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Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 829 -829
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Chapter 829 -829

Scubi Castle, Royal Hall...

Marlena and Anon is the only one sitting inside the room.

"Master, How did you do that ?" Marlena asked with a confused expression.

"Remove your clothes and Givea blowjob, Bitch." Anon ordered.

"Huh...? I-I mean, Yes." Marlena spoke as she stood up and started walking towards Anon, She slowly unzipped his pants and started giving him a blowjob.


[Master, Can you hear?] A sound rang inside Anon's mind.

'Hmmm...? Is that you, Auric Energy ?' Anon asked.

[Yes, Master.] The Auric Energy replied.

'You can directly communicate with?' Anon questioned.

[Yeah.] Auric Energy replied.

'For how long ?' Anon asked.

[I can do this from the start, Master.] Auric Energy replied.

'Why weren't you talking tountil now ?' Anon asked.

[Well, I don't talk much master and I don't think anyone would want a voice talking inside their mind all the time.] Auric Energy replied.

'Well, Why are you talking totoday ?' Anon asked.

[Yes, About that... Either you have to stop fighting those soul sucking creatures or you have to master my fighting style.] Auric Energy spoke.

'Why ? What happened ?' Anon asked.

[Master, Souls are the main part of your body. A. external contact like the one you had sometbefore can get a scar on your soul.

Your mana will start to drain at an incredible rate, Magic spells will bechard to cast and You won't be able to useanymore.

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Sometlater, You will feel your physical powers going away and in the next hundred years you will die slowly everyday.]

'Woah, Woah... Are you trying to scare?' Anon asked.

[I am just telling you the truth master. If you don't want this to happen, Then we have to attain a synergy while fighting with that kind of Threat.]

'How did you save my soul this t?' Anon asked.

[I redirect his suction force back to his body and that's why he blasted like that But, I can't do this again.

It takes a very High toll on me. Everytyour body senses Danger... It awakensforcefully and I cover your body with a thin protection barrier but if you kept doing that, Then I will die soon master. I am an energy, If not harnessed correctly... I will mix in with the environment and Disappear.] Auric Energy explained.

Anon thought about this as he looked at Marlena's huge ass going up and down while she sucked his dick like a vacuum cleaner.

"Fuck, I am cumming... Take every drop." Anon spoke as he grabbed Marlena's face with both of his hands and rammed his dick directly into her throat.

He placed both of his legs on her back touched her huge ass with them.



Marlena tried to speak something, But at the stshe was busy in drinking Anon's semen.

'Fine... Tell me, What do you wantto do.' Anon asked the Auric Energy.

[We need a Quite place, A big one and it should be situated on a very high place, Like a cave in the mountains or something. You can't have sex until you have mastered me.] Auric Energy replied.

'Hey, Hey, Hey... What does sex has to do with all this ?' Anon asked immediately.

[Makes your mind distracted, you absorb more than normal amount of mana when you are horny and It can affect my consciousness as well.]

'Wait, If I am absorbing more mana then it should be good forright ?' Anon asked.

[Master, I am a force that cancels Mana and If your body absorbs mana, Then it will slow down your progress by hundred times.

You have to let go of mana in order to harnessfully.] Auric Energy replied.

'Well, If I don't have sex for so long. Then I will becmore and more horny, Don't you think ?' Anon replied.

[Master, I will block your horny thoughts and I will block your mana absorbing pores as well.] Auric Energy replied.

"Okay, I have to go." Anon spoke as he immediately stood up from the chair.


"Wait, Master you are going ? Aren't you going to help our kingdom in fighting those creatures ?" Marlena asked with a confused expression.

'Fuck... I was supposed to participate in the Sexton chamber competition today and if I am right, then that competition goes on for months.

But, I only have 15 days. Wait, I have an idea.' Anon thought as he looked at Marlena.

"Marlena, Don't you think that you should postponed this Coming of Age ceremony for now ?" Anon asked.

"Why master ?" She asked with a confused expression.

"The Nightmarrow gave you 15 days and If I entered inside the sexton chamber, Then who will help you ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Ah, You are right. I will cancel it as soon as possible, master." Marlena replied as she immediately stood up from her place and went to the Royal Court.

"Fuck... I thought, I will get to fuck Kolis for the next upcoming months and now these Fucking Nightmarrows.

I will fucking kill them." Anon spoke with an angry expression.

"But, First... I need to bang that Witchcreta. I don't know why, But I need to." Anon spoke as he immediately started walking towards Kolis's Room.

As soon as he exited the room, From the darkest corner of the hall, A creature crawled out.

This creature was none other than the Nightmarrow itself.

"I have to report this-" The creature started speaking as he turned around but before he could've completed his sentence, Anon appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Motherfucker..." Anon spoke with a smile as he grabbed the creature's neck and lifted him into the air immediately.

"L-Look into my eyes..." The creature spoke in a choking voice as he tried to look into Anon's eyes, But what he saw shocked him.

Over Anon's eyes there was a pair of sunglasses and a wide smile on his face. The creature couldn't do anything to Anon's soul unless he looks him directly in the eyes.

[Where did master even get all these ideas from ?] The Auric Energy was shocked at this point.

"Who said I need Auric Energy in order to fight these fuckers ?" Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at the Creature.

Suddenly, the creature disappeared from his hand and re-appeared at a near distance.

"Hmm...? Shadow Jumps ?" Anon spoke with a confused expression as he looked at the creature.

"Keep your distance from me... *Srrrrrr*" The creature immediately growled at Anon as he blend into the shadows.

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"Shadow Blending... Where did you learned all these techniques from ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

'These Skills belongs to Mike... I have seen him use that technique thousands of times, that I don't have any doubts about this.' Anon thought as he looked at the creature curiously now.

"Are you working for someone ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Stay away... Don't cclose. *Srrrrrrr*"  The creature spoke as he growled at Anon and tried to scare him away.

"Yeah, That won't work... You are staying in the shadows of objects because you can't walk into the light and that's why you are trying to scareoff. Am I right ?" Anon asked with a smile.


"You have been observingfor the last 30 minutes, Do you really think that I won't notice that ?

Tell,who you are working for or I will grab that neck of yours and drag you into this light." Anon spoke.


The creature continued to growl at him.

"Listen to me, You little white fuck. If you made that sounds once again... I will give you pain beyond your imagination.

You will beg for death but it won't be given to you unless, I get what I want from you." Anon spoke as he exerted an aura of death from his body.

The creature immediately felt the death Aura and tried to escape, but as he was escaping through the shadows, Anon summoned his Arcane Slayers and immediately placed it in front of the Creature's neck.

"P-Please letgo... I-I have to get back to my lord." The creature spoke as he didn't dared to move a limb at this point.

"One question, One answer... If you tried to speak anything else other than the answer... I will immediately kill you.

Who is Your Lord ?" Anon asked.

"I-I can't tell yo-" Before the creature could've completed his sentence, Anon severed his head with his sickles.

"Well, Now you really can't." Anon spoke as he placed the arcane slayers back into his inventory.


Suddenly, A sound cfrom behind Anon.

"Hmm...?" Anon turned around and noticed that the creature's head was getting back together with it's body.

"Incredible... Even though I cutted your neck with the Arcane Blades, Your regeneration is still working.

That means it's not magical, it's in your body. I would love to perform smore experiments on your body." Anon spoke with an evil smile.