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Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 821 -821
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Chapter 821 -821

"R-RaspuJin ? What are you doing here ?" Guki asked with a confused expression.

"Oi, Cunt... Listen tocarefully. My nis Rasputin. I will fuck you up, if you pronounced my nwrong once again. You get that ?" Anon asked with an angry expression.

"Y-Yes, Master." Guki replied with a scared expression.

"Good... Now, as your master I have stasks for you." Anon spoke with a neutral expression.

"What kind of tasks ? If you think, I have money... Then forget about that, I don't carry it with me. But, I can get arranged-"

"Shut the fuck up." Anon spoke with a serious expression.


"I am going to enslave your mother into my Cum-Dump." Anon spoke with an evil smile as he looked at Guki.

"W-WHAT !?" Guki shouted as he immediately stood up from his seat.

"Sit down." Anon ordered.

"What are you saying, Master ?" Guki asked with a shocked expression as he sat down slowly.

"Yeah, Yeah... You heard it right. I am going to make your mom my Cum-Dump, Sex Slave, Cum-Bucket or sex tool... Whatever suits you." Anon spoke with a Smile.

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"But, Why my mother ? She is so old..." Guki spoke with a confused expression.

"Wait, What ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah, she is over three thousand years old. My father stopped having sex with her when she turned three hundred and started having sex with other Succubus girls.

That's why my mother killed my father. Don't you know that ?" Guki explained.

"So, You are tellingthat the Queen hasn't had sex for the past two thousand and seven hundred years, then how is she she still alive ?

I mean, a Succubus needs life Force to live on right ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"I don't think you hav any idea, who my mom was before she becthe Queen, right ?" Guki asked with a smile. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

"No, surprise me." Anon spoke.

"Well, She was the army general of our kingdom and whenever she went to war, she always brought back thousands of captured enemy male soldiers.

She then sucked out their life force and when she was 50 years old... She had like 3 to 4 million year's worth of Life force in her.

She can live without sex till the end of tbut I warn you, if she had sex with a male... After all these years, I don't think he will live to see another sun.

That's why, I warn you master... You shall look at your plans once again." Guki spoke with a serious expression as he looked at Anon.

"A pussy that hasn't been wet for the last two thousand and seven hundred years. I can't imagine the suction force of that pussy." Anon spoke with a perverted smile.

"Yup, You didn't understand anything letexplain it to you again-"

"No, I am going to make your mom my sex tool and You will helpin that. Do you understand ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

"But, How will you defeat my mom ? She will never let you have sex with her." Guki asked with a confused expression.

"That's why I said, you are going to help me." Anon spoke with a smile.

"How am I supposed to help you, Master ?" Guki asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, You don't worry about that... I will take care of that myself." Anon spoke with an evil smile.

"Please don't hurt me." Guki spoke with a scared expression.

"Well, If you don't wantto hurt you... You have to pretend that you are being hurt byor-"

"I-I understand, Master. I will do as you say..." Guki immediately agreed.

'Well, That was easy. Looks like the Queen forgot to teach her son schivalry.' Anon thought with a smile.

"Wait, How did you find out about our secret trip to the market ?" Guki asked with a confused expression.


Suddenly, the carriage stopped in front of an abandoned building.

"Get out and go inside the building. There is a chair inside the building, All you have to do is go and bind your hands to that chair." Anon spoke with a smile.

"What will happen after that ?" Guki asked with a curious expression.

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"Oh, Yeah... I shall tell you my whole plan, right ?" Anon spoke with a smile.

"Yeah, Yeah... Tell me." Guki replied with a smile.

"Fuck withonce again and I will pull that tongue out of your fucking mouth and blast it into thousands of pieces. You understand that ?" Anon spoke as the smile disappeared from his face and a serious expression appeared.

"I-I am sorry, master." Guki spoke with a scared expression as he immediately stepped out of the carriage and Anon did the same.

After both of them stepped out, Guki went inside the abandoned building and saw an old wooden chair in the middle of the factory.

He sat down on the chair and immediately two thick ropes cout of the chair grabbed his whole body tightly from every side.

"Woah... How did that happen ?" Guki asked with a confused expression.

"Motion sensing magic..." A voice cfrom the dark corner of the building.

"W-Who ?" Guki asked with a confused expression as he looked at the dark corner.

"Hello, Prince Guki." The Witchcreta spoke as she stepped out of the dark and looked at the Guki with a smile.

"Woah, You are the Witchcreta... You are with him too ?" Guki asked with a shocked expression.

"Yes, Mr. Anon is my mentor." The Witchcreta spoke.

"Mr. Anon ? What's that ?" Guki asked with a confused expression.

"You won't understand. Just sit there for the tbeing and shout loudly whenever air flows through your ear or I will have to give you sreal pain." The Witchcreta spoke as she looked at Guki with an evil smile.

"I-I understand."


In the market...

"Hmmm...? Where is my carriage ?" The Queen cout of the beauty product shop with a big smile on her face but left confused when she noticed that her carriage is gone.