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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14

Chapter 14.

Aisha’s POV.

“Nelly,” I said, my voice trembling as I rushed to her side. Nelly lay on the ground, her eyes closed, her

face tight with pain. I reached out, gently helping her to sit up.

My fingers grazed the bruises that were forming on her arms and face. My anger rose as I saw the

injuries that had been inflicted on my friend. I turned, scanning the crowd. of trainees, searching for the

person responsible.

Emily was laughing, a shrill, cruel sound that grated on my nerves. I felt my anger surge, and I knew I

decided to confront her. I rushed towards her, my body shaking with rage.

“How dare you push her!” I said, my voice rising in pitch.

Emily looked at me, her eyes wide with surprise. “What are you talking about?” she said, her voice

innocent and mocking.

I felt my hands clench into fists. I knew she was lying, and I couldn’t let her get away. with it.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” I said, my voice low and dangerous.

“And what makes you think I would reply a riffraff like you,” she said, and I gritted my teeth together.

Emily’s smirk was the last straw. Without a second thought, I shoved her with all my might. She let out

a small gasp as she tumbled to the ground. I stood over her, breathing heavily, my heartbeat pounding

in my cars.

“No one touches Nelly and gets away with it,” I said, my voice shaking with anger.

Emily rolled her eyes, clearly unconcerned with my threat. I turned to walk away, feeling a sense of

triumph. But then, a scaring pain exploded in my head.

I gasped, my vision going fuzzy as the world started to spin. My knees buckled, and I collapsed to the

ground, my head throbbing.

Before I could process what had just happened, the person who had been holding my hair finally let go

of it. I turned to see Emily standing over me, her face twisted with

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14:58 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 14

“You think you can threaten me?” she hissed, her eyes blazing.

Without thinking, I swung my arm and slapped her across the face. A shocked gasp rose from the

crowd of onlookers, but I didn’t care.

At that moment, all I could think about was the injustice of it all. But as the seconds ticked by, I felt the

first tendrils of panic begin to creep in. I knew I had just made a terrible mistake, but I will handle that


“How dare you!” she yelled, her face contorted with fury. I saw her raise her hands towards me, and I

braced myself for an attack. But to my surprise, she didn’t hit me. Instead, she lunged forward, her nails

clawing at my face.

I stumbled back, struggling to keep my footing. I felt a sharp pain on my check, and I tasted blood in my

mouth. My anger gave way to fear as I realized that I was in real. danger.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her towards me. I toppled her to the ground, landing heavily on

top of her. She thrashed beneath me, clawing at my arms and legs. I felt a surge of adrenaline course

through my body, giving me the strength to pin her down.

I raised my fist, ready to land a blow, but something stopped me. Lifting my head, I saw Harry standing

a few feet away, his expression filled with horror.

“Let go of her,” he said, his voice low and urgent. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I looked down at

Emily, whose eyes were filled with a smirk. “No!” I said, my voice cracking.

“Aisha, please!” I heard Nelly call out from somewhere behind me.

But I ignored her, my focus entirely on Emily. I felt my hands begin to tremble, and a sob rose in my

throat, I had lost control, and I didn’t know how to stop. If I don’t hurt Emily, I can never calm down,

I was just about to strike when I felt a pair of strong arms lift me off the ground. I thrashed, trying to

break free, but the grip on me was like iron. I turned, and found myself face-to-face with Harry. His eyes

were full of fear and determination.

“Please, stop,” he said, his voice pleading. But I wouldn’t listen.

I struggled against b

my/heart racing and my breath coming in gasps.

I had to d

this. I had to make her understand. Suddenly, Harry’s grip loosened, and I fell to the ground.


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Chapter 141

He knelt down beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away from him, my body tense.


need to stop this,” he said, his voice low and full of compassion. But I just couldn’t bring myself to listen

to him.

“She started it first!” I said, my voice cracking with anger. “I just want to give her a taste of her


I tried to stand, but he held me in place. “That’s not the way to do it,” he said. “You are

going to make things worse.”


“No, you are the one making things worse!” I said, my voice raised in frustration.

“If I had left you alone, you would have done something you would have regretted. You know how

Alpha Kex is, he doesn’t forgive people who hurt Emily.” I rolled my eyes, feeling a surge of irritation.

“I hate people like you,” I said, my voice dripping with venom. “You are always telling me what to do,

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like you know everything. Well, you don’t.” I turned away from him, my body trembling with anger.

Harry’s face went pale, and he rushed towards me. “I was only looking

out for you,” he said, his voice shaking. “I don’t want you to get into trouble. I don’t want you to make

things worse for yourself.”

I froze, I looked at him, and gave him my middle fingers. “I don’t need you to care for me,” I said, my

voice cracking. “I can do that on my own.” I turned away from him, my anger mixed with guilt.

“Come on, let me help you up,” I said, reaching out to Nelly and pulling her to her feet. She stood there,

her eyes red-rimmed and her face pale.

“You really need to get your temper under control,” she said, her voice soft but firm. “If it weren’t for

Harry, we could have been in serious trouble with Alpha Kex.”

I rolled my eyes, wanting to scream at her. But I knew she was right. I sighed, feeling a mix of

exhaustion and frustration.

“Fine,” I said, my voice barely audible. “I will be more calm.”

“Let’s just hope she doesn’t tell Alpha Kex anything about this,” Nelly murmured, more to herself than

to me.

“Like I care,” I said, my voice sharp and dismissive.

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14:58 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 14

Nelly let out a small chuckle. “You do care,” she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “You care

more than you let on.”


I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. She was right, of course. I did care, even if I would rather

not admit it.


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