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Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 3815 - 889 - Mind-Boggling Wealth
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Chapter 889 – Mind-Boggling Wealth

FlDragon God’s Treasury, Advanced Hotel:

Shortly after Dragon’s Crown’s members appeared, Shi Feng noticed that their weapons and equipment had undergone earth-shattering changes.

Take Kowloon Demon, for example. When Shi Feng first met him, he was only equipped with Level 240 Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment. Now, he was fully equipped with Level 240 Taboo Legendary Equipment. He also wielded a Level 240 Legendary Weapon. It wouldn’t even be an exaggeration to say he was completely different from when he participated in the Tosas raid.

However, the substantial improvement in equipment standards wasn’t the only thing that surprised Shi Feng. Besides that, he also noticed that the equipment used by Kowloon Demon and the other Dragon’s Crown members all cwith battle arrays. More specifically, it was a 100-man Silver Battle Array that could provide an all-around improvement when activated.

Is this Dragon’s Crown’s foundation? When Shi Feng saw the current equipment of Dragon’s Crown’s members, he finally understood their initial disdain for the Greater God’s Domain.

Although the remnant primordial world did not have access to Divine Artifact-ranked weapons and equipment, they had Level 240 Legendary Battle Array Equipment Sets. Anyone with such a set could be proud of themself, regardless of their whereabouts.

Divine Artifacts and Fragmented Divine Artifacts might be stronger than Level 240 Legendary Weapons, but they were incredibly rare. Even apex powers would have difficulty fully equipping a 100-man team with Fragmented Divine Artifacts.

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While Dragon’s Crown’s Level 240 Legendary Battle Array Equipment Set might not provide as many Basic Attributes as a full set of Fragmented Divine Artifacts, it could definitely be considered among the best equipment in the Greater God’s Domain.

“Guild Leader Black Flame, we meet again,” Kowloon Demon said, smiling as he approached Shi Feng with his six-meter-tall frame. Then, he proffered a Fragmented Legendary Spatial Bag to Shi Feng and continued, “As per our agreement, here are 50 million Undying Souls and 10,000 pieces of Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment. Each piece currently goes for 50,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal on the market, so the total comes to 500 million units.”

“Ten thousand pieces of Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment?” Shi Feng was shocked.

According to their previous agreement, Dragon’s Crown only needed to trade 10,000 pieces of Level 235-plus Epic Weapons and Equipment with him on each teleport session. In the current Nightmare Holy City, Level 235 Epic Weapons and Equipment only went for 5,000 to 8,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal. This was an absolute steal for the Greater God’s Domain’s players, as Level 235 Epic Weapons and Equipment were superior to ordinary Legendary Weapons and Equipment that capped out at Level 220.

In the Greater God’s Domain, even the weakest piece of Legendary Equipment cost more than 100,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal. Thus, the price of Level 235 Epic Equipment would only be higher. Shi Feng could easily make a tenfold profit by reselling it. Not to mention, Level 235-plus Epic Weapons and Equipment were currently regarded as mainstream by the various powers’ main forces. They were key to raiding Level 220-plus Taboo Dungeons.

As for Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment, that was something Shi Feng had never considered obtaining in bulk. After all, Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment was incredibly rare in Nightmare Holy City. Even the Guild Leaders of the city’s top two Guilds were equipped with nothing more than Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment. Under normal circumstances, there shouldn’t be anyone willing to sell Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment in large quantities.

Yet, Dragon’s Crown was willing to take out 10,000 pieces! This was absolute madness!

“Mhm. These 10,000 pieces are a sign of Dragon’s Crown’s sincerity. From now on, each tyou summon us, we will bring you at least 10,000 pieces of such equipment,” Kowloon Demon said, nodding.

“This equipment is excellent, but I’m afraid I can’t cup with 500 million units of Seven Luminaries Crystal on such short notice,” Shi Feng said truthfully. Although he yearned to have the equipment in Kowloon Demon’s spatial bag, he didn’t even have 200 million units of Seven Luminaries Crystal on him. Unless he returned to the Eternal Realm or sold sof the Taboo Equipment, it would be impossible for him to collect 500 million units of Seven Luminaries Crystal quickly.

