afraid since she just gave birth and did not know
whether using her powers would have any effect on her and Levi.
As the silence took so long that it became deafening and with the three men looking desperately up to Jaxon, everyone was
cager to hear his response to the call for help in this situation.
“We can help you on one condition,” Jaxon finally said. Everyone waited in anticipation of the terms Jaxon was going to put
before them, as one of the warriors said,
“If its about the treaty, our Gam ma already agreed to it. He could not leave the pack because its in a vulnerable state at the
Jaxon nodded his head, saying, “Tunderstand but that is not the condition I’m talking about.”
The warriors were imprinted with confused expressions whiles one of the asked seriously. “Then what is it? We shall do
Jaxon went into a deep thought whiles everybody waited anxiously. Life was very important and this had to do with that of an
Alpha and his Beta. Jaxon was not heartless so he gave his final say on the matter.
“My Luna cannot leave this pack until at least a month. She just delivered our heir so you should understandTM
The three men looked disappointed and sad. Even the pack members felt pay for them. Rowena had the passion to always help
but this time, she just was not moved and agreed with Jason, which was strange to she herself.
“Alpha, then what do we do!” One of the warriors pleaded. He did not travel all the way here to return with this kind of news. It
was just too heartbreaking Jason still had a solution in mind, thereby revealing.
“I can get you a private jet to convey hath your Alpha and Beta to our pack. Then, our Luna can take care of them”
The warriors began to look at each other awkwardly, suddenly feeling nervous as if this Alpha had some special powers. They
always responded with calls for help with urgency and this was the first time they received an option like this.
The snow mountain pack progressed very fast in all the coffee business, hospitality, and relaxation businesses he set up.
including the water falls. A lot of income was generated for the pack and Jaxon could afford a jet but had no need for it since he
stopped travelling so much.
Whereas he was ready to rent one to convey their Alpha and Beta but these warriors did not seem pleased with this solution.

“Alpha, please, we shall get back to you, one of them said.
Jaxon nodded and the three warriors left. He never heard from them again until two months later when a war broke out between
the silver pack and another pack. It was revealed that the silver pack had planned an attack against the snow mountain pack.

Because they feared Jaxon, their only way was to plant bombs in the middle of the road so that when he moved to heal their
Alpha and beta, his car would blast as soon as it came into contact with the bomb, which was not visible to the eyes.
It was also well known that Jaxon never allowed Rowena to travel alone so this was their way of eliminating both the Alpha and
Luna together. Without Rowena’s healing powers, and for the attack to be launched right after the death of the Alpha and Luna,
the snow mountain pack would become vulnerable and easily be conquered.
Unfortunately for them, Jaxon’s thoughtfulness, saved his life and that of Rowena, thereby protecting the pack as well- After
hearing that news, he implemented a new rule whereby help would only be offered if whoever was sick was brought to the snow
mountain pack but Rowena would never leave the pack to embark on such duties anymore, for safety reasons.
6 years later
Run faster, the beast is getting closer!
Six-year-old Levi was running with Philipp in the woods whiles these words kept invading their minds through mind link. The
cousins raced each other, rim ming through the bushes, jumping logs, traps, hurdles and whatever were set against the epersies
of the pack. As they got closer to their pack, Philip fainted from eximustion.
Levi had already gone ahead but kept his cousins, movements in his mind through sound. When the panting and feet crashing
on dry leaves was heard no more, he stopped and looked back and not seeing any sign of his cousin, he was Chung with worry.
Chapter 71
“Rim faster, the best will eat you.”
The voice sounded in his mind again but Levi replied back through mind link. The beast can eat me, I am not leaving without my
They were cousins but from infancy, they abay’s called themselves brothers since neither Rower nor Gracie, ever had children
again. Hearing the resolve in his voice, the owner of the mind link was stunned that the little boy was not scared of danger
because something had happened to his cousin.
Levi was almost at the pack entrance by then but run back into the woods in search of his brother, and it was not long before he
found Philip unconscious on the floor.
Levi did not know where he got the strength but carried his equally six-year-old cousin on his shoulder, whiles he began running
back to the snow mountain pack, away from whatever beast his father claimed to be chasing them.
Reaching the pack boundary, he knocked into his uncle Charles, who was racing with his father to meet with him. .

