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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57
‘Are they rogues?’ Alpha Baron asked the beta through mind link. The response was lasty through the same mind link.
‘No. It’s the Sky pack.
As soon as Alpha Baron ended the mindlink, he said to Jaxon, “its Alpha Bones. I think its because of my allegiance with you,
Alpha Baron explained, visibly shaken. He wondered how they knew about the allegiance so soon when he had not been able to
prepare his pack against attacks like this.
“You look afraid.” Jaxon observed and commended. Alpha Baron did not deny it and explained,
“Yes, because some of my best warriors are still down. It was more like he was afraid,
Jaxon looked at Rowena again. It was not right for her to be left alone since most of the doctors and nurses would be on the
battlefield, bringing the injured warriors to the hospital. However, since they had an allegiance, he could never watch Alpha
Baron’s pack destroyed.
Alpha Baron had a feeling that Clara was involved but could not say so immediately, lest Jaxon got upset with him. He also
feared if he would be able to keep his allegiance after confessing what he had planned with Clara before but one thing Alpha
Baron was sure of was the fact that when all this was over, he was going to get even with Clara.
“Rowl” Before Jaxon could explain the situation to her, Rovena looked up and said to him,
“You can go, Jax, I will be fine.”
Jaxon hugged and kissed her before he looked at Alpha Baron and said, “let’s go.”
Hope returned to Alpha Baron’s eyes with the knowledge that Jaxon was not going to leave them alone but was going to help.
He felt guilty for keeping everything about Chara to himself and said solently,
“When we get back. I have some things to tell you.”
Whatever he had to say, was not important to Jaxon at the moment as compared to the pack.
“Take care of the pack first,” Jaxon instructed, as they run out of the hospital building. As Rowena continued with her healing, the
warriors who recovered, quickly went to join the war whiles more were brought back by the doctors and nurses. The first pack of
the war doing not seem to be going very well for the star pack.
Rowena felt pity for the Star pack. It seemed that their warriors were not as strong as those of the Snow Mountain pack and was
glad that the warriors they brought along had also gone to help to protect the star pack.
Everywhere in the Star pack was in a chaos, women and children running here and there with no one to protect them. The
enemies were attacking from all angles.
However, it was surprising when the Star pack was able to put themselves together and began to defend. Jaxon realized that

what ailed the warriors of the star pack was not their lack of strength but rather lack of confidence and fear.
He observed in Alpha Baron as well, and decided to help in the best way he could.

“What is the plan Jaxon asked Alpha Baron, guessing that he had none. They were fighting in human form whales they spoke
since the war had not yet intensified for them to shift.
“We defend ourselves?” Alpha Baron said rhetorically whiles fighting off two warriors. Jaxon shook his head, whiles he kicked a
warrior with a force that sent three more of them to the floor.
“No. You will lose any war if you just plan for defense. You should plan for an attack too,” Jaxon advised whiles choking two
enemy warriors, one in his left and the other in his right hand.
“But my warriors,” Alpha Baron complained, not knowing how he was going to make headway in a situation like this but Jaxon
explained to faim whiles ready to shift due to the number of enemy warriors running in their direction.
“Choose your strongest warriors and send them to where the war is heated most. For their Alpha, you target and fight him.
yourself. The more he lives, the more warriors you lose, you have to understand that.”
Jaxon would never go to a war and allow the Alpha to live. Once the Alpha was down, the war was over. It was the reason why
most Alphas feared derlaring a war against the snow mountain pack. Before declaring the war, the Alpha had to make sure that
he could kill Jaxon and since they knew thy couldn’t, they never attacked.
When Alpha Baron reminisced over Jaxon’s words, he realized what his mistake has been all these whiles. They would target
the enemy’s warriors and attack them, feeling like he was winning and only to realize that majority of his warriors were down and
they were losing.
By the time he would have to engage in the fight with the enemy Alpha, he would have already lost everything. Jaxon’s strategy,
was to eliminate the strongest and when that happened, then the weaker ones would be forced to surrender.
That is his beta,” Alpha Baron saw a brown wolf running towards him and exclaimed to Jaxon
“Then you stuft and take him down. I will be on the lookout for Alpla Baron, Jaxon said before taking his wolf form as well
Chapter 57
Hearing Jaxon’s promise, Alpha Baron did not doubt anymore and did as tell. Since he had Jaxon watching his back, he was
more confident now than before.
It was this same pack that attacked them exactly one month ago and they had not recovered before the Alpha came back to
finish what he started. Ever since losing the last war, Alpha Baron had lost hope and slowly slipped into depression.
He felt like the weakest Alpha among all the Alphas but now, hope had returned and he did not feel like the weakest anymore.
He also realized that strength was not enough to win any war. One must as well be smart, knowing how to skillfully strategize.
This time around, the Sky Pack was confused. Jason and his two warriors were not only slaying mercilessly but also helping to

boost the confidence of the warriors of the Star pack.
Most of those warriors were afraid because of how the Sky pack defeated them the last time. Whereas with Jaxon’s

encouragement, their confidence returned and they slayed fearlessly.
Jaxon had to also remind them to not be afraid of getting injured since Rowena was there to heal them. When the warriors who
had gotten healed by Rowena heard this, their confidence soared the more because they knew it was truth.
They had tested and seen that Rower was an amazing doctor and it was wonderful how this war happened when she was still in
their pack
“Alpha Baron, what is your situation? Jaxon asked since most of the enemy warriors were getting tired. This was the best time to
force them to surrender.
“I killed the beta but I have not set eyes on Alpha Bones himself, Alpha Baron responded through mind link.
“Same here. We should ensure that we find him. As soon as he is down, the war is over, Jason said before ending the mind link.
They fight continued with more of the Sky pack warriors falling to the ground and being ignored. When the warriors of the star
moon pack fell, they were quickly rushed to the hospital but those of the sky pack were left to die.
Their medical team was few since they had not expected such a strong defense. They knew most of the warriors were already
down and hoped that with this attack, they could take over the pack but how wrong they were
Those who had seen Jaxon were even more confused since they were not aware of the allegiance. Jaxon did not waste his time
to inform packs they were not in allegiance with and focused on only those with membership.
Now that they had more injured warriors than expected, they could not attend to them all at once, causing them to lose their lives
Everyone began searching for the Alpha since some members of the sky pack had begun to flee. They were not hearing from
their Alpha, thereby lacking the moral. With no encouragement, they felt like being alone. A sheep without a shepherd was the
“Alpha Jaxon, I sense something bad. I still have not seen him,” Alpha Baron said after shifting back to human form. He was
naked and so was Jaxon but these things were normal during a war. Once they shifted, their clothes tore and since the war was
not over, they could not replace their clothes yet.
There was the probability that they would shift again. The Star pack had won but Alpha Baron could not see the victory in this
war when he had not seen the Alpha himself.
“Can you guess the reason why he would attack?” Jaxon asked seriously. Alpha Baron went into deep thought and was filled
with regret whiles he said,
“Please check on Rowena.”.
There was remorse opfis face and Jaxon was confused at the suggestion.
“Why do you say so? They don’t know about her,” Jaxon said suspiciously. He began to sense betrayal and Jax was ready to
attack again.
“I think they do. Clara must have informed them,” Alpha Baron revealed with regret. He was ready to face Jaxon’s wrath for
keeping it from him but how could he have known that Clara would seek the help of the Sky Pack?

At the mention of the name Clara, Jaxon was furious and felt as if he had been tricked. Before he could even run towards the
hospital, a mindlink came through from Rowers, help Jax, please help me!.