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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Without Clara and her friends being at training, everything seemed different. No one caused trouble

and both Rowena and Gracie were comfortable. They did their non ammud the training arena for four

times without sweat before joining the beginners. Even the old Alpha was there to help this time, which

booster the moral el all the young trainees

Both of them were serious and seeing how Charles was patient with Gracie, ignoring, her silly

mistakes, Howena was amazed. When they were given their five minutes break, Rowena asked Grace,

“What happened?”

Gracie chuckled, recalling what Charles told her but she wanted to hear it from Rowena’s mouth and

tease her a little. “I should be asking how you disappeared from the house.”

“I don’t know, I just slept and wake up in Jaxon’s room, Rowena shook her head and said, whiles she

sipped a little water. They were both a sweating mess but did not regret being at training at this time,

“I never knew you to be a sleepwalker so what happened?” Gracie asked seriously since Rowera

confirmed what Charles told her.

“I seriously cannot remember,” Rowena said thoughtfully whiles Gracie asked,

-Se, was he angry?”

“No, he was surprised but took it calmly, joking at the same time that the same thing would happen if I

leave for Canada,” Rowena chuckled and spoke. Grace had a little hape in her heart and asked,

“Do you think it might happen? Do you plan to leave!”

At first, Rowena was certain that she had the answer to that question but it did not seem so anymore.

“You have not told me what happened to you,” Rowena pointed out.

“Fine. I was still sleeping when I heard a knock on the door. I thought you were in the washicom so I

went to check and to my shock, Charles was standing there nervously. He was stammering when he

said that you sleepwalked to Jon’s room and he had to take me to training. Ther he asked to see mom,

You should see the shock on mom’s face to hear him stammer, when he said that Jaxon was not

returning for brunch but supper”

“Wait…not retiring?” Rowena frowned and asked, since she was not privy to that p

tpart of the plan

“guess he’s taking you somewhere,” Gracie smiled and spoke. Rowena clased her eyes in a thoughtful

mode and let out.

“I recalled him saying yesterday that he wanted d to take me around the pack.”

“So how was your first night together?” Gracie asked with interest. She did not have much to say since

Charles did not say much on their way to the training arena. The man was nervous all through and

Gracie could not point out the reason. She also did not burden him with any questions “Chill, Gracie,

nothing happened between us, Rowena chuckled and said, surprised by Gracie’s unholy thoughts.

Gracie had a knowing look on her face as she said,

“Just let him mare you already Row, you two belongs together

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to their positions.

“Pack, break time over,” Jaxon announced and everyone returned to

Jaxon was delighted to have his father helping them out with the new recruits, feeling grateful. It took

another two hours before training was over. Jaxon walked over to Rowena and said, “you can shower

and change at my place before the tour

“What about Gracie? Can’t she come?” Rowena asked womedy, it would not be nice to leave her best

friend behind and idle since they were used to the busy kind of life.

Jaxon looked over and called Charles. When he arrived, Jason asked, “Can you take Gracie around

the pack? She is a doctor but I don’t doubt she could help in the office as well since Clara is lousy” he


Jaxon never saw Gracie as a third wheel but at this time, he needed a bonding moment with Rowena,

for which reason he did not want Gracie to come along. Also, it was a good time for Charles to be dose

to his mate.

“Okay” Charley agreed to everyone’s surprise without any argument, Gracie smiled and said,

bother you Chartes but i haw to

to go ar

and shower first. She expected him to agree to take her home but not,

“You can shower at my place except the female clothes in my closet

“I will give her clothes,” Jason said to cut off his stress. He knew the female clothes in Charles’s closet

belonged to Clara. Aber everything was agreed on, the parties left for the same destination in differend

vehicles after the two women greeted the old Alpha, who was excited to see them.

Gracie liked this arrangement for two reasons. Number one, Charles was her mate and she had no

ustention of giving up on him easily. Secondly, he was already dating Clare. That should be a pity but to

Gracie, it would be a good pay back to Cara for all she did to Rowena, to see her man snatched from

her as well. Gracie was not as meek as she looked

At the pack house, Jason allowed Rowena to shower first whiles he picked some clothes for Grace.

They were about five, which he wanted to be kept in Charles closet since he intended to create more

opportunities for Gracie to spend time in Charles’s room.

When he went to deliver the clothes to Charles in his room, Gracie was in the shower so Jaxon sakl, i

hope you don’t reject her also because I doubt


Chapter 33

the Moon goddess will ever be merciful to you again.”

For as long as Jaxon knew, Charles did not deserve a woman like Gracie but he was surprised by

Charles’s response, “I don’t intend to.”

“Good but I will also not advise that you keep two women in your life. You have to decide,” Jaxon

looked over his shoulder and spoke.

“I have already arrived at a decision,” Charles revealed, catching Jaxon’s interest.