“Dragon’s Crown can accept payment in installments if you have trouble obtaining the necessary funds. You simply have to settle the rest of the payment the next tyou summon us,” Kowloon Demon said nonchalantly. He had expected such a situation.

“How about this?” After pondering for a moment, Shi Feng pulled an Intermediate Divine Engraving Scroll from his bag and said, “This is an Intermediate Divine Engraving Scroll. It can enhance the Attributes of a Fragmented Legendary item by 30%. Although it isn’t enough to elevate a Fragmented Legendary item to the Legendary standard, the difference will be small. What if I use this to trade with you?”

It was incredibly difficult for Shi Feng to cup with 500 million units of Seven Luminaries Crystal right now. This was because many Zero Wing members needed Seven Luminaries Crystals to challenge their Tier 6 promotion. The construction of the Dragon-Hunting Artillery also cost a huge sum of Seven Luminaries Crystal. Thus, even if he did return to the Eternal Realm, he wouldn’t be able to pay for Dragon’s Crown’s equipment.

However, if he could pay with Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls, it would be a different story. He could mass-produce Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls, and each cost him only 1,260 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal. Thus far, he had only refrained from selling them in the Greater God’s Domain for fear of empowering his enemies and attracting unwanted attention. However, he would have no such concerns if he sold the scrolls to Dragon’s Crown.

Currently, Dragon’s Crown’s members could only enter the Greater God’s Domain through the Chapter of Space and stay here for three days at a time. Since they couldn’t remain here long term and had to rely on him to visit the Greater God’s Domain, they were no threat to him.

Additionally, the remnant primordial world appeared to be no better than the Greater God’s Domain in terms of divine engraving technology. He hadn’t seen any Basic or Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls on sale in Nightmare Holy City, at the very least. As for the value of Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls, they shouldn’t be much lower than Fragmented Legendary items.

“A 30% improvement?” Purgatory Jade, who had remained silent this entire time, exclaimed as she stared at the scroll in Shi Feng’s hand. A hint of eagerness flashed in her eyes, though she quickly suppressed it before asking, “This is indeed a good item. May I know how you intend to conduct the trade, Guild Leader Black Flame?”

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Shi Feng raised two fingers after thinking for a moment.

“Two pieces of equipment for one scroll? That cheap?” Shi Feng’s offer took Kowloon Demon by surprise. Then, after noticing Purgatory Jade’s elated expression out of the corner of his eye, he hurriedly added, “Guild Leader Black Flame, we have a deal! We will trade at least 5,000 Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls with you each twe chere!”

Kowloon Demon’s response stunned Shi Feng. He had been ready to trade two Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls for one Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment. He hadn’t expected Kowloon Demon to misunderstand him. Moreover, not only was Kowloon Demon willing to accept the misunderstood price, but he also seemed content with it.

However, Shi Feng didn’t bother to correct Kowloon Demon. After all, this was a win-win situation.

Subsequently, Shi Feng accepted the 10,000 pieces of Level 235 Fragmented Legendary Equipment and 50 million Undying Souls from Kowloon Demon. As for the 5,000 Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls, he promised to hand them over to Kowloon Demon before Dragon’s Crown’s members returned.

“Brother Kowloon, I’m a little embarrassed to say this, but I need you all to helpwith something right away,” Shi Feng said awkwardly. “I will compensate you for your services with 500 Intermediate Divine Engraving Scrolls.”

“Guild Leader Black Flame, do tell us what you need help with,” Kowloon Demon said, his interest piqued when he heard the compensation offered. “You are now Dragon’s Crown’s most valued ally. Any trouble you face is Dragon’s Crown’s trouble.”

“I need to head to a place to exchange for sitems in a moment. I’m likely to encounter members of other powers looking for trouble. When that happens, I will need you all to take action,” Shi Feng said, providing a rough summary of his request.

“A fight with the powers of your world, is it?” Kowloon Demon subconsciously licked his lips when he heard Shi Feng’s words, and his eyes lit up with fighting spirit. “Rest assured, Guild Leader Black Flame! If a fight happens, leave it to Dragon’s Crown!”

After receiving Kowloon Demon’s promise, Shi Feng had Dragon’s Crown’s members conceal their identities and follow him to the central plaza.

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