Jaxon stopped after Levi’s collision with Charles and quickly grabbed hold of Phellip before he fell from Levi’s shoulders after the
“What happened?” Jaxon asked, greatly worried for his nephew, as he and Charles fruitlessly tried to resuscitate him through
“We were running together but I could not hear any sound from him anymore so I went back to see that he had fainted”
Jaxon and Charles exchanged worried looks, realizing that the training for these little warriors was too hard. Levi had an Alpha
wolf and was taking it quite well but Phillip could not meet up. He had a beta wolf so his resistance could not be compared to

Besides, Levi also had some powers that have been kept secret after be used in once to heal his mother, after she birthed lum It
was unknown to him that he had any kind of powers and always saw himself as an average wolf.
It was discovered to as well carry a curse, for which reason both parents agreed to not train him to use it. It would be better for
him to grow up like has father and live a normal life.
“Get your mother,” Jaxon said to Levi, who began to run towards the pack hospital since Rowena was on duty. Due to hist speed,
he got ahead and brought Rowena out of the hospital to meet them halfway,
As soon as Rowena carried Phillip in her arms, the boy woke up. “Aunty Row, what are you doing here?” He asked dreamily.
“I came to welcome you back.” Rowena said, not wanting to break his ego for the fact that he had fainted during their special
training. They would train with the warriors during the normal training but after that, Jaxon and Charles had a special training
program for Levi and Phillip
Philip quickly wiggled out of her arms and asked, “why didn’t moni come too?”
He was already self-conscious of the race, feeling disappointed to have not seen the end. At that, he feared that something had
happened and his aunty did not want to tell him
“She is busier than I am at the hospital today, Rowena smiled and said, not wanting to create any suspicion. It was the reason
why he did not allow them to come to the hospital but met them half way. She never trained much due to lack of time but these
were boys and they had to train all the time since they were the future of the pack.
“Well done on your training. I will get back to work,” she hugged Phillip and spoke. Then she lagged Levi also and left.
“You did well, lande beta. That training was not meant for you,” Jaxon praised him honestly. He did not expect Phillip to complete
half the journey but got to the finishing point. However, Philip was still confused since his father had not spoken.
“I don’t remember how I got here,” Phillip complained but Levi did not explain either. He just smiled at his cousin whiles Charles
patted him on the back, saying,
“Don’t worry. You will go back anyway.”
“Phil, I’m hungry. Let’s go and eat,” Levi said. After this kind of training, he never joked with his food. Grandma’s food was the
most delirious, as they always sang.

“Yeah right,” Philip said before racing with Levi to the park house.
When the cousins were out of view, Charles asked Jaxon sadly. “Do you think he’s weak?”
Jaxon realized lie was comparing Phillip to Levi, which was not a good comparison. Pullip was stronger than all his ageniales
except Levi.
“What are you talking about? We just put him on an Alpha training, and he did very well. We lost touch with him, not lang before
Levi gave us the information, which means that he only fainted at the last part. Don’t forget that you never made half of that
journey,” Jaxon teased Charles and they both laughed.
Charles was indeed weaker in his childhood than Levi so the remembrance boosted his hope tremendously. Jaxon recalled
soluething and added,
“Also don’t forget that he never gave up.”
Chapter 71
Not giving up was a big deal during training. It was more honorable to fight till death that to give up or turn around and run.
Charles was now convinced that indeed, Phillip had done very well
Reaching the pack house, they were both surprised to see who was waiting for them. Alice had already served the boys their
food and whiles they are, she said to Jaxon and Charles,
“Jax and Charles, meet Jason, my brother, Rowena’s uncle. He came to seek for help for your help.”