“Which is?” He asked.

Charles smiled and replied, “I will like to keep that piece of information to myself for now.”

“Alright, I just hope it isn’t Rowena because I might just send you to an early grave,” Jaxon warned


Charles chuckled but did not respond. When Jaxon went back to his mom, he forgot to knock on his

door, thereby opening it to Rowena, who had stepped out from the bathroom naked. She thought Jason

had excused her like he always did, not expecting him to return anytime soon.

He legs felt weak, as their pazes met. The desire in Jason’s eyes burned like wild fire and the passion

in Rowena’s eyes left her puzzled. They felt drawn to each other like and magnet and she did not know

when Jaxon stood right in front of her with their gazes locked on each other.

“Move in with me,” he said in a husky voice, whiles he tried to fight the urge of claiming her right there

and then.

“…” Rowena felt a lump in her throat.

“We belong to each other Row, I promise to not touch you until you give me permission, even as

everything in me desires for you,” his eyes body like he wanted to eat her raw,

Rowena’s cheeks recidened, her legs felt like jelly whiles her body burned from the fire in his eyes. “I

don’t think it’s a good idea”

Jaxon swallowed tightly, dismay flashed in his eyes. “You gave me a week so how could we make the

best of each other when you spend eight hours away?” his voice was pleading and Rowena felt

remorse. She wanted him too but she did not want to make any mistake.

“That eight hours is used for sleep,” she let out. Jason let out a frustrated sigh, as he tried to convince

and make her to see things from his perspective.

“The greatest bonds are created when mates sleep together on the same bed. Even without sex or

marking, it works effectively.”

Rowena felt so ashamed standing naked in front of him, she wanted to dig a hole and hide but he had

already seen everything and there was no denying that he was right. “Please let me think about it.”

Hope shone in Jaxon’s eyes as he pushed further, “I can’t wait How, eight years without giving myself

to any woman is not easy.”

His confession caught Rowena’s attention but she was not guilty in any sense, also revealing, “All my

life, I never gave myself to any man so you should


Jaxon pursed his lips but did not say anymore. Rowena saw a flash of pain in his eyes and asked, “can

you tell me about your destined mate!” She could guess that Jaxon had been hurt before but unlike her,

he was ready to take the risk again,

“You are my destined mate, Row,” Jaxon said in a croaky voice, trying his best to not remember the

past. The future was what mattered to him and Rowena was the future he looked forward to. However,

Rowena was insistent, wanting to hear the whole story

“I know I’m your second chance mate. You left the pack because of your human mate” She recalled it

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from when she was fifteen years. Though through gossip from other pack members, she guessed it

was true. Jason could not hide it anymore and revealed,

“The fact that she cheated on me when I was working so hard to make her comfortable and happy, only

meant we were not destined to be. If it were so, things would not have changed.”

im to say it.”

Fit. “I’m sorry.”

Seeing the pain covering his eyes when he spoke about the past, Rowena regretted forcing him to t

Jaxon shook it off and returned to the matter of interest, which was the most important to him at the

moment. “I will like to show you everything about the pack and where your help will be needed if you

decide to stay but I must be honest with you Row”

He took a deep breath and stared at her, she felt uneasy. There was something telling her that she was

not going to like what he was going to say but she could also not tell him to not say it. Her curiosity was

at its peak and she did not know how to control it.

“If you decide to go, I am going with you. I can’t stand being away from you, Jason revealed, she paled

instantly. This was more that she could digest Jaxon was obspised with her and she could tell there

was no going back. When she thought before that everything was lost, the moon goddess had to send

her such a possessive mate. It was sexy but the fact also remained.

“And what would happen to the pack?”

Jaxon had already thought it through and had the answers waiting as well. He was not going to leave

the pack unattended since there was someone to take care of it in his absence. Even right now, if he

had not sold his company in Canada and invested the money into the pack business, he could have

been traveling between both entities.

Nevertheless, he wanted to be away from the woman who betrayed him so badly. He wanted nothing to

do with her and wanted nothing to bring them close to each other ever again. “Charles took care of the

pack before. He still can.”“”

Rowena rolled her eyes. Charles was good before and won a lot of firaits but after whi not have to

revolve around me.

to Rowena, she knew it was all a facade. “Your life does

Jason held both of her hands in his tightly and kissed the back of it. Rowena could feel a shiver running

down her spine when his soft lips touched her skin. He replied, “it does. It does so much, it hurts. When

I saw you upon my return, I would have gone back with you or begged you to stay if I had

Chapter 33

known that un

Jaxon stared came

(at he spoke. “Don’t beat yourself to it? the smiled and spoke

care the only one I want in dressup

hurt her At that moment.

every device burning inside of him and pulled away from her Obviously he espect for him increased


he did not want to d

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