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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82

Chapter 82.

Nelly’s POV.

“Fuck” Kex cursed under his breath as Astel stormed out of the room. He turned to me, his eyes full of anger.

“That idiot,” he mumbled, shaking his head.

| cleared my throat, trying to break the tension in the room. “Let it slide,” | muttered, as | helped him arrange his


As | began to sort of arrange his suit, my mind replayed Astel’s words over and over. again. He wantedback,

but accepting him meant that | didn’t know my worth. | wouldn't let him manipulatelike that.

When we had arrived at the party, | heard the whispers and murmurs of the other


“He’s here alone. | heard Shantel cheated on him,” | heard one man say to another.

I didn’t know how to feel. A part offelt sorry for him, but another part offelt a sense of vindication. After

all the pain he had caused me, he deserved this. But despite everything, he still wantedback. And that was

something | couldn't accept. | refused. to let him useas a consolation prize.

| took a deep breath and turned to Kex, trying to sound calm. “Done,” | said, placing my hand on his cheek. He

pulled away, his expression cold.

“Thank you,” he said, his voice flat and emotionless. It was clear that he was still angry, and | felt a pit of worry

in my stomach. | tried to lighten the mood, but before | could speak, he spoke first.

“Let's go home,” he said, his voice hard.

“But the party's just getting started,” | said, my voice shaking. He didn’t smile.

“I don’t care,” he said, raising his voice. | flinched, and he noticed. “Let's go home,” he said, his voice softening.

| nodded, not wanting to anger him further. As we walked away from the party, my heart was racing. | hated it

when Kex got angry like this.

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The ride hwas silent. Kex gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white. | wondered if

he was mad at me, or if he was just furious with Astel.

| let out a long sigh and looked out the window. The night was dark, the stars glittering

Chapter 82

in the sky like tiny jewels. A full moon shone brightly, casting shadows on the ground. A cool breeze blew through

the car, ruffling my hair. | tried to lose myself in the scenery,

my mind kept drifting back to Kex and his anger.


As we pulled up to the house, | let out a deep sigh. | knew this was going to be a long night. Kex got out of the

car and stalked towards the front door without even looking back at me. | hurried after him, my footsteps

echoing on the pavement.

Kex opened his room door and slammed it shut behind him. | hesitated for a moment, then slowly pushed his

room door open. The door closed with a soft click.

| took a deep breath and asked, “Are you mad at me?”

He turned and looked at me, his eyes flashing with irritation.

“Why on earth would you think | would be mad at you?” he asked, his voice raised. | winced, but tried to keep my

voice level.

“Because you're putting up this attitude. Can't you see it?” | said, trying to keep my tone. gentle.

He scoffed and said, “I'm just mad at Astel. How dare he touch you like that?” | felt my heart melt at his concern,

even in his anger.

He was furious that Astel had touched me, and | was secretly glad that | hadn't accepted Astel’s advances. |

would rather be Kex’s mistress than Astel’s mate. | drew him closer to me, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

He looked at me, his eyes still blazing with anger. Then, slowly, his eyes softened, and | felt a flicker of hope. |

smiled and kissed him harder, pouring all my feelings into the kiss. He pulledcloser, his arms wrapping

around me, and for a moment, everything felt right.

Suddenly, | felt my wolf jump in excitement within me, and | wondered why. Then, my eyes began to flash gold,

and | squeezed them shut. The last t| had felt something like this was when Astel | was mated to Astel.

My heart began to pound as | realized the implication. Has Astel followedhome? Was | tied to him, despite

everything that had happened? Was he my second chance mate? My chest heaved as | struggled to breathe, my

mind racing. | had so many questions.

| forced my eyes open, and Kex’s eyes were glowing the sgolden color as mine.

“Mate,” | gasped. He nodded, the glow fading from his eyes. My mouth dropped open in short

Chapter 82

How was | Kex’s mate? | thought he had a mate already. What was happening? My mind was reeling as | tried to

process this new information. | felt dizzy and disoriented, and the room was spinning. | closed my eyes, trying to

make sense of everything.

| needed to do something, | opened my eyes and dragged my feet. | stumbled over to the water jar on the desk

and gulped down the cool liquid, hoping it would help clear my head. | pinched myself, hard. Ouch,” | winced in


This was not a dream. Kex was truly my mate.

“Did you reject your mate?” | asked, dreading the answer.

| swore | would be mad if he had rejected her. Kex looked down at the floor, his face unreadable.

“I never rejected her,” he said quietly.

“She rejected you?” | asked, my heart sinking.

“No, not yet,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Then how the fuck how we mated,” | yelled, confused.

Everyone does have a second chance mate without stress, but my own as usual it cwith stress.

“Because there’s no mate,” he responded, his voice flat.

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“What?” | whispered, my head spinning.

“That's because she’s not my mate. | lied to you.” My heart dropped like a stone. | hated. lies, and | hated being

lied to even more.

“Why?” | demanded. “Why would you do that?”

“Have you ever wondered why you're only feeling the mate bond now?” he asked, and | paused.

He was right. Why hadn't | felt it before? As if reading my thoughts, he spoke again.

“It’s because you never accepted Astel’s rejection. You didn’t give yourself tto move on.” His voice echoed in

the quiet room.

“When did you find out we were mates?” | asked him, my voice thick with emotion..

“The day we went to the cottages together,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

“And why didn’t you tell me?” | asked, and he gave a bitter smile.





Chapter 82.

“Would you have believed me?” he asked. | looked away, knowing the answer. “You were so into Astel that you

couldn't see me,” he said, pain lacing his words. “Do you know how much that hurt?”

I stood in silence, staring at him. | had been so foolish, unable to see the man right in front of me. | had been

jealous of my reflection. Tears began to well up in my eyes, and | used my hands to fan my eyes, blinking the

tears. | had never been so emotional in my life. Kex has his ways of makingshed happy tears.

“Nelly?” Kex called me.