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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

Chapter 88.

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Nelly’s POV.

As | stood frozen in place, the arrow flew towards me. It seemed to move in slow motion, as if thad been

slowed down. | could see the details of the arrow with perfect clarity, the fletching, the sharp point, the way the

light reflected off of it.

And then, suddenly, everything sped up again. | felt someone push me, and | tumbled to the ground, landing in a

tangle of arms and legs. It tooka moment to realize that | was entangled with Kex, | let out a sigh of relief.

The arrow landed beside me.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice full of concern. | nodded as we lay there for a moment, my pounding in my

chest. | could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body, making my hands shake. | took a deep breath,

trying to calm myself.


“Thank you,” | managed to whisper. Kex helpedto my feet, and | brushed the dirt off of my clothes. | turned

to look at him, and | saw the worry on his face.

“What were you thinking?” he asked, his voice stern. “You could have been killed!” | bit my lip, knowing that he

was right.

“I don’t know,” | admitted. “I just... froze.”

“Nelly, | think it's best you hide,” he said, his eyes holding my gaze.

| was about to respond when Kex suddenly spun around, swinging his sword in a graceful arc. There was a

sickening thud, and | turned to see a wolf lying at his feet, a large ga sh in its side. Blood spattered onto the

ground, staining the grass red.

“Nelly, you need to go hide,” Kex said, his voice sharp with worry.

“No!” | protested. “I want to fight.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| pulled my swords from my belt and faced the remaining wolves, my heart racing in my chest. | was terrified,

but | couldn't let that stop me. As | fought | kept my eyes in search of Emily, | needed to end her once and for all.

From the corner of my eye, | spotted Emily in the distance, her eyes fixed on me. | moved quickly, my heart

pounding in my chest, and grabbed the fallen arrow from the ground. | closed my eyes, mumbling a silent prayer

to the Moon Goddess for help.

Then, | opened my eyes and let the arrow fly. It struck Emily in the leg, and she let out a

bloodcurdling scream. Her people rushed to her side, but it was too late. Aisha stepped forward, her eyes cold

and calculating.

“This is your last chance to surrender,” she said, her voice hard as steel, as she placed the sword on her neck.

| ran towards Aisha, determined to get to her before she could do any more harm. | could feel the


10:28 Sat, 2 Ma

Chapter 88

adrenaline coursing through my veins, givingthe strength | needed to overcher. Aisha looked at me, her

eyes narrowed.

“I want you to guide n

want to go to torture her,” | said, my voice high and urgent.



| gritted my teeth and summoned all of my strength, launching myself at Emily. She tried to fight back, but | was

too quick for her. | grabbed her arm and began to drag her away, Aisha and few of our guards following behind


We finally reached the hidden cave, a secluded place far from the battlefield. | looked at the entrance, thankful

that our men were guarding it, protecting us from any danger that might try to enter. | turned my attention back

to Emily, who was glaring atwith hatred in her eyes.

Her leg was turning a sickly green, a clear sign that the arrow had been poisoned. | knelt down beside her, my

voice calm and measured.

“Dear Emily,” | said. “It's so nice to see you again, my brother's fake sister.” | smiled, my voice dripping with


| saw the rage flare in her eyes, and | knew | had struck a nerve. She was about to speak, but | cut her off.

“How did you feel when you heard that | was mated to Kex?” | asked, a sly smile on my face. | could see the

hatred burning in her eyes, and it felt like a sweet victory.

“You can’t expectto answer that,” she said, her voice tight.

| pressed the blade of my sword against her wound, and she screamed in pain. | felt a rush of satisfaction, and |

couldn't help but laugh. “Please,” she begged, her voice breaking.

“Don’t do this. Please.” | felt a twinge of guilt, but | ignored it. | wanted to see her in pain to soothe my wolf. How

dare she merge hands with our enemies? How dare she try to end my life?

| was too angry, too hurt to stop. I felt like | was burning up inside, consumed by hatred and rage. | held the

sword against her wound, feeling the heat of the metal against my skin.

She screamed again, and | could see the fear in her eyes. A smirk appeared on my face as | removed

the sword.

Her eyes were wide and full of fear, but there was also something else in them - a kind of glee. She seemed

almost delighted by the situation, and it madesick. | knelt down beside her and asked.

“Why did you poison me?”

“Because you deserve to die, just like your parents and that weakling of a brother,” she replied, laughing.

“You know how my brother died?” | asked, my voice tinged with disbelief.

“I killed the idiot,” she responded laughing.


| couldn’t believe what | was hearing. Emily had killed my brother, | was overwhelmed with and | slapped her

across the face. My hand stung with the impact, and | felt a sick satisfaction..



Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Chapter 88

“How dare you kill my brother!” | roared, grabbing her by the hair. She winced in pain, and | felt a rush of

satisfaction at the sight. Suddenly, | heard a loud trumpet blast and | knew we had won the war. | let out a

triumphant laugh.

“Can you hear that?” | asked, glee in my voice. “Your master is dead. Now it’s just you’

“Killwith your sword,” she begged. | let out a laugh.

“You can’t have a peaceful death. Never! Not after finding out you killed my brother. That poison will eat you up,”

| growled, and | left her in the cave.

| moved through the crowd, making my way towards the pack house. Everyone was celebrating. and | could hear

the sound of laughter and singing in the air. | felt numb, like | was outside of my own body. Aisha cup to me,

her face full of concern.

“What about Emily?” she asked. | shrugged, not knowing what to say.

“Have you seen Kex?” | asked, my voice barely audible. She shook her head, and | felt a sinking feeling in my

stomach. | pushed my way through the crowd, looking for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. | decided to

check the room.

He wasn’t in the room. | decided to have my shower, when | was done | stepped out but he wasn’t dear. | put on

my dress.

“I need to talk to you,” Aisha said as she burst into my room, her face pale and her eyes wide with fear. My heart

started to pound in my chest, my mind racing.

“What is it?” | asked, dreading the answer.

“It’s Kex,” she said, her voice trembling.

“What is it about him?” | asked, feeling a knot of fear in my stomach.

“He’s... he’s been...” Aisha hesitated, as if she couldn't bring herself to say the words.

“He’s what?” | demanded, my voice rising in panic.


