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Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince-Novel

Chapter 107 A Cursed Coronation
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The day of the coronation has arrived. The people of Ruthenia flocked around Moskva to witness the most magnificent ritual in Ruthenian history.

There was a slight change, the wedding and the coronation will be held on the same date and same place, and instead of holding it in the Grand Church of the Winter Palace, it’ll be held in the ancient capital, Moskva.

To prevent the Khodynka Tragedy that occurred after his father’s coronation, Alexander didn’t hold a celebration but instead made this day a special holiday where workers all across the Empire will receive double pay.

In Moskva, five golden domes atop the white stone assumption cathedral glistened in the sunlight. Inside, Alexander is draped on his regal fur cape as a servant placed a chain of jeweled medallions over his head.

“Thank you,” Alexander said to the man who placed the exquisite necklace on his neck. The man nodded and left.

At the door, a man dressed in a splendid uniform showed up. Alexander glanced the person up and down. He is a man in his late twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. His outfit consists of black trousers and a black royal tunic with golden epaulets, a sash blue sash, and a ceremonial sword at his side.

He walked over to Alexander who scanned his appearance.

“Looking good, Alexander.” The man said in a casual tone.

“It’s been a long time seeing you, cousin Sevastian,” Alexander replied, rolling his eyes, displeased with the man’s arrival.

The man that just arrived is Alexander’s cousin, Prince Sevastian Alexandrovich of Ruthenia.

Sevastian chuckled in response as he bowed before him. “And you look just like your father. Just like when we were children, and we would play pretend war games.”

“Don’t call me that,” Alexander growled. “We’re not the same person. What are you doing here anyway?”

“Just came to witness the ascension of my cousin, isn’t that the tradition?” Sevastian responded.

“Is that so?” Alexander stated, his voice dripping with annoyance.

“It seems that you’re not pleased with my arrival, Alexander,” Sevastian frowned.-.

Alexander let out a breath. “Well, you just showed yourself up in front of me after I weathered the storm in Ruthenia. If only you showed up earlier, maybe my impression of you would change.”

“You made a good point…” Sevastian trailed off. A faint smile could be seen on his face.

As they were having a brief conversation, another person showed up, but this was no ordinary person. She presented herself with elegance and grace, her silver shoulderless dress revealed her clavicle that gleamed like an alabaster statue, her long golden hair flowed down her back, and her face was beautiful and delicate, her features so perfect. Just like the first time he met her.

“Are you ready, Alexander?” a radiant smile appeared on Sophie’s face.

“As I’ll ever be,” Alexander stepped forward and grabbed both of her hands. “Today is about us, Sophie. The moment that we’ve been waiting for.” After saying that, Alexander kissed Sophie on the lips gently, but passionately. He felt like there was no one else in the room beside the two of them.

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After separating from each other, Sophie smiled widely “I love you, Alexander…”

A faint blush appeared on Alexander’s cheeks “I love you too, Sophie…”

As Alexander was about to embrace Sophie, a voice interrupted.

“You wanted to see me, Your Majesty?”

It was Dmitri, his Minister of Internal Affairs.

“Yeah, what’s the situation outside?” Alexander asked.

“Well, there are lots of people but we had it under control. We even deployed the military for safety purposes. We can still deny the existence of the Black Hand so we’re taking every precaution to make your ascension to the throne run smoothly,”

“Do I have your guarantee on that?” Alexander said.

Dmitri didn’t answer and remained silent. He was uncertain.

“Dmitri…I don’t think you’re giving me confidence here,”

Alexander raised his eyebrow. Dmitri lowered his head “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, we will ensure the security of the event. Be assured.”

Meanwhile, in the capital city of the Deutschland Empire, Berlin, and the Austrean Empire, Vienna, families, friends, and even the royal family were in their living rooms with their television turned on.

Kaiser Wilheim and Emperor Licht watched the ceremony unfold remotely from their office. They were impressed by its functions, one doesn’t need to go to Moskva to watch the ceremony, instead, they can watch it from their home. What’s more to it is that it’s broadcasting live, meaning what they are seeing on television is happening right now.

