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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Chapter 91.

Astel’s POV.

| paced the length of the room, muttering to myself. How dare he? | hissed. How dare he try to take her from me?

My hands curled into fists, and | felt a surge of rage building inside of me.

“She’s mine! Mine!” | yelled, my voice echoing off the stone walls.

| felt my wolf inside ofgrowling and snarling, aching to be set free. | balled my hands into tight fists, trying to

keep control of my emotions. But | could feel myself slipping, my wolf taking over.

The words played on repeat in my head, like a broken record.

“Will you marry me, my dearest mate?” | paced the length of the room, trying to control my breathing. But it was

no use. | could feel the anger and resentment bubbling up inside of me, threatening to take control.

| slammed my hand against the wall, trying to relieve sof the tension. But it was no use. | felt like | was

drowning, my emotions overwhelming me.

| sank to the floor, burying my head in my hands. | felt like | was losing my mind. Why did the Moon Goddess do

this to me? Why did she take Nelly away from me? | was supposed to be her mate. | was supposed to be the one

who was there for her, who protected her. But now, she was with Kex, and | felt like | was losing everything.

| could feel my wolf inside me, growling and snarling, ready to take control. But | couldn't let it. | had to keep it

together. | had to be strong. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. | needed to focus. | needed to

think. | had to find a way, | needed Nelly.

“I warned you,” a voice said, and | looked up to see my wolf staring back atfrom the mirror. Its eyes were

filled with disgust, and | felt a surge of anger and shame.

“Not now, Alex,” | said, pushing my wolf aside. But it growled, refusing to be ignored.

“Who did you leave our mate for? Shantel?” it snarled, its voice a low rumble.

“Yes, | made a f ucking mistake,” | yelled, feeling my control slipping. “But | can fix it! | can make things right!”

My wolf was having none of it, and we were soon engaged in a furious battle for control. The rage and frustration

that | had been holding in for so long finally burst to the surface, and | felt my vision going red. | stumbled to my

feet, panting and sweating, my hands balled into fists.

“You can't fix a lost battle,” my wolf growled.

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“Nelly can never be ours.”





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10:40 Mon, 4 Mar

Chapter 91

“You lie!” | shouted, my words trembling with emotion. “I can still have her! | can still make her mine!”

“You're fighting a lost battle,” my wolf said, its voice calm and certain.

| gritted my teeth, feeling frustration and anger welling up inside me. In a fit of rage, | yanked off my shoe and

threw it at the mirror, shattering the glass.

“F uck you,” | muttered, my voice breaking. | sank to the floor, burying my head in my hands.

There was a sharp rap on the door, and | didn’t have the energy to answer. The door swung open, and a voice

called out to me.



all right, Alpha?” | just stared at the person in front of me, unable to respond.

| wanted to be alone, to wallow in my self-pity. The person took a step into the room, their eyes sweeping over

the shattered mirror and broken glass.

“Do you need anything?” they asked, their voice gentle and concerned.

“A bottle of tequila,” | said, my voice h oarse. The person nodded and left the room.

My mind was spinning. My wolf was right. | had lost the battle for Nelly’s love, and there was no way to undo the

damage that had been done. She was gone, and there was nothing | could do to bring her back. | felt a deep

sense of shand regret, and | didn’t know how to move forward.

| sat there, stewing in my own misery. | felt numb, like my body and mind were disconnected. When the door

opened again, | didn’t even bother to look up. A glass clinked on the table in front of me, and | heard the sound

of liquid being poured. | looked up to see a bottle of tequila and a shot glass.

“Drink,” a voice said. It was a command, not a request. | looked up to see the face of my beta, eyes.



| mumbled my thanks as my beta left the room, closing the door behind him. | sat there, the glass of tequila in

my hand, the liquid sloshing against the sides. My wolf let out a pained whimper, and | ignored it.

| downed the shot, feeling the burn of the alcohol as it slid down my throat. | poured myself another shot, and

then another, until the bottle was empty.

| collapsed on the bed, numb to the world around me. But even though | was exhausted, sleep wouldn't come. |

lay there, staring at the ceiling, until | heard the first rays of the sun as they peeked through the window.

| got up and walked to the bathroom, my eyes swollen and my head pounding. | turned on the shower, letting the

hot water cascade over my body. | scrubbed my skin, trying to wash away the’ night before.

But no matter how hard | scrubbed, | couldn't get rid of the ache in my heart. | stepped out of the




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Chapter 91

shower, my body feeling raw and exposed. | wrapped myself in a towel and went to the mirror, staring at my

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reflection. The person staring back atwas a stranger.

My hiss of pain turned into a groan as | dressed myself, my body aching from the night before. | tried to put on a

brave face as | walked to my office, but | could feel my resolve slipping. | took a deep breath and opened the

door, and there he was, the man who had stolen my mate. | forced a smile onto my face as | sat down beside


“We'll be leaving now,” he said, his voice calm and measured.

“It’s quite early,” | replied, my voice sounding more bitter than | intended.

“I have pressing issues to attend to,” he said, his eyes not meeting mine. | nodded, biting my tongue to keep

from snapping at him. He had done so much forand my pack, and | owed him my gratitude.

“Thank you for helping out in the war,” | said, trying to keep my voice level.

“It’s the least | could do,” he replied, his eyes fixed on the papers in front of him.

After a few minutes of small talk, | rose to my feet and escorted Kex to the car. But my attention was drawn to

another figure walking towards the car. Nelly. She had a smile on her face, and my heart clenched as | realized

that smile wasn’t for me. She didn’t even notice me. She wrapped her arms around Kex and gave him a tight

hug, before climbing into the car and driving away.

| watched them leave, a painful ache in my chest. My wolf howled in agony.

NOTE: Hey guys! I'm writing this to thank everyone who is reading this book. | didn’t expect this book to get this

popular at all. Well, if you would like to talk about this book and probably interested in reading my other books

on other platforms like Dreame, Pad, cat etc you can join my Facebook group named : Gory Anna’

Reader's Empire. Thank you guys!!






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