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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40

Chapter 40.

Nelly’s POV.

“I've found my mate,” he repeated, and | felt my heart plummet to my stomach.

“Who's the lady?” | asked, my voice coming out more shrill than | intended.

He shrugged, his nonchalance infuriating. “It doesn’t matter.”

| gritted my teeth. “Of course it matters! Who is she?”

His lips pressed into a thin line, and he picked up his fork, slowly taking a bite of his food. He was being

infuriatingly vague, and | couldn't stand it.

“Tellwho she is,” | demanded, my voice rising in anger.

“Let it slide,” he said, his voice firm and unyielding.

| nodded, feeling my cheeks burn with frustration. | forced myself to take a bite of food, my mouth dry and my

stomach twisting with nerves. I looked up, and he was staring at me, his expression unreadable.

“What?” | asked, my voice tinged with annoyance.

“We've spent the last few minutes talking about me,” he said, his tone softening slightly.. “It’s your turn. Tell me

about yourself.”

“There's not much to tell about me,” | said, my voice sounding dull and listless. “Just a rejected girl.”

He hummed thoughtfully, his expression neutral. “No siblings?” he asked, his tone gentle.

| shook my head, a wave of sadness washing over me. “My brother went missing,” | said quietly, the memory still

raw and painful. “That's the last thing | remember of him.” | felt my throat tighten, and | swallowed hard,

struggling to keep my emotions in check.

“There was a war in our pack,” | said, my voice trembling slightly. “We were all supposed to hide, but then my

father got injured. My brother went to help him, and that was the last day | saw him.” My eyes stung with tears,

but | refused to let them fall.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You didn’t bother to find him?” he asked, his tone hesitant.

“I was only ten years old, and my brother was twelve. How were we supposed to find. cach other?” | said, my

voice breaking.


Chapter 40

22 FED

“Oh,” he said, his face softening with understanding. “I understand.”

“If I ever find the wolves that broke my family,” | said, my voice hard and determined, “I won't hesitate to chop

their heads off.”

Alpha Kex let out a low chuckle, but there was a hint of admiration in his


“I'm serious,” | said, my face set in a fierce scowl.

He stood up, and put a hand on my shoulder. “I know,” he said, his tone reassuring. “But vou should see the way

you look right now.”

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but feel a bit better.

| stood up, my hands trembling slightly as | placed my dishes in the sink. “I'll go get our things,” | said, eager to

escape the memories that threatened to overwhelm me.

“No, don’t worry,” Alpha Kex said, his voice gentle. “It’s late, and we'll need to get an early start tomorrow.” |

nodded, my stomach twisting with a mix of anxiety and relief.

| sat back down, watching him as he cleared the dishes. | wondered if | would ever find my brother, and if he was

even still alive. A wave of sadness washed over me, and | struggled to keep my emotions in check.

Alpha Kex finished cleaning up, and turned to face me. “You ready for bed?” he asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

| nodded, a small smile forming on my face. “Let's get srest,” he said, taking my hand and leadingto

the bedroom.

I snuggled close to Alpha Kex, my body relaxing as he wrapped his strong arms around. me. | closed my eyes,

my thoughts racing as | struggled to push away the doubts that were beginning to plague me.

“Kex,” | murmured, my voice barely audible.

“What is it, Nelly?” he asked, his voice warm and comforting.

“Did you really find your mate?” | asked, my heart in my throat.

“Do you think | would lie to you?” he said, his tone light and teasing.

| felt a pang of hurt, and the words of my Emily echoed in my head. Maybe she wax right, | was nothing but a sex

toy to him, someone to fill his lonely life before he goes to

his mate.

As | drifted off to sleep, the last thing | remembered was the feeling of hurt and confusion. | wondered if Astel will

ever beg me.


Chapter 40

22 Feb 4

| awoke to the sound of shattering glass, my eyes flying open as my heart raced. | sat up, my body feeling heavy

and stiff.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” a familiar voice said.

| turned to see Alpha Kex, standing in the doorway, a smile on his face.

“Good morning,” | said, my voice still thick with sleep. | stretched, letting out a yawn as | tried to get the feeling

back into my limbs.

“Ready for another of the journey?” Alpha Kex asked.

| dragged myself to the bathroom, my feet feeling like lead. | splashed water on my face, willing myself to wake

up. But Alpha Kex was nowhere to be found. | exited the bathroom, my head still fuzzy from sleep.

| locked the door behindand looked around, but Alpha Kex was nowhere in sight. | walked outside, and there

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

he was, standing next to the car, his expression unreadable.

“Ready to go?” He asked, his voice neutral.

“Indeed | am,” | said, smiling.

He opened the door for me, a gesture that surprised me. “Someone's being a gentleman today,” | teased, trying

to keep my tone light.

“That's what you always wanted, isn’t it?” he said, his voice wry.

| couldn’t help but smile, feeling a warmth in my chest. We both got into the car, and he started the engine.

The car rumbled down the road, the world outside a blur of trees and fields. Inside, the silence was comfortable,

almost soothing. | wrapped myself in a shawl, the soft fabric brushing against my skin.

| closed my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep, as | had so many times before. But something felt different, an

electric tension hanging in the air between us.

| opened my eyes, just in tto see Alpha Kex turn to look at me. Our eyes met, and | felt a jolt of something |

couldn't quite name.

We arrived at our destination, a small village nestled in the mountains. | was about to step out of the car when |

felt a pair of arms wraps around me. | was pulled down into a tight embrace, and | knew it was Aisha.

“I missed you so much,” she said, her voice muffled against my shoulder.

I hugged her back. “It’s so good to see you,” | said, my words coming out in a rush.

10:44 Thu, 22 Feb G G

Chapter 401

“How have you been?”

“I don’t even know where to start,” she said, her voice heavy with emotion. “There's just so much to tell you.”

“Who?” | asked, my heart racing as | waited for her response.

“That witch,” she whispered, her eyes dark with anger.

| was about to ask her what conspired, when we heard a deep, angry voice shouting Aisha’s name.

We both turned to see Alpha Kex, his face red with rage, his fists clenched at his sides.