For now, only the Deutschland Empire and Austrean Empire have the infrastructure to support television transmission. But in the coming years, Alexander envisioned his invention would take over the world where it connects people despite the distance.

Back at the ancient capital of Moskva. In the Assumption Cathedral of the Moskva Kremlin. A priest in a golden robe waits between a pair of thrones as Alexander and Sophie parade toward him with fur capes draping over their exquisite garbs. Family, clergy, and dignitaries,  looked on in awe in lavish apparel.

There’s also a television camera inside the cathedral, capturing every moment and then broadcasting it to every television watching the coronation.

After the solemn walk of the royal couple, they arrived at the altar.

Alexander faced the crowd inside the cathedral and recited his vows.

“Oh, Lord, God of our fathers. You have chosen me as sovereign and judge over your people. I confess to your inscrutable providence in selecting me. Inspire and enlighten my path, and direct my actions in the awe-inspiring mission. May the wisdom that descends always from your throne—abide with me,”

After his solemn speech, the priest holds a fantastic jeweled crown in his hand. He makes the sign of the cross with it and has Alexander kiss it.

Alexander leaned forward and kissed the crown. He then grabbed the crown gently and placed it on top of his head.

The same ritual was performed with a smaller crown, which the priest placed on Sophie’s head.

The couple faced the audience with great solemnity. Alexander held a jeweled scepter by his side.

The audience clapped loudly.


“Look! What is that?”, school children are given a special treat today.

They will get to watch the coronation of the new Tsar on the TV the headmaster bought or was donated to them by charitable figures.

The TV is turned on and the children are all gathered close to it due to the picture being blurry from poorer reception.


People gather at the front window of their local radio and electronics shop to watch the coronation. The owners turn all sets on to attract more people to their storefronts to watch the event as free advertising for their shops.

These people watching are those that can’t afford a television set yet, like children, laborers, beggars, single mothers with their babies and etc.

They all have their eyes glued on the crowning of the new Tsar of Ruthenia.


Hidden in alleys or disguised as food stand owners, the Black Hand agents spread themselves thinly to cover as much area as possible.

They carry simple radio detonators in a variety of hidden containers with a switch poking out,

The radio detonators are just a coil of wire with Leyden jar capacitors and a spark gap.

The agents all wait for the signal.


In a room, the Black Hand operations leader watches an untampered TV.

When the Tsar and Tsarina are officially crowned. He flicks a switch.


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Jean was late again, running to a coronation party he was invited to.

He is always late to things, parties, work, and catching a train. Friends laugh at him for being always late. It wasn’t his fault; he was suspected of stealing something and was questioned by police until they found the real culprit.

He was at the front door of his friend’s apartment when things went to hell.

Some of the many windows of the apartments were blown out as explosions from within rang out. Showering the streets with glass and masonry, the building shook from the explosions.

For some reason, Jean was glad he was late for something as more explosions rang down the streets.


The roast peanuts seller bends down to press a button.

The electronics shop with people gathered at the front exploded as several TV sets went off at once.

The people closest to the windows were blown to pieces, and the people behind them were killed by shockwaves and shrapnel formed from the explosion.

The young, old, poor, and rich all lay dead or dying from the blast.


The children and teachers watching the television in a schoolroom were all killed when it exploded. The pieces of TV were like bullets as it pierces and tore into the students and staff.


The royal guards burst into the room much to the surprise of Kaiser Wilhelm.


the royal guards quickly pull out the Kaiser from his office before he could say a thing.

“What is the meaning of this?!”, the Kaiser demanded once they were in a safer spot.

He then hears booming sounds from outside.

“Are we under attack?!”

“The Televisions your majesty! The televisions are exploding!”

In other countries with Ruthenian TV reception, the same is happening as important people and leaders are taken by their security to safer areas.

The terror attack on televisions has taken the lives of several thousand innocent people.

The survivors recall that the television exploded after the crowning of the new Tsar.

The fact that the televisions are from Ruthenia and the bombings happened when many will tune in to watch the coronation of Alexander forms a simple logic.

The Tsar of Ruthenia has attacked their neighbors without provocations by using televisions as trojan